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You. SOON. Is that a good look for you? |
We didn't love freedom enough. And even more - we had no awareness of the real situation....We purely and simply deserved EVERYTHING that happened afterward."
Those words ring down through all time. And they really do wound my heart with a monotonous languor. And yes, I chose that phrase a-purpose. Capice?
Sound familiar, people? You don't feel like you understand what's really happening?
You don't love freedom enough to stand up for it at the only chance you're ever going to get, consequences be damned? Burglars and despots rarely send out appointments. It's come-as-you-are. Ready or not. You think you're going to magic your way out of that date?
If so, you can expect to deserve the same EVERYTHING that Solzhenitsyn and his fellows received. In spades.
Too harsh? Try it in a lighter vein:
"We're afraid! We might get in trouble!"
Well you can just kiss my ass.
I don't care if you puss out. I don't care if Trump even throws in the towel. (And I don't think he will, but even if he did, it wouldn't matter.) This ain't about him, nor simple partisan shoving at the trough. It's about the entire idea of America. You're willing to wimp out on that? Enjoy your boxcar ride, and see what coloring inside the lines gets your Quisling ass down the road.
There isn't going to be another chance in 2022, 0r 2024. Or EVER.
This was the last election where you had a shot.
I repeat:
This was the last election where you had a shot. There will never be another.
There won't be another free election in your lifetime, for anyone who reads this, unless this gets addressed, and I mean but now.
Not in a minute, next week, end of the month, nor 6 months, not in a year, not in NeverNeverLand fairytales somewhere down the road.
This month and next. By them. Or by you. Or, please God, by Us.
And the absolute final expiration date on that is Jan. 20, 2021. At noon, EST.
That's the absolute Go To Hell date.
If TPTB won't fix it before then, they have no reason to fix it, ever.
And they won't, nor show any sign of doing anything other than ignoring you, wholesale.
And if they don't do it RFN, what're you gonna do about it?
Vote at them?
That's risible, and derisible, simultaneously.
Any fucktard sumbitch talking about "regrouping" and "continuing on forward" for "next time" that hasn't factored in ropes, bullets, and napalm in their calculus is talking out their ass.
There isn't going to BE a "next time".
That outcome was the whole point of THIS time.
"Imagine a boot stamping on a human face, forever."
Absolutely god-damned right.
That's the message, delivered with precision, clarity, and finality.
If you don't get that, in your bones, you're self-selecting to be collateral damage.
And about you, if you wallow in that amidst your self-pity, IDGAF.
"This could never happen here. We're a democracy." - Venezuela, 1998
Nobody is coming to save you. This ain't the movies, and you ain't John Wayne.
Why? "Because we're here, lad. Nobody else. Just us."
If you have a leader, follow them.
If you don't, BE one.
If TPTB go through with this, if they think they can brazen the theft of an election, a presidency, and an entire country, simply because they don't care about what it costs them, there's but one answer to that.
In the absence of orders or direction from higher authority, find someone or something Communist, and destroy it. Lather, rinse, repeat.
That's going to be the Prime Directive for some good time. Count on it.
IF you love freedom enough.
And the absolute final expiration date on that is Jan. 20, 2021. At noon, EST.
Date and time is not set in stone if there's a valid challenge. That doesn't mean you sit there, but whatever you can do, do it.
Comment (don't laugh, only 5% of people actually comment; you say something, you influence people)?
Twat, vid, anything?
Talk to people (yeah, they're still out there and a lot are asking what this is all about)?
Tell your favorite governor to stick her swastika (or his hammer and sickle) up her ass? (that one's waaaaayyyyyy overdue)
Just don't sit there.
Fair enough:
For the ruling class to truly understand where you are coming from, they need a clear and convincing example.
Here it is:
Grab Mark Zuckerberg and family. Put them on their knees, execute them on video, and upload it to the web.
At that point, war will be declared, and all sides will know.
"We owe them nothing."
Truer words never spoken. We owe the Republican Party NOTHING! Not our loyalty, not donations, not a pot to piss in. I will continue to vote (what a joke) for the Repubs but only because it denies the communists their seat at any table. Neither side of the aisle gives one Fudge for us, our families, our thoughts, our beliefs, our code of honor. It is all about them stuffing suitcases full of dollars on their way out for a vacay in France, buying more property and mega houses, and importing more criminals. Their children will want for nothing. Yours? They will be damned lucky to have a roof over their heads and a bowl of soup. It is time to simply and completely dismantle and destroy the entire set up. Nothing is working. Not small businesses, which are being destroyed with glee. Not millions of families who are losing everything that they ever dreamt of, sacrificed for, or scraped up. Not any of the millions of "laws" that are passed without thought, debate, or common sense. The taxes we are forced to pay at every level of government that support the Elites who use them to support criminals, free loaders, and the lazy. Nothing in this country is what we grew up in nor what our forefathers sacrificed their lives for.
It is time to deprive this beast of power, money, prestige, and respect. Stop worshipping the Hollywood Imbeciles. They have been sexually molesting children since silent movies, and have only improved their techniques over time. Stop giving politicians esteem and deference. They have done nothing but make your lives miserable. Judges at whatever level are not smarter in spite of the "education" that they have. However, most are quite shrewd, shifty, and cunning. Teachers are not interested in educating anyone to discern, discriminate, or think logically. They are quite capable of evasion and trickery-especially if it benefits them in any way. We have built so many false golden idols to emulate and praise. It is all built on quicksand. Every 3 letter agency needs to be gone. None of the people at any of these agencies have any agenda but their own self advancement. And they will do any damned thing to do so.
