Look, I said I was working a lot, not that I died.
Mike, over at Cold Fury, riffed on this essay over at American Thinker.
(TL;DR...? Codswallop.)
Peter, over at Bayou Renaissance Man, linked to not one, not five, but thirteen articles going on about imminent civil war in America.
And by one definition of same, over at Forward Observer, we're already engaged in a "low-intensity conflict". (And we probably are.)
If you're expecting a quick piece, this is the point where you should go to the bathroom, visit the snack bar, pour a large beverage, and fasten your seatbelts.
This is where we make up for our recent preoccupation, to deliver the quantity and quality absent hereabout for a couple of days.
Parental warning notice:
I'll start with the Lopez essay, being the fattest carp in the rain barrel, as it's the stupidest collection of drool we've seen in some time, at least without a toddler's bib wrapped under it.
I am nowhere near as confident as Kurt Schlichter that the right wing could trounce the left wing in battle. We can't even unite to keep Alex Jones on Facebook.
To Whom It May Concern:
If that sort of slipshod half-assed fallacious twaddle is what passes for "thinking" at American Thinker, I humbly suggest it's time to change the name on the masthead to American Shithead. If that shell landed inside someone's perimeter, right on top of their ass, and left their panties all perplexingly atwist, I further recommend that they set about unfucking themselves, at a high rate of speed.Allow me to restate Lopez' recokulous non-sequitir of illogic in plainer language:
I am nowhere near as confident that conservatives could eat food, because they refuse to eat a triple-decker shit sandwich while doing a headstand in an open cesspool 6 feet deep.Brilliant reasoning, Lopez. Well-played, right there.
Because obviously, anyone unwilling to give two shits whether Facecrack lives or dies, let alone rise up in defense of Alex Jones' ability to spew his amalgamation of 50% fact and 50% cow dung (I'm spotting him the benefit of the doubt, bigly) since...oh, forever, on such a compromised medium, is clearly not committed enough to the cause of...wait, were we talking about liberty, or insanity?
The critical flaw in Lopez' entire screed is a fatal inability to distinguish a baby from bathwater. And it keeps biting him in the ass throughout this rancid essay:
We may fantasize that conservatives constitute a massive invincible army against the left. None of this will help us if nobody is willing to show up for the fight.
Why say this? Because they weren't willing to die on the hill of Roy Moore's senate candidacy. Waitwaitwait...grassroots conservatism is nil, because the RINOs in the GOPe, The ones who nominated Bitch McConjob as their leader, the very ones who just spent a whole day giving happily dead ex-senator John McCrazy's festering corpse a public tongue-bath before burying it, was supposed to fight for a Trump-endorsed and deeply flawed candidate, who lost? Whatever Lopez is smoking, it's time to lay off it for a year or two, and find a good drug rehab program, before he posts again.
Conservatism from coast to coast isn't suspect because people aren't stupid or insane enough to be willing to die on whatever dung-mound you push up, no matter what flag you plant there.
The feds have too much say and sway in land management west of the Rockies, a fact no sane person would deny.
That doesn't thereby obligate me to chain myself at the neck to the retarded efforts of the inbred Bundy clan, or take affront at the death of a misguided jackass, prancing around a snow bank after nearly running into a roadblock, and literally yelling "Shoot me! Shoot me!" at state and federal officers pointing rifles at him, who then got his wish, while everyone in the same vehicle who didn't act like a capering lunatic went home with no extra kinetically-produced assholes in their meat suit, and subsequently walked out of court free as a bird.
The reality is, you won't find conservatism if you keep looking for it among non-conservatives, no matter how hard you look there, and neither my nor anyone else's conservatism is suspect simply because we're not the same lunatics about silly ideas as some other people, nor will drink their asinine Kool-Aid with floating cat turds in lieu of ice cubes. The proper response to such jackassical demands is a sentence regarding self-fornication in the imperative tense, that ends in "...sideways, with a rusty chainsaw!"
Lopez goes on about what happens if the Dems win at the mid-terms:
Trump Will Be Impeached but Probably Not Removed from Office.Uh huh. And shooting the Archduke Ferdinand will finally win Serbia independence from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. How'd that work out in real life? Let's check the tape...
So, not so much.
You know, I know, and Yellow Dog knows that all the ceaseless temper tantrums and diaper-spackle-flinging by the Leftard Lunatics since November 9th, 2016 is based on nothing from reality, and that if the House flips to (D) in a couple of months (which I doubt, but prudence dictates options...), a vote to impeach won't lead to open season on Democrat politicians, it will be open season on Democrats, nationally, in all 50 states and 7 territories, no regulations, and screw the bag limit.
You attempt some kind of national coup, even by lawfare, and there's no reason for anyone else to maintain a grip on reality or rule of law: you'll find out what that long-rumored national civil war looks like. There are 60M Republicans, 160M gun owners, somewhere north of 600M guns, and 1T rounds of ammunition, but just like the Swiss general told the German field marshal in 1938, all it will take is everybody on our side to shoot twice, and the party's over for the other side, for another 200 years, as their party's mascot goes from the jackass, to the dodo.
Their illegal alien communist asswipe president spent eight years yakking about how "elections have consequences". Now, they don't like what happens when the shoe's on the other foot?
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Feel the Bern. |
Word to your mother: "elections have consequences" is the only thing Obozo got right, in eight years in office. (You read it here first.) Y'know what that means?
President Trump is Obama's only actual legacy.
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Elections have consequences, bitchez. |
Want to bootstrap your way straight to Matt Bracken's predicted "Bosnia, times Rwanda"...?
Try to undo the 2016 election by anything other than winning in 2020.
Opened a newspaper lately, Leftards? Good luck with that plan.
Try to shortcut it with an impeachment, and it won't be one guy with an AK-47 at a softball game.
It will be 150M guys with nothing to lose, and no reason not to do this:
Oh, and there won't be anyone from the AP around to immortalize the opening of your mind 158 grains at a time on the cover of some liberal lie-rag: the communist press corps will be the ones already slumped at your feet when your turn comes. But if you're the type that has to learn from your own mistakes instead of others', by all means, let's open that ball. Many of us have walls of ammo cans loaded with your diplomas, and if you persist, Graduation Day is coming. You won't graduate magna cum laude, nor summa cum laude; it's more likely to be Oh Laude!
Lopez continues:
Conversion Therapy Will Be Banned Nationally, and a Sexual Police State Will Be BornGood luck with that plan. Stalin asked how many divisions the Pope had. The Soviet Union crumbled, and the next Pope was from formerly-occupied Poland. Anybody who seriously thinks they're going to shutter churches, or lock up pastors and priests, has another think coming.
This won't be nisei Japanese Americans, politely, dutifully, and obediently lining up for the bus ride to desert internment camps. It will be NASCAR fans, Polish bowling teams, and soccer hooligans planting cops like wheat seeds, then judges, then politicians, and then going after their wives and kids. For sport.
Yes, really.
You won't be sending any Christians into the arena to be eaten by lions.
You got one bite at that apple in Waco in 1993.
You want to try it again, and see how it plays in v2.0...?
It's going to be tough to serve a warrant when it's a suicide mission.
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!" - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago
If someone is expecting Christians to report to the Coliseum for "processing", because reasons, you ought to know that some people's Christianity may be a bit more muscular than namby-pamby "gentle Jesus, meek and mild" as taught by closeted gay milquetoasts in days of yore, and a lot more like Jesus making a whip of cords, and driving people out of the Temple, and whose religious practice may be a wee bit more reminiscent of Mr. Nightlinger's prayer...
Anyone concerned should nota bene, some folks are school-trained in certain things, and the curriculum doesn't include warnings. Or warning shots. You really want to open that game? Call the toss in the air...
