Friday, July 12, 2024

Another Biff Tannen Award Winner

We cut off and screened out the ownership bars on the meme we boxed in red above to spare calling individual names. Suffice it to say you've probably seen it recently. The implication is that it's used to fake (_fill-in-the-blank_) photo ops.

Um, no.

1) Hot tip for retards: The VC-25/747s converted into the current versions of Air Force One have the 747's distinctive nose-end hump. The 707, above, doesn't. The interior of the current model is also about eight feet wider than a 707 fuselage. So any faked photos, taken inside or out, would be obvious to even Stevie Wonder, from space, FFS.

2) The former Air Force One 707s (including the front fuselage section, above) are still classified for obvious national security concerns. The 707 at the Reagan Library is only there "on-loan", and security on it is still overseen by the Secret Service.

3) The staircases and entries on the current version look absolutely nothing like the old version's entry.

4) I can only think of 57 reasons military units and the Secret Service might want to retain that fuselage, inside an intensely secure location like Camp David for everyday protective detail training, hostage rescue/counter-terrorism training, planning and walking through medical emergency response, etc. ad infinitum.

We could continue ripping this dippy meme, but these points alone should suffice to show why someone would have to be snacking on leaded paint chips to come up with it.

If any of this was news to you, go ask your parents to explain why you're not tall enough for the internet.

And to the creator of this jackassical meme, as the most recent recipient, own your Biff Tannen "Make Like A Tree, And Go Away" Award, and walk tall among midwits.
Better luck next time.

If anyone's going to bitch about "fake and ghey", the actual fake has been the guy walking up the steps of the real presidential 747 for the last 4 years.


Anonymous said...

The Pima Air Museum in Tucson had one of JFK's prop job planes open to the public. His "office" was a slightly larger chair toward the rear, with a small writing table and a telephone. The rest was all seats.
Times have changed.

Delta Mike said...

Um Boss, unless I'm missing something ain't - Biff Tannen "Make Like A Tree, And Go Away" ain't is s'posed to be "Make like a tree and Leave"??

Damn I sure hope I ain't missing some sarc there; wouldn't be the first time, ain't gonna be the last I reckon...

Rