Most people would agree that "Stupid should hurt." In practical terms, usually involving fire, physics, or machinery, it frequently does. Tragically, it only hurts in those cases. Either a merciful deity or an uncaring universe has set things up so that actual stupidity leaves those suffering from it as oblivious and pain-free as clams, happily eating and defecating simultaneously, provided they only think stupid thoughts (in the loosest sense of those terms), rather than as noted above, actually doing stupid things, and winning stupid prizes. I would go farther: stupidity should be a never-ending migraine 24/7/365, stopping only when rational thought returned, but alas, that's above my pay grade to set in motion.
Consequently, when WRSA kindly linked my last post, a flock of people who ought to be running hither and yon clutching their agonized skulls felt obliged to demonstrate their mental shortcomings.
Which leaves us torn: we don't wish to be seen to be kicking the retarded kids, and yet we hesitate to deny them the opportunity to have their ramblings censored to the ether if it need not be so. And to their credit, most of them were signed, not the usual Anonymous Trash, so we'd like to at least reward owning your own ramblings on the 'Net, without gratuitously personally offending people that don't necessarily deserve it. And then, we serendipitously arrived at a Solomonic solution: we will post their efforts, but minus any identifying attachments. We alone know who wrote what, and have promised ourselves to ignore the who, because it is a matter of complete indifference to our replies. Yet we will happily deconstruct their efforts, minus any personal or personalized animus, so they can be spared the embarrassment and scorching butthurt individual duels would normally necessitate. You're welcome.
So let's open the gate, and send this batch of gladiators forth into the arena, with their identities firmly cloaked in a well-deserved and inviolable hood of anonymity, dulce et decorum est.
1st Gladiator:
Aesop sure, ukraine has every right to join nato. but, there's a price for everything, including ukraine joining nato. or, for that matter, ukraine and nato entertaining the idea of ukraine joining nato. two questions; how much, exactly, is it gonna cost? and is it worth the price?
Shocking as it may seem, we have never argued for letting Ukraine join NATO. Not once. We expect, when all is said and done, should they continue as a sovereign nation, that's exactly what will happen, but mainly because Putin has now made manifest the exact necessity of such an action in the long run, which destabilizes both countries, and all of Europe. Failing to recognize his own idiocy in this respect is why Putin set out to prevent something he could not, by exactly going to war against it, despite earnest Russian promises never to do so. {Cf. Everything Biden says, and Everything Biden does. The only difference in competence between Poopypants and Shitheadski is which end the fecal material issues from.}
2nd Gladiator:
>>"What the Ukrainians are doing right now exemplifies everything the United States of America is supposed to be about. It's 1775 only vastly more so."<< What color is the sky in your world, dummy? Where was your sympathy and zeal when the globalists overthrew the government in 2014? And since when are literal Nazis-complete with waving Nazi swastika flags- equivalent to our founding fathers? If propaganda was food, you'd be looking for Jenny Craig. Seriously.
This, evidently, in response to Rollory's published comments. Gladiator #2 apparently was asleep when the government he speaks of, from 2014, was voted out of power democratically in Ukraine in 2019, when they elected a Jew with 75% of the popular vote there. The internet moves pretty fast, Gladiator #2, try to keep up. Someone equating a country run by an ethnic jew with nazism is a special kind of stupid, handily debunked in detail elsewhere, and underlined on this blog here. If brains were milk, you'd be eating your cheerios dry your entire life long. Back under your bridge with you!
3rd Gladiator:
>at the head of a column of tanks That's so last century. Bomb, lots and lots of bombs in aircraft, as in iraq, sebia, libya, that's the best way to break things and kill people >No one who wants to disarm you Disarm neo-nazis. Damn right, those guys are the real thing, murderous as originals The apple doesn't fall far from the tree,, check western Ukraine history, for the last 100 years. Just keeping in practice And there are quite a few of them, easily +10K hard-core But hey, support nazis and WEF, knock yourself out In an economic war, if one side has a depression and the other a recession, who won? Anybody?
See the remarks to your brother-from-another-mother, above. Anyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they don't get to manufacture their own facts or history, except in novels of alternative fiction. Sadly for your fascinating but irrelevant internal monologue, "at the head of a column of tanks" was exactly how Russia entered Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia in 1944, Poland and all of Eastern Europe in 1945, then returning that way to Hungary in 1956, Czechoslovakia in 1968, Afghanistan in 1979, Poland again in 1981, Chechenya in 2000, Georgia in 2008, and now Ukraine. Brighter folks than you might recognize a pattern there. And all those nations on that list who broke free circa 1990 didn't ask to go back under Russia's thumb. Peddle your bullshit at the fertilizer fair.