More idiocy:
Congress Will Pass Open Borders Laws that Trump Will VetoNice try. What you meant to type was
Congress will Pass open Border Laws, And Be Forced To Go Into Hiding.
Ethnicity will become your military uniform, and anything moving north within 100 miles of the border will be exterminated with extreme prejudice.FIFY.
There you go: Bosnia times Rwanda. QED.
That's going to cut into that whole identity politics BS when all that's left standing is Not Your Team, huh?
And finally:
Conservatives Will Complain and Roll Over and Do Nothing
I am sorry this prediction is so dire, but we have seen little in recent history to indicate any other outcome if Democrats take the House and Senate.
The point is, we have to hold both houses of Congress, which means we have to get moving immediately. As I told my Christian friends recently, "yes, God is on the throne. But we still have to get off our couches and do something."
Psychiatrists call that "projection". I suspect, not having found any evidence of his graveyards to this point, we may safely assume Mr. Lopez will continue to wet himself, because no one is willing to die on his personal dung-ball mounds. Should his prophecy come to pass, he will be seen scurrying to paint himself as the architect of its success, as all dutiful wannabe leaders do.
But we won't find him in any actual frays, just hypothetical/metaphorical/imaginary/illusory ones, over stupid things and petty whinging that no one is remotely willing to kill or die for.
And we won't find him bearing actual arms, opposing actual foes, slinging actual lead, nor even training for same by shedding actual sweat. Because it's icky, and hard, and no fun.
He will just continue to virtue-signal his perpetual betterness than others, demonstrated by his actual distaste for actual preparations for actual battles, and then call the kids that won't play his petty games a bunch of poopy-heads.
What made the circus a show was that people got into a cage full of actual lions and tigers. All Mr.
Peter's take, at BRM is simply summarized by Churchill's Maxim:
"Jaw, jaw, jaw, is better than war, war, war."And yet, there are people trying to roll the boulder up the precipice, and then over it, because they're more enamored of Maxim's Maxim:
There is no shortage of anarchic nihilists on both sides, wanting nothing so much as to watch everything burn just to see the fire.
They aren't your friends, or allies, or anything you want within 100 miles of you or yours, now, then, or ever.
Secession seemed like a pretty good idea in 1861.
Just a few years later, not so much.
And the mementos are still there 175 years later.
Some people thought they could bomb their way to the world they wanted.
They thought that what went around wouldn't come around.
Bad plan.
There are three immutable rules of war.
I) War is not your friend.
II) Sometimes, you don't have a choice about one.
III) Winning is always better than losing.
You may not take an interest in a civil war, or even in a low intensity conflict.
That's your choice to make.
But nevertheless, civil war or a low intensity conflict will take an interest in you.
Avoid crowds.
When bad things happen, be somewhere else.
Make a plan. Work the plan.
This ain't the movies, and you ain't John Wayne.
Train and prepare your @$$ off to deal with one if it comes.
Do everything else you can, short of compromising fundamental principles, to see that it doesn't. (And btw, there's nothing wrong with throwing fireballs deep in the enemy's territory, instead of sitting in your bunker waiting for one to land on your porch.)
If you have no choice than to play for blood, be their Huckleberry.
No, American conservatives haven't risen up over plastic straw bans, nor for tearing down Confederate monuments, or even such outright blasphemy as the Designated Hitter Rule.
All that proves, to people waiting for it earnestly, is that most people don't think those things matter, in anything like life or death terms. IOW, they've got a firm grip on reality.
You may also recall that we'd never nuked anyone for the first 169 years of our national existence, either. We are a longsuffering, patient, and tolerant people.
Until we're not.
You want to find out what matters? What's important? What will be tolerated?
Try and take his bone away from a pit bull.
And if you're those glass-jawed retards, like Antifa?
Well, if you have to learn things first-hand...suture self.
