Thursday, September 14, 2023

Reality, After Trainloads of Crapola

{UPDATE: For those who just stumbled in here because of a link, and missed the epic week-long ass-walloping we just gave, especially like one commenter already, maybe you want to set the Wayback Machine to last week, and catch yourself up a tad, before you walk into a movie at the final scene. Maybe.

Raconteur Report: Sciency Isn't Science 

Raconteur Report: Second Inning: Still a Shut Out. 

Raconteur Report: The Slog Continues

Raconteur Report: Back To The Septic Tank Dig

Raconteur Report: Another Post-Purgatorium Perambulation

Raconteur Report: Poop Without End

Raconteur Report: Another Day In The $#!^ Mine

Raconteur Report: ♫I've Been Working On The Sh*tpile♬

Raconteur Report: Coffee Break's Over

Raconteur Report: Delving Into The Deep End Of The Septic Tank...

Raconteur Report: Bugler, Play Taps...

Because if you do, you won't be the Baby Duck who just woke up, plopped down here, and shit all over yourself because this discussion is completely new to you.

Just saying. We now continue with our program, already in progress...}


So, how do we tell the difference between her epic bullshit, and actual information?

Just like with currency: When you handle actual bills, the counterfeit ones stick out instantly.

Actual mask performance study: Respiratory virus shedding in exhaled breaths and efficacy of masks


"We identified seasonal human coronaviruses, influenza viruses and rhinoviruses in exhaled breath and coughs of children and adults with acute respiratory illness. Surgical face masks significantly reduced detection of influenza virus RNA in respiratory droplets and coronavirus RNA in aerosols, with a trend toward reduced detection of coronavirus RNA in respiratory droplets. Our results indicate that surgical face masks could prevent transmission of human coronaviruses and influenza viruses from symptomatic individuals."

Aesop summary: They took 246 people, 123 of whom had actual viral illnesses, including 111 with seasonal corona virus. Had them cough for 30 minutes at a virus collection machine (actually named the Gesundheit-II). Counted how many viral copies were captured. Then repeated the experiment, exact same conditions, but with the actual infected individuals wearing a variety of masks.

Results: No mask = 10¹ to 10³ viral droplet particles collected. (For Common Core grads, that's 10-1000.)

10³ to 10/4th (sorry, there's no superscript 4) viral aerosol particles collected. (Common cores, that's 1000-10,000)

Wearing surgical or simple face masks = 0 to 10º viral particles collected. (For Common Core grads, that would be one. Not 1%. Just 1. Down to zero.)

For reference, via nasal swab samples prior to the experiment, the average person with corona virus had between 10,000 and 10,000,000,000 viral copies (that's 10 billion with a B) present on a single swab of the nasal mucosa. And always more in the nose than the throat. (See if you can guess why we think so poorly of lackwit idiots sticking their schnoozes out of their masks...)

Conclusion: With the average social distancing, having people wear masks provides a reduction in viral transmission 10x-10,000x or more better than wearing nothing. And as noted by actual study data, prevents any viral transmission onward from respiratory vectors.

BTW, the face masks did better with seasonal corona virus than they did with flu and cold viruses.

They didn't use test media, they used actual virus from infected people. They measured exposure for 30 minutes. They actually tested the masks' performance, they didn't test the infection rate for people who might be licking stripper poles or living with plague-monster rug rats, absent any protection at home. Not being total morons, they also didn't bassackwardsly test to see if the masks protected the wearers.

In short, they narrowed the test down to one variable: putting on a mask.

And that's all visible there, at the study link. You could look it up.

Blackjack for the dealer. QED

AFAIK, this is the only such test of actual face mask performance done, before, during, or after COVID, and Covidiocy. (If you can link to anything similar, please do so.) Like the lack of studies of hydrochloroquine or Ivermectin when it mattered, you can decide why that would be so.

We've already shown you 51 or more examples of how not to test what you're supposedly looking at. (Starting with the maxim: "Read the goddam study first!")

Now you see one example of how to do it right, using "Science, bitchez!"

That's why all the bullshit ceases, and unless you conduct the same test, and can't replicate it, and no one else can either, you have to STFU about whether or not "masks work". (Unless you're a moron. Which is punishment enough for one life.)

We repeat for The Usual Suspects from the short bus:

Masking Policy doesn't work, because people won't follow it. Children certainly won't, but also adults acting like children, or with the intellectual ability of a two-year old, in most cases.

For the hardcore fucktards, whose memory is shorter than their pecker, to a metaphysical certainty:

You weren't told to mask to protect yourself. If you heard that, or believed it, you're the idiot there. Don't feel bad: 20% of medical professionals, actual doctors, are thereby idiots too.

You weren't masking to stop all transmission of the disease. See the above if you thought otherwise.

You were wearing them to protect everyone else from you, because then, now, and always, we don't know who the asymptomatic spreaders are, so everyone is guilty until proven innocent where infection is concerned.

You were told to mask up when out and about amidst people indoors or in crowds (anyone wearing or enforcing wearing in bright sunshine, or travelling in cars, while alone, or in deserted places, is beyond fucktardedly stupid), to drastically slow the spread enough that a novel virus, with a worst-case 3% CFR, (which meant 97% of people would be just fine, as we told you, and told you, and told you) would not overwhelm all health care in the country, or any one region of it, simultaneously, while still allowing people out and about for necessary functions, like getting food.

It worked when people did it, but it was carried out for far too long, and it was an abysmal failure as a semi-permanent policy, both for reasons of sheer human cupidity and stupidity, and for a host of larger reasons, esp. when coupled with lockdowns of everything in perpetuity, starting with sheer economics, and moving to undermining the republic, and curtailing personal freedoms indefinitely.

Bitch about that to Heaven. It's true, and eminently and demonstrably bitchworthy.

But save the horseshit about "masks don't work". That's a fucktard's fuckwit line. Don't be one.

If you disagree, back it up with valid firsthand proof of what you're claiming; otherwise your confirmation bias and/or innate stupidity is yanking the bell on your Dunning-Kruger gene, and trying to drive the bus from the back row.

Masking policy depends, and depended, on near 100% compliance. One asymptomatic Gilligan being a Special Snowflake fucks the whole idea up for everyone, and did. And always would. And always will. Which is why it never will and never could work.

Like WE TOLD YOU, all the way back at the beginning.

In any pandemic, you're at the mercy of your own ability to self-isolate, times the number of Gilligans in society trying to fuck things up 24/7/365, because that's what Gilligans DO.

COVID showed that last to be about 50% of the population for any given day or place. Babies with a case of live grenades couldn't have fucked things up any better.

And TPTB were either criminally stupid for not knowing that would be the case, or criminally evil for knowing it and doing it anyways, because the worse they could jack life up for everyone, the better for stealing an election, and putting their boot on everyone's face forever.

The third- and fourth-order consequences of COVID are still fucking up everyone's life, day after day, and all the lava chunks from the initial explosion still haven't all landed. Starting with the biggest pieces of horseplop it inflicted upon us all, currently sitting in the Oval Office, and just down the hall from it.

Stop throwing out the baby with the bathwater, and focus on the actual realities, and biggest problems. Walking around with your underpants on your head and chanting "We're morons! We're united!" isn't getting anything useful accomplished.

Kindly knock that stupid shit off. You're mainly just pissing off people smarter than you, and sounding stupid while doing it.


Anonymous said...

Interesting as fuck. Thanks!

maruadventurer said...

"Kindly knock that stupid shit off. You're mainly just pissing off people smarter than you."

Do we have to discuss the 'Just Stop Oil' freaks again?!