h/t ASM at Borepatch, Peter , and Lady Lake: GMTA
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It's instructive that the scene at Kabul hasn't been even this organized for even one minute in the last two weeks. |
The DemoCommunist Party, enemies of the United States since, frankly, ever, was always pissed that Dubbya got to deal with 9/11, rather than putting Al Bore in there to placate, appease, and embolden our enemies, while deriding and hamstringing what was left of Reagan's America, so in this debacle, they've finally gotten the outcome they would have had, but for some hanging chads in January of 2001.
This is all a long-planned served-cold revenge for Dubbya and Trump, twin unpardonable sins for which the country must be punished, in their entirely hostile-to-the-nation worldview.
We are now, belatedly in their view, exactly where they wanted us to be in 2001. They were thwarted at every turn, with Carter, Clinton, and Obozo, but at last, with Gropey Dopey, they can finally strip away any attempt for America to do what is has always done: rise to the challenge.
They want the entire nation, figuratively and literally, on its knees, with someone else's pistol it its mouth, while they dictate terms and we beg, "BEG!", for mercy from our enemies. They want us to be the French facing Hitler in the railway car at Compiègne in June of 1940.
There is no other explanation for a denouement so totally opposite all other efforts, so long-considered yet executed with such ham-fisted monumental incompetence. At some point, mere mental retardation and even profound dementia is not sufficient to explain, and naked malice alone suffices to give answer and explanation to what has transpired so rapidly and completely.
This is EXACTLY where the Woketard Left WANTS the nation: vulnerable, defenseless, and entirely at the mercy of our mortal enemies.
The answer to that sort of behavior can only come in rivers of blood and mountains of skulls, and until that is accomplished, one way or the other, this country will never know peace nor prosperity ever again.
When you have a faction that would rather burn the country to the ground than let the rest have it, despite their own serial failures at governance in every endeavor attempted for a century and more, it's time to begin the culling of those enemies, in a Roman fashion, and with Carthaginian finality.
Nothing less will any longer suffice, as if it ever could or would have.
There will be no Appomattox this time.
When it's over, one side will exist, and the other side will be - and must be - wiped off the face of the planet. With a fearsomeness and exactitude that will be retold for 10,000 years, and frighten the children of generations as yet unborn.
Leftardia delenda est.
The pallets of money left seem to indicate this was a planned debacle.
Several dozen pallets and thousand of weapons. Welcome to the usa sponsored terrorist arms bizarre and zealot beheading camp
The civil war actually ended because the Union killed so many Confederates that they could no longer sustain the war. What came after was just mercy to the losers. We need the same path with less mercy at the end.
I heard a report that trucks, airplanes, and some 600,000 weapons were left behind when the US...I don't know what you would call it. "Pulled out" is common vernacular but it sounds more like "retreated like a beaten dog." What an impressive way to arm the Taliban so they can continue to inflict hard on others. Disgusted doesn't begin to describe my feelings. What all does the Taliban et. Al have access to since we turned tail and ran?
One assumes, after the evacuation is as complete as it can now be, that there will be an almighty air-strike or ten to destroy said aircraft and as much of the sundry kit and caboodle as can be managed. Am I bonkers? Is this not the obvious thing to do? It'll reset Dopey Joe's perilous position somewhat too.
My sympathies regarding your losses the other day.
Yes, you're bonkers.
After watching this shitshow for the last 8 months, you think he's suddenly going to 'pull it together'?
Oh he'll use it as his c y a excuse, say that was the "plan" but with all the hostages left behind... well he just can't risk it.
Late to this party but after reading and comments my gut says deliberate but to stupid to see the eventual outcome and they will wish they had not, or run for the hills. To late the ball is rolling down hill headed for hell. - Merle Haggard.
Side note author recently mentioned on this blog who is one of my favorites had a bookending in Phoenix with a van, a manpad type weapon and an airliner shot from the cell phone lot. I will not spoil the ending in case you have not read it. That damn author was highly prescient in future prediction with his fiction stories and detail. That's what made his books so good but the when the future comes true it can be unnerving.
Love the graphic. Might have to steal that one.
For you, special price...:)
@John Wilder (and @Aesop): Ditto. Good image. Reminds me of the Heinlein quote:
“Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Nations and peoples who forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms.”
~ Robert A. Heinlein
(1907-1988) American writer
On a separate issue, have quoted your piece in my latest:
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