And for the whackjobs and little dogs yipping about how nothing is happening, and the world isn't gloriously aflame, dammit, please, by all means, fuck right the hell off, (strong message follows), qwitcherbitchin, and spare sane men any more of your unadulterated bullshit. Or at least save it until next spring, when it will finally come in handy for planting the rose bushes.
Aesop, Probably wrong place to ask, but didn't you review the new Jack Ryan series on Amazon sometime recently? Or am I just imagining your take on that P.O.S.? Wow.
As always, please continue... Best blog on the interwebs!
Damn, fine form you are! Maybe you should work more in turd world hospitals and come back to castigate those that think we are like them.
as always: poignant.
Well stated, sir. Well stated!
I'm very flattered to see "Bosnia times Rwanda" mentioned.
Great photo essay, I posted it on Gab and Twitter FWIW.
(I'm on another 30-day Facebook ban, who gives a shit.)
Really good, Aesop. Really good. And the visual aides were also top notch.
Thank yew.
The best predictor of future behavior, is past behavior.
You've never fought back. None of you. Ever.
But, 'next time will be different'. Somehow.
Sheer hubris ... if for no other reason than that the Commies have a long, long history of winning. And Conservatives have a long, long history of getting genocided.
The guy is right. You might all be real bad-ass killers, but if you won't actually engage, then you've lost, by default. And that is the condensed History of post-War politics.
Yeah, OK. Did you READ this essay? Do you UNDERSTAND the idea that all of the "winning" by the other side was by default in games that are Too Stupid To Play?
You engage when you have to do so. Which so far is ... Not Yet. Every day we don't go hot is another day to prepare.
You have no idea whom you address when you say we've not "fought back". I'll wager you're just another agent provocateur trolling along.
By all means prattle on. Somewhere Else would be a better place, though.
Boat Guy
"The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior." -
King George III
Pasha Yusuf Karamanli
George IV, Prince Regent
Generalissimo Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
Jefferson Davis
Chief Sitting Bull
Chief Crazy Horse
Chief Geronimo
Queen Maria Christina
Kaiser Wilhelm
Emperor Charles I
Emperor Hirohito
Reichschancellor Adolph Hitler
Benito Mussolini
Kim Il Sung
Ho Chi Minh
Muammar Qaddafi
General Hudson Austin
Mohammed Farah Aidid
Maximum Leader Manuel Noriega
Saddam Hussein
Osama Bin Laden
Hey, good call there.
Great company you're keeping.
What could possibly go wrong?
Obama survived 8 years of tyranny with no major eruptions except his own "community organizing'.
You think they are afraid of us.
Give Nancy or Perez the gavel one more time.
Lefties are just getting started.
Berserkers, mad dog right wing death squads is what it will take to eliminate the communists.
If you ain't up for that hide in your little trailer & STFU.
When 100 Antifa throw a riot at Berkly & 99 are hospitalized Sunday morning, we have fought back.
Anifa needs to meet a real right wing death squad not a bunch of church going "conservatives".
I'm talking about people who would scare the SWAT teams.
Well,now I know to a small degree how I sound to others when I go off on a coffee fueled but thought out rant!I need a pick me up later in the day will re-read this and forgo that final cup of java!You seem to in my opinion anyhow captured the spirit and thoughts of many in one essay,well done!
I think the review of Jack Ryan you're thinking of was Miguel over at Gun Free Zone:
Sorry, I'm not about bein all boo-scary to the left. Time comes they'll likely be scared - or not, don't care.
I've always held that the America I know is a lot like Lurch (from the Adams Family). He's big, he is of questionably cynical nature and he don't move to quick. But get his attention, piss him off and once that slow unwavering behemoth starts moving in the direction of his ire I suspect it is difficult to get him to change course. Moral: Don't fuck with Lurch.
I'm not kneejerking-off my way into prison and/or bankruptcy and ruination over some namby-pamby nonsence I heard about over the internet that doesn't really affect anything in the long game.