Now is the time to make sure that the present life is distinct from the life to come.
Your uprising will have to wait until they got no more bread and no more circuses. No one wants to hear The Truth. It wasn't just this election, it has been every election. TPTB create a little more entertainment for themselves with each election, that is all. "Divide them and they will never come after us".
The Oligarchy is never going to give back what has been taken. They only take more. Each elected Warden does what they say. Otherwise there would be no NAFTA (Clinton/Bush/Obama), no Patriot Act (Bush/Obama/Trump), no NSA/FBI/other agency surveillance(every president since FDR, at least). and those are Big Things, not counting all the other intrusions into our daily lives. If one of the elected Wardens would have overturned any of those things, it would show he has some kind of power. They don't.
A president can use lies to start both a 19 and 17 year war against countries we have no legitimate beef with, without declaring war. Yet he can't put the throttle on people burning our cities down, WTF?
If people do what is right, it will not be telegraphed on the internet.
Think Dorner.
Dead on
You're wrong.
12:01 EST 1/20/21 is ABSOLUTELY when time runs out on a strictly peaceful solution, and any rules status quo ante go away, forever. Period. Full stop.
once the republic is dead, it won't be resuscitated.
That's not at all the same thing as saying that full-scale war will or must commence at 12:01. But at that moment, whatever happens afterward, anywhere, as a result, is fair game.
They broke the social contract, and like Humpty Dumpty, it will never be able to be put together again. And the Leftards own that, forever.
I don't care whether it's a sit-in and people holding their breath until they turn blue, or somebody starts cutting heads off and leaving them on pike poles; whatever happens, TPTB have it coming.
My suspicion is it's going to be like popping corn: nothing, then a pop, somewhere. Then another one. Then two or three. Then a cacophony of endless pops, followed by the most surprised looks on faces you've seen in ages.
But only time will tell.
There will be voting in the future, all controled by dominion voting machines; everything will be fine go back to sleep!
I've see lots of comments elsewhere that say nothing will happen. I have seen comments elsewhere that something must happen. I have been seeing comments for years telling me, along with the blog I read them at, that things were happening and that something must be done. I have been to protests (pro-2nd Amend.) and demonstrations and gatherings and donated, and written my reps and sent emails and texts and all sorts of messages. I have done what I can. I don't see anything of import happening because no one wants to be the first, and no on can point to something and say HERE! ATTACK! I think we have been boiled like the frog, but I don't want to think that way, and even if we have, it doesn't mean we are dead. At some point I expect things to ignite, but where and when and how eludes me. I'm ready to go. And if I'm not ready when it happens, I'll go anyway. I don't think any of us lack resolve. We need a little less talk and a lot more action.
I've see lots of comments elsewhere that say nothing will happen. I have seen comments elsewhere that something must happen. I have been seeing comments for years telling me, along with the blog I read them at, that things were happening and that something must be done. I have been to protests (pro-2nd Amend.) and demonstrations and gatherings and donated, and written my reps and sent emails and texts and all sorts of messages. I have done what I can. I don't see anything of import happening because no one wants to be the first, and no on can point to something and say HERE! ATTACK! I think we have been boiled like the frog, but I don't want to think that way, and even if we have, it doesn't mean we are dead. At some point I expect things to ignite, but where and when and how eludes me. I'm ready to go. And if I'm not ready when it happens, I'll go anyway. I don't think any of us lack resolve. We need a little less talk and a lot more action.
It won't be a big fish like Zuckerberg. It will be a lieutenant. Some soft target who matters to the party elite. The media will freak out (especially if one of their own is targeted). After that, enclave politics will prevail. Mostly, the media will ignore noncompliance, while pissing and moaning about a 'climate of fear'
A thousand brush fires. Each cut bleeding the monster of central control. Enclave politics will gain traction with each pop.
Athens, TN comes to mind . . .
Let them eat blackouts. Turning off the major cities, even if incompletely, ties down their resources as well. The people, after 2-3 days, will suddenly awaken to the fact that their power is not coming back - but by then they're 2-3 days into no water, no toilets, no gasoline...
Alas. Nobody sane WANTS this, but it is increasingly being forced upon us.
And to your point about 2020 being the final chance, if you'll permit my shameless self-promotion here:
Quick Take: Trump 2024 comeback? Are you f-ing kidding me?
Stealth: paragraph breaks are your friend.
Gee..."all comments must be approved by blog monitor..." guess mine won't be published...not surprising...
Unless loving freedom might potentially someone coronachan. Then, well, that is just a bridge too far. Best obey, and do as you are told.
We all have our price.
"Loving freedom" isn't the issue.
There is no constitutional right to infect your neighbor.
Your right to swing your arm ands where their nose begins. That concept predates the Constitution by some 5000 years, to the earliest recorded statutes on the planet.
The minute your actions illegally harm someone else, you've already left the bounds of lawful conduct.
If you posit the freedom to infect others at your leisure and whim, show your work, and cite your references.
@Unknown 05:52:
The Comments Policy is still posted on the front page of the blog, just for Special Snowflakes like you. It was also implemented just because of Special Snowflakes like you. If you don't like it, trot over to Blogger, and start your own blog, and see if anyone thinks anything you have to say is worth reading, instead of trolling here. It will cost you exactly the same amount of money to start your blog as you've paid to read mine. I don't have any problem getting eyeballs to look at what I write. But if you decide that's too hard too, feel free to take a full refund of all monies owed you, and leave. DLTDHYITAOYWO. And in case no one told you, the internet is in no shortage of butthurt smartasses, so you may have to find a more useful niche.
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