Tuesday, July 23, 2024

¡Viva Chiquitastan!


AZRobert said...

Forgot the 2022 Red Wave that was, shall we say polluted by the same machines of 2020.

maruadventurer said...

I highly recommend this by Chris Martenson -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LouUbMYb7Bc&t=8s . The audio analysis is pretty solid. The shot timing, is pretty damn hard to believe, especially for an amateur. The fastest shooter barely beats the rate of fire. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyIq9FdTgwM&pp=ygUed29ybGQgZmFzdGVzdCBzaG9vdGVyIHJldm9sdmVy)

Two shooters?