Wednesday, July 17, 2024

With Gratitude And Sincere Thanks

These moments gratify and amaze us, partly because of the Usual Monkeys (mostly Bravely Anonymous) who will be driven into poo-fling rage at the news, but mainly for the readers, old and new, who come here daily to see what we've churned out of the free ice cream machine. If we were our only reader, the blog would go on, but these milestones remind us we are not alone, and spur us, we hope, to better efforts over time.

The rollover will probably be in two to three hours (we're only about 1700 or so shy at the moment, with average days running 6K-10K visits), and we'll be out all day and about other business when it happens mid-morning. By the time we get home late tonight, we'll already be looking forward to the next million views, and what we'll contribute to generate them.

Be of good cheer. Our common enemies wouldn't be turning the screws down so hard on our internet sites, trying to ban our guns, or shooting our candidates if all those things didn't scare the Hell out of them. And they wouldn't be failing so hard at all three tasks if we weren't winning.


Charlie said...

Congratulations are in order.

Borepatch said...

Congrats indeed.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work !

Anonymous said...

John has a long mustache.

John Wilder said...


RomeoCharlieWhiskey said...

Kudos; well done sir.

Paul M said...

Good work is rewarded...always appreciate your measured yet instructive take on things, often differing from most of what is being bandied about as fact. Congrats, no small feat.

DelphiReed said...

You have been both entertaining and instructive over the last 8 years I have been following.
Thanks for reminding me that people who see things happen and ask "what just happened?" are not alone. Your mental exercises are excellent for keeping a sane outlook in an obviously insane world. When the producer of the Woodpile Report passed, you became my go to source for news and a welcome respite from the MSM who sound just like old Soviet Pravda.
Congratulations and thanks.