Friday, July 5, 2024

The Five Stages

"Always remember, in major life-changing grief events, the stages are not necessarily in any order, and may be cycled through randomly, even within a single day."


B said...

THe thing they fear the most in that they will end up with Kamala Harris as the new President. She may well be less competent that the current Joe Biden.

'tis sad (and scary) that they chose her to get votes not caring that at some point she might actually have to be a spare.
The Left and the DNC (not 100% overlap) have painted themselves into a corner.

Tucanae Services said...

My assessment is that the Pressitudes are at the stage of covering their asses. We the Vox Populi have been catfished and the press is the lead fisherman in the whole affair.

Just the Facts said...

Aesop, curious about your take on this "Parkinsonism" diagnosis of the prez.

Aesop said...

I can tell you without reading it, that Biden already moves and acts like someone with Parkinson's as well as dementia. it explains his stage exit wanderings and his multiple falls.

Assuming they've made the case in the article with the same things I've seen, there's nothing to quibble over.

Joe's last few marbles are circling the drain, and he's not growing new ones.

Anonymous said...

I puzzled why anyone thinks kneepads would be any >worse< than FJB. It seems rather obvious that he hasn't made an independent decision in a couple of years.
Everyone seems to want to blame him for the state of the union, but he's just the guy signing the checks, not the one writing them.

1. She's not senile. Dumb, maybe, but not senile.
2. She can likely read a teleprompter better than Joe
3. She can walk up stairs without falling 2 or 3 times
4. She'll understand immediately when they show her the Zapruder film
5. Whoever's actally been running things can and will carry on
6. She's not AOC
7. She's not Shrillary
8. We get short of Dr. Jill immediately (A twofer !)

In short, she can be coached to be at least as good a puppet as FJB.
There's the matter of a new VP, but that has to be ratified by Congress, so that will get dragged till the election, no doubt.

Herr DeeDub

John Wilder said...

The Left is very good at changing their opinions when they're told to.