Tuesday, December 14, 2021

They Never Learn: Glitter Bomb 4.0


Absolutely brilliant Evil Genius Mark Rober upped his Glitter Bomb game this year, and porch pirates pay the price. Half a million views in less than a day. Enjoy.


Borepatch said...

Why the hell didn't he get the cops to come by and witness the detonation, and then (lauching)round up the perps -with the camera rolling, for Interwebz lulz?

Such as waste of what might have been.

Aesop said...

As he noted, he has worked with the cops, and will again, but the point of the exercise was to hose people for YouTube glory. There is room to do both, and no shortage of good targets, although I'd like to see very one of his marks rolled up in handcuffs as well as fart-sprayed.

Mike-SMO said...

It iis all fun until a "pro" or "mental" returns for some "payback". I suspect that as this gets known, the pirates will bag the snatch and open it in the yard. This can be fun with impulsive amateurs, but he is heading into "deep water".

Bear Claw Chris Lapp said...

Fuckin A. I love that guy, and they never learn because of low IQ. Damn dindu nuffins.

I bet their jogger friends no about this guy by now and give a wrath to their fellow joggers for making the innerwebz.

Hell even I have a few million views on tiktok so I'm told by my kids and a friend. Kids were shocked when I told them I knew about it.

Anonymous said...

These are simply kids toys he is utilizing to deliver a bit of negative reinforcement. For fun replace the “stink spray” with a far more flammable liquid, replace the glitter with something to ignite the liquid mist. As a side effect Mike, that would surely take care of your “pro-mental” cases.


Anonymous said...

Is it racist to note the ethnicity of almost all of the thieves?

Skyler the Weird said...

This is a lot better than filling a Fingerhut box with rocks, broken glass, and used Toilet paper, sealing it up and leaving it outside your apartment door.

Anonymous said...

Suggestion for 5.0; CS powder.
Boat Guy

BigCountryExpat said...

Check out the poast I threw up on Cold Fury:
Mike's in Heap Big Shit... Please repoast if you can or do your Marine-Usual
Many Thanks!

Anonymous said...

hell, I like to see a fuel vapor bomb type of thing used here. forget the fart spray
burn the fuckers or at least use some kind of dye to stain them for a week or so.
that might lead to more of said assholes in cuffs, but the cops would have to get out of their cars to do that.

Contrarian View said...

They deserve a package with C4 and ball bearings.