To say something along the lines of "we won't do anything because we haven't done anything," is another statement bleating sheer ignorance about what type of men you are addressing.
Most of us have lots to lose and have risked much prior to this point. We were looking for a quiet place to raise our progeny and our beasts. A time and place to peacefully enjoy the Autumn and Winters of our lives. Asking and taking nothing from anyone other than what we had earned. We are loathe to give that up.
I don't know what it takes or where the line is to finally scour the hatchets that we buried, but there is a line that shouldn't be crossed (but probably will be crossed because these jackasses don't know any better and...well...we won't do much because we haven't done anything before now.)
At that point, it's simple arithmetic....how many LEO investigations can take place when the State-Sponsored thugs get bushwacked on the way to wherever they are going? Hell, how many show up to work after their wife finds a night letter on their front door with names and pictures of their children along with a bit of "advice," for said thug?
Although I'm past my prime, think I'm not capable of vigorous activity should someone decide that my Grandchild needed to be flashbanged or my beasts dispatched? I'm not the only one.
How many Gov't agencies can run on solar power because lines are cut and fuelers somehow never seem to make it to refill back-up generators? What happens when SNAP payments don't go through? Or the lights don't come on in cities full of feral youth? What will those feral youth do when there is nothing to eat? Think suburbia doesn't become a war zone?
Gonna call in the National Guard? The active duty folks? That just crosses the line for more people. Besides, we couldn't beat Arabs or Pashtun's with semi-relaxed ROE. Think someone is going to really turn loose a BCT or MEU in Des Moines or Denver?
Hell, it would take regimental strength to even have a chance at "securing," the three county area around me. The AOI around those counties is full of forests and farms and the folks typically associated with that sort of terrain. Think they haven't had enough of this nonsense? Wonder how long before their "line in the sand," is crossed once the military begins operations?
Just because I haven't doesn't mean I won't. It's because I haven't been pushed to that point....yet.
So.... According to "Loopy" Lopez, I'm suppose to kit up for Alex Jones, a guy, who for years has tried to get deplatformed, and was finally successful. I like Alex, in small spurts, particularly when he has Mr. Bracken on his show. Any publicity is good publicity for Alex. He gets to play the martyr, and gets more cashish. A win-win for him.
Also, according to "Loopy", I was suppose to again kit up for Roy Moore? Uh...nope. He didn't even campaign in the general, just sat on his butt thinking the R's riding to his rescue on election day. Trump didn't endorse him initially, because he knew that Moore would have a hard time in the general. Was it fair what the commies did to him, nope. But life ain't fair, deal with it, and punch back twice as hard.
Both of these people could be compared to that lunatic John Brown and his raid on the armory at Harper's Ferry. How many people rose up on that stupidity?
The Fort Sumter moment hasn't occurred, yet. Some want it sooner rather than later (I don't want it at all, war sucks). When it does occur, it gonna be lit (as the kids say), and we won't have an Appomattox Courthouse Surrender moment. Food for thought.
A better approach would be those 99 ambushed far from the event, far from cameras, the media and law enforcement.
At this point, no good can come from beating down AntiFa on camera so the undecideds can be influenced by the media spin.
@Katzkiner--Antifa can demonstrate in communist strongholds all they want, and there is no sane reason to care..Sensible people will start fighting only when something demonstrably very harmful to them or their families is on offer. And not in an enemy stronghold....Peace is not to be forsaken for trivial reasons.
Poncho Luoncho said it best for me and mine. I suspect for many.
" We can't even unite to keep Alex Jones on Facebook. "
You know, if I represented a number of governmental and quasi-governmental bad actors, and had a lot of malfeasance to hide, I could do worse than to find (and maybe fund) me a guy who would occasionally actually speak truth, but spend the majority of his time spewing nonsense and generally coming across as an overbearing whackadoodle. I'd make a point of regularly feeding this guy a few, generally minor, things we'd rather have kept under wraps. It'd be worth it (especially if the minor truths were things that looked probable to be already have been leaked anyway), because if a substantive leak really did happen, I could then cheerfully point out that it was a paranoid conspiracy theory first put forth by my tame whackadoodle, so of course ALL of it is clearly nonsense. Between the 99 and 44/100% tame press and normality confirmation bias the average person becomes instantly not interested in whatever happened.
