Thursday, July 11, 2024

Toldja So

 h/t zerohedge/Tyler Durden

All the "nothing will happen" naysayers can now officially suck it.

For the Baby Ducks and wiseasses out there, I told you the [R] party has a long institutional memory. They didn't get to pull Edith Wilson in. They didn't expose Frank the Cripple. But after Watergate, you can damn sure betcha they're going after Biden's handlers tooth and claw.

As usual, it's not the petty crime at the beginning that's the problem, it's the coverup, which turns into conspiracy and obstruction.

This is a brushfire that's got plenty of dry kindling, and it's going to create its own winds.

The Stupid party may bauble it, they may bumble it, but they damned sure can smell the blood in the water. And if they work this right, it'll be nothing but the Joetato Dementia Show & White House Sh*tshow Coverup, from now until November, 16 hours a day.


Michael Gladius said...

Don’t count those chickens before they hatch. “Nothing will happen” also applies if nobody gets convicted and punished. The theatrics of starting something aren’t as important as an irreversible finish.

I’ll believe it when I see handcuffs and orange jumpsuits. “Trust us” isn’t enough anymore.

idahobob said...

I will believe it, if and when I see it.

maruadventurer said...

Hope you are right Sir. Watching the Presstitutes performance over the last week issuing a morality play of 'we did not know, how dare they!' would be useful. However I have noticed that the Dim CongressCritters are starting to fall in line, again. So it won't be long before the Presstitutes are 'no.... we didn't say that really.' shit show will commence.

That means in another week the holipoli in the cheap seats will be none the wiser. Its a variation of an old Sonny-Cher song - 'The Beat Goes On'.

Aesop said...

Remember, Baby Ducks: "the process is the punishment".

People crying to congress for "Heads on a platter!" not only don't understand that, they still think they can vote their way out of this.

Congress is for greasing the skids; that's all they're doing now, and all they do ever.

Last I looked, even the Continental Congress didn't fight the Revolutionary War, either. Some of you spent too much time daydreaming in history class.

Robert said...

I was skeptical at prospect the Republicans would do anything, so this slight twitch of movement is a breath of fresh air.

But we don't really have much of value until some Democrats get hauled off to jail and/or lose their jobs. That is what winning really looks like. Hearings and subpoenas are not enough.

Bring it!

Jeb Texas said...

When I see em cuff & stuff these asstards I will agree with you, sir. Until then, not so much.

Chuck said...

Yes, because all of the "investigations" and Congressional hearings since the midterms have accomplished so much. The simple fact is I will believe some good will come of this when Speaker Johnson orders the Sergeant-at-arms to arrest Garland and hold him until he provides the subpoenaed recordings of Mush-head. Until then, it is just theater and the media will soon ignore it as they have everything else.

Anonymous said...

We have been lied to and by everybody, so much, most of us will not believe any of it until we see them in orange suits hanging on to prison bars, screaming, as they meet Big Louie grinning from right behind them.

Justin_O_Guy said...

I thought things would change, with the Contract with America.
I've seen investigations, and over and over. I've seen 51 Intel guys gaslight the Hell out of America, a globally known creep who was blackmailing God Knows how many people, and EXACTLY ZERO ARRESTS,, so
I'm going to sit back and see if it's all just another
Trey Gowdy moment.

Aesop said...

I'm only expecting more grease on the skids.

You want Khadaffi executed in a gas station, you have to get to an angry armed mob first.