4th Gladiator:
Really, at their borders? What a fucking joke, we've got over a 100 military installations all over the globe. How did we react when nukes were installed in Cuba? Every instance you cite was the USSR doing the invading, not Russia. How would we react to Russians "training" with Mexicans or China running Naval exercises in the Carib? So don't give your shit about "legitimate security interests" Zelensky was elected in a landslide victory in 2019 on the promise of easing tensions with Russia and resolving the crisis in the breakaway republics in east Ukraine. He has made no attempt to keep his word on either issue. Why did Zelensky allow(move) 60,000 troops just east of the Russian towns and then started lobbing in artillery and mortar? This is how he was going to ease tensions? His Nazi lite troops were killing Russians in a region that has been historically Russian. The Ukrainian president doesn’t like the so-called Minsk Protocol and has refused to meet its basic requirements. As a result, the ethnically-charged, fratricidal war that has engulfed Ukraine for the last 8 years, continues to this day. Most Americans fail to realize that Zelensky’s rejection of Minsk was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Russian officials had worked for 8 years on Minsk hammering out terms that would be agreeable to all parties. Then—at the eleventh hour—Zelensky put the kibosh on the deal with a wave of the hand. Why? Who told Zelensky to scrap the agreement? Washington? Bet your ass. This corrupt shitstain of a country is not much more than an ATM for our deep state scumbags. The VERY SAME ONES now calling for the assassination of Putin and nukes. You're defending that? And you're defending NATO? here's a short list of the fun they've been having The destruction of Yugoslavia The destruction of Afghanistan The destruction of Libya The destruction of Iraq The destruction of Syria More of your "legitimate security interests" bullshit laid to waste. How many bodies did our elites rack up in those forays? Remember Hillary laughing about killing Qfdaffi? That little adventure destroyed a very stable country, started a massive flood of ILLEGAL immigration into Europe that continues to this day, reopened real slave markets and is infested with radical Islamic terror factions. You don't think Putin sees this bullshit caused by NATO and sys no fucking way are they going to pull this crap next door to me?
Yes, really, at their borders. Tell the class how many of those 100 military installations we emplaced at the head of a column of tanks. IIRC, it would be zero. Apples and Oranges Fallacy penalty flag thrown, 20 yards, and loss of possession. When did Cuba become part of Russia? QED - AT THEIR BORDERS. Argument fail; own goal. Thanks for proving that point for me with aplomb. You speak as if the USSR wasn't Russians. Show your work. Putin's rank was a Lt. Col. in the Soviet Union's secret police. Good luck getting the brown out of the shit there. How we would react is irrelevant; how we wouldn't react is conquering those countries at the head of columns of armor, and shelling the cities into unihabitation. You've scored another safety, and are behind 9-0, and I haven't even started in on your yet. Which part of Russia did Zelenskyy invade? Oh, wait, you mean Zelenskyy moved troops inside his own country, after Russia sent a division of mufti-disguised airborne troops into Ukraine the last time, which was an act of war? 11-0. You're getting good at kickoffs though. Historically Russian. So I guess that makes Texas, California, Arizona, and New Mexico historically Mexican. Everything from Maine to Georgia would thus be historically British, and Florida would be historically Spanish. Fair is fair: When do you propose giving them all back? 13-0 for me, nearly all scored by your offense. Last I looked, presidents of countries get to reject treaties they regard as unfair all the time. You could look it up. Last I looked, it was only Lindsey Grahamnesty calling for the assassination. He holds what job in the current government? I'll wait while you look that up. And who is it, per you, calling for nukes? Oh, wait, only Putin's threatening that. 15-0 for me, and your total offense is -200 yards so far. I have defended none of that. I merely pointed out that Putin is a grasping maniac with delusions of restoring the former Soviet Union's so-called "grandeur", and Grahamnesty, a week late and 20 IQ points short, tripped over the obvious solution, but wasn't bright enough to keep his epiphany to himself. I'm under no such constraints. Putin should be shot in the head immediately, the Russians should withdraw, apologize, and pay reparations, starting with withdrawing all forces, marked and unmarked, from Ukrainian territory. Any Russian forces still there a week from now, or abetting those who are, should be hung publicly from scaffolds on the border with Russia. 22-0. "Defending NATO?" WTF did you pull that out of, and did you wash your hands afterwards? 29-0.