Now I don't know if Alex Jones served (wittingly or unwittingly) in such a role, but if he wasn't doing that I'd have to find me someone who could do that.
Hey Bog - aren't you over in (formerly) Great Britain? Or do I mis-remember?
"Lepetomane frewway? What'll that asshole think of next? Somebody's gotta ride back and get a shitload 'a nickels". .....Maybe not.
While I hope you are right, sooner rather than later, I suspect much much later is most likely. Remember the Rotherham 1400. All those fathers find out that their daughters were not just raped, but pimped out... and not one (that we heard about on this side of the Pond) picks up his (licensed and registered) cricket bat and goes Full Negan on a single swarthy gentleman or imam? The cover-up is revealed and not one do-nothing council man or blind police inspector get a molotov cocktail alarm clock at 3 am?
Mollie Tibbits's father likes tacos more than his own daughter being alive. Tacos.
1) Limeys are not Americans, and Americans are not Limeys.
One might have expected that 1776, 1812, and Neville Chamberlain would have demonstrated the point to put it sufficiently beyond further dispute.
Formerly-great Britistan is either going to awaken, and find its Viking blood again, or not, and accept dhimmitude with a stiff upper lip, and its trousers around its ankles, both metaphorically, and literally.
Personally, nothing would be more satisfying than seeing them go all Hot Fuzz/Shaun Of The Dead on their Worthy Oriental Gentlemen, but one must remember that even Simon Pegg is an aberration.
2) Mr. Tibbetts is
a) in his grief, in real terms, and thus forgiven for being batshit crazy at the moment, and
b) a self-loathing white-guilted SJW of long-standing. If the murder of his daughter didn't induce him to pick out a weapon, and carry out a one-man crusade to rid Iowa of illegal aliens by sometime next Thursday, in real time, nothing else likely can, nor ever will.
This underlines a serious defect of character, and a rather obvious dearth of what it means to be an actual American, but it only underlines that he's not the people we're talking about even given the most obvious rationale for action.
This is a man who would have offered to negotiate with the Japanese after the "misunderstanding" at Pearl Harbor, with his neighbor's children oily lumps of floating charcoal on Battleship Row, and excused the behavior of their murderers rather than marching up to their pagodas and nuking their asses.
That's a fundamental character flaw, irreparably fatal, in a genocidal way.
As a camp inmate, he would have made a fine roster checker for the trains at Auschwitz. Being born in America no more makes on an American than being born in a garage makes one a Corvette, QED. One might have thought the counter-example of 10M-20M illegal alien anchor babies since 1965 would have demonstrated the obvious truth there.
Exactly as noted in the piece, looking for conservatives or conservatism among those who aren't, and don't possess any, and/or expecting them to transmogrify into them before one's eyes, only proves that one is a thorough-going moron.
But if you doubt me, get a heavy-duty industrial press, and a bag of Kingsford briquettes, and call me when you can start manufacturing diamonds, instead of simply a lot of charcoal dust. This is why alchemy is to manufacturing what astrology is to astronomy, and global warming is to science.
I'm not accusing, just suggesting: Don't be that guy.
Very interesting comment thread. It's important to understand the incrediblly stultifying effect of political correctness. We see the depth of current P.C. brainwashing in the case of the father of murdered Molly Tibbetts, and we saw it in the UK, where over a period of 30 years up to A MILLION English girls were systematically seduced, groomed, drugged, gang-raped and trafficked as unpaid sex-slaves. (Highly recommended book on the subject: Easy Meat by Peter McLoughlin). And as of yet, nobody has gone "Charles Bronson" in revenge attacks.
It's easy to disparage the Brits, but the same stultifying or even paralyzing effect of P.C. is now visible in our America armed forces. Last week a USMC Colonel, a battalion commander I believe, was fired for using the word "faggot" in a general way. And why do you think two of our best and most modern destroyers were rammed by slow-moving tankers? P.C.
Our senior military officers are today more afraid of "the diversity commissars" than they are of losing their ships! They knowingly put their bridges and CIC's in the control of affirmative-action imbeciles and girls who froze and went catatonic under normal real-world pressure, that is, maneuvering their ships in sea lanes. God help us if we have to fight the Chinese navy, and the pressure involves dodging salvos of hypersonic sea-skimming anti-ship missiles!
So when will the collision of reality vs. P.C. lead to the dam breaking? Would the impeachment of President Trump do the trick? I don't know. But one difference between the UK and the USA is the number of long-range rifles in private American trained hands. Taking a cricket bat into a no-go-zone against a gang of moslem invaders is not the same proposition as launching a 150 grain projectile from 600 yards away.
And it might not even come down to folks making the individual choice to go kinetic. Other factors could cause a social breakdown that would run beyond anybody's ability to stop it. The aforementioned failure of the SNAP/EBT system, for example.
For me, I'm glad I live in a country where at least I can prepare for the unknown future with the best tools to defend my castle and my neighborhood, unlike the disarmed and highly surveilled Brits.
Speaking of "finding its Viking blood again," I have found the Soviet silver fox fur-farm experiments to be highly educational. Yes, we all know that in a few generations of selecting for docility, the wild foxes resemble chubby Pomeranians with curly tails.
But less knows is that the rogue Soviet geneticist in charge of the fox farms ran the experiment in reverse. (Remember, all the DNA was pure wild fox.) In a few generations of selecting among the docile foxes for aggression, they were right back to the wild foxes of their ancestors!
Civil war and social breakdown will rapidly select for "Viking blood." The docile British homo/metrosexual men will be dead or enslaved/castrated. The survivors in the rubble will carry the blood of British lions. The same will happen in Germany, etc.
I found this on Gab. "Refugees Welcome"
Try again. Refugees welcome:
Fantastic to see Matt Bracken commenting here.
Aesop, you've nailed it once again in "Being born in America no more makes on an American than being born in a garage makes one a Corvette, QED. " I've known foreign-born naturalized AMERICANS and I've seen plenty of native born quislings (one recently interred at great expense to those of us who pay taxes).
My Team Guy Brother also has hit the essential point; "Civil war and social breakdown will rapidly select for 'Viking blood.' " Yes there will be casualties among us too, but you gotta die of something, right? Better to go down in a pile of brass than on your knees - but that doesn't mean I'm relishing that choice coming; just establishing the parameters - and doing the best I can for me and mine until it does.
Boat Guy
Do not mistake our patience for weakness and cowardice.
"The truly dangerous man dresses inconspicuously and is soft- spoken. He walks away from most confrontations. The only time you learn that the truly dangerous man is mad at you is a split second before you die, for he never fights. He only kills. The truly dangerous man knows that fighting is what children do and killing is what men do." - Charley Reese 1986
I find it interesting that so many are convinced of the proposition that "conservatives will do nothing" when it comes to cases. Also interesting is how firmly they are convinced that conservatives are all on the couch now.
I'm reminded of the old joke that starts and ends "Did you hear about the perfect murder?" While I have zero first, second or third-hand knowledge, I suspect there are Things Happening. Watch you local news closely and you may see or hear of things that just don't add up to the narrative being presented. Those are the ones that would bear a bit of investigation for the well-informed.
Important to know that there's just as much poverty and food stamps in the suburbs these days as the inner cities... And w/ gentrification of most of america's inner cities, the suburbs are seeing problems increase while they reduce in the urban core -- generally speaking, excepting a few neighborhoods with public sector housing, section 8 shacks, etc.
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