Last I looked, Yugoslavia self-destructed. 31-0. Afghanistan had it coming. The only mistake was not simply bombing it to a population of zero, as a warning to all nations for all time. Iraq should have been split three ways (Kurd/Shi'a/Sunni), and left in ruins. Libya was Obozo, Gropey Joe, and Shrillary, not NATO. 33-0. Putin could give a shit about any of that, and he's propping up far worse himself in Syria as proof of the concept. 35-0. Game over. Well-played.
4th Gladiator (yes, really):
All the talk of joining NATO, all the talk about building nukes, the steady buildup of lethal weaponry, the movement of troops to the east, the refusal to implement the Minsk Treaty and the rejection of Putin’s security demands. All of these were deliberate provocations. But, why? Why “bait the bear”; that’s the question? And it's been going on for many years. I guess you failed to check out a map of the extensive NATO expansion AFTER the USSR collapsed? After it's reason to exist went away didn't ya? You might want to start there. Washington wants to lure Russia into a war so it can further demonize Putin, isolate Russia, launch a counterinsurgency operation against the Russian army, and impose harsh economic sanctions that will inflict maximum damage on the Russian economy. That’s Washington’s strategy in a nutshell, and Zelenskyy is helping Washington achieve its objectives. He’s allowing himself to be Washington’s tool. He is sacrificing his own country to advance the interests of the United States. Why wouldn't he? All those bullshit images of the fighting President demanding more ammo? You bought that BS hook, line and sinker. All this helps to underscore a point that is never considered by the media and never discussed by the pundits on cable news, that is, that Ukraine is going to lose the war, and Zelenskyy knows it. He knows the Ukrainian Armed Forces are no match for the Russian army. It is like a Giant swatting a fly. Ukraine is the fly. The public needs to hear this, but they’re not hearing it. Instead, they’re hearing blabber about heroic Ukrainians fighting the Russian invader. But this is nonsense, dangerous nonsense that is emboldening people to sacrifice their lives for a lost cause. The outcome of this conflict has never been in doubt: Ukraine is going to lose. That is certain. And, if you read between the lines, you’ll see that Russia is winning the war quite handily; they are crushing the Ukrainian army at every turn, and they will continue to crush them until Ukraine surrenders. I saw an interview with Colonel Douglas MacGregor on Tucker last week and he said pretty much the exact same thing. 1 voice of reason in a sea of talking heads and their hagiography about Zelensky. I suggest you dig it up. Who knows, had Ukraine not surrendered their nukes, maybe these 2 countries could have resolved this but it was Obama & his lies(and virtually the exact same players) who kiboshed that oppo as well. So deal with reality Bub. Russia has put down some markers and they fucking mean it. This isn't Hillary's reset button or Obama's pussy footing around. Turn off the fucking TV.
"Talk" ?? Sticks and stones. "Rejection of Putin's demands"? It is to laugh. Touchdown me, then onside kick and return for another touchdown. You're opening down 14-0, with 14 minutes left in the first quarter. The Bear was baited by Team Gropey Dopey. If Putin had sent tanks to decimate D.C., it'd be a different story today. Most of America would be throwing their panties at those tanks. NATO, on its best day, couldn't organize a potato sack race. Total number of invasions they've managed successfully in 80 years: one. Inchon, 1950. Putin is proving, every minute for the last two weeks, that getting rid of NATO in 1990 would have been a strategic mistake. Putin has made his own nation a pariah. They have now regressed to 1947. If he keeps pushing this, it'll be 1941 for Russia. It gets worse from there.
Tell me how Zelensky "loses" any worse than how it is right now. Russia has invaded his fucking country, genius. They're shelling the shit out of the cities, raping the women, hanging the men, and people are fleeing Ukraine by the literal millions. If Zelenskyy is killed tomorrow, he'll be a martyr for the ages. Ukraine has nowhere to go from here but up, and Russia has no way to "win", ever. Any "victory" is a mouthful of shit, for decades. Every minute they keep this up depletes war reserves he can't replace, his economy is endless shit from here to the horizon, he's going to become Iran in about 15 minutes, and it'll be a century before anyone will regard him and that whole country as anything but something that should be nuked to fucking Mars for the good of humanity. People are ramming trucks into their embassies, FFS, right now. By mid-summer, admitting you're Russian is going to get the shit beat out of people, on general principles, short of them joining the military to kill more Russians. They're going to become the Muslims of the 2020s-2050s, any day now, until and unless they present Putin's head on a platter, by way of apology. Ask the Germans and Japanese how that felt from 1945-2000 or so.
4th Gladiator (down 2 games to none, and still swinging.):
Finally, you've put me in a place defending an authoritarian oligarch. When you take our fecklessness into account with things like the Biden Crime Family and Burisma, Obama & Rice, Anthony fucking Blinken(are you kidding me?) the countless lies we've been told that have gotten us into unending & pointless wars, Jake's the same shit over & over. Putin has a good point and I'll tell ya this. I'm somewhat familiar with the Russian way of doing shit and there are some really bad actors in that country. I've listened to a lot of Putin's speeches and this man ain't no angel but he's been telling us for a decade he will not allow Ukraine to join NATO. Trump believed him but warned him Moscow would get bombed if he invaded. It was settled business until Biden's puppets needed a distraction. Ask yourself this, if all of the MSM are on board with 1 POV, which is the POV of the administration, doesn't that give you pause? Kinda like all of them singing the same tune about the Chinese flu eh?
Let's be clear: 1) He's a genocidal dictator, not an authoritarian oligarch. 2) You've elected to defend him knowing that, all on your own.
I've done nothing but call out the fecklessness of the Gropey Dopey Minions wagging the dog to save his approval ratings from grounding themselves at the bottom of the Marianas Trench. None of that justifies Putin waging ruthless war against a country that couldn't and hasn't hurt him, poses no discernible threat to the Russian nation, and using that non-threat as a pretext for aggressive conquest. Brighter folks with some appreciation for history heard the same bullshit to justify re-occupying Alsace, annexing the Sudetenland, and invading Poland. How'd appeasing that sonofabitch work out for ya? The MSM are on board with crowding out all other news that was painting Poopypants as exactly the incompetent senile jackass he's been for years, and using the spectacle of the rampant destruction of a small country in service of making Biden seem strong and commanding, when he clearly can't tell the difference between the Iranian people and the Ukrainian people.
NATO, as of three weeks ago, was about as likely to let Ukraine join as they were likely to cure cancer, turn lead into gold, and announce free energy from water and post the recipe on the internet. Putin's a suspicious idiot, and the pretext scratched his exact yearning for an excuse to recapture Ukraine. 32 years too late, but such details are of little consequence to genocidal dictators. If all of the media and Biden came out against breathing, would you hold your breath forever to prove a point? Biden and the MSM can be lying shits, and Putin can still be a genocidal maniac intent on recreating the former Soviet Union, who desperately needs a bullet in the head; the two are not mutually exclusive concepts.
You're now 0 for 3. Go lie down, and once you sober up, call AA, take the pledge, and get a sponsor. Consider this an intervention.
5th Gladiator:
"Russia's "legitimate security interests" stop at its own borders." If that is the case then you should have no problems with the Russians putting some hypersonic nuclear missiles in Cuba or the Chinese parking 100,000 troops in British Columbia. They own enough housing in Vancouver to put them in and Fidelito wouldn't have a problem with it if they did.
Read the remarks addressed to your cousin, above. Then tell the class how "stops at its own borders" means that Cuba is now inside Russia, or that Vancouver is now a province of Chicomia. Perhaps call an adult, and have them find you a globe or an atlas, and after they yank your head out and well clear of your ass, and once normal oxygen flow is restored to your head, see if they can help you clear up your geographic confusion on this point. Subtle hint: there are several million hispanics living in Los Angeles County. There is no number of which that suddenly makes that real estate a part of Mexico, however much consternation it may occasion in Mexico City, or in what congressweasel Evita Guevara-Castro laughingly refers to as her "mind". You could look it up. Stop eating the crayons, and try reading the books, and then get back to us.
6th Gladiator:
Well that's nice, a once respectable place is now filled with blue pilled Soros fiends. No empire, shut NATO down
Dear Dimwit,
We understand that Everyone You Disagree With is Literally Hitler,
but it doesn't work like that in real life. Sometimes (rather frequently, we'd venture to guess), you're the shithead in this picture. But just to be clear: You're fine with an actual Russian Empire; but it's the prospect of a wholly illusory NATO one that worries you? Maybe look up the both the political freedoms and economic benefits present in each place, and then show us on the doll where capitalism and freedom molested you.
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h/t Odd Job |
Were the Marines afraid of you? Good points all around.
I cannot argue any of your points. I can only add that nato and mostly American sociopaths have been screwing that country over with their installed puppets for a few years now. Let the people decide like they originally did and agreed to. F the state department and f the vicki nuland types with a wooden telephone pole, in the a$$
Yes I know, we decided and look where we are, got cartridge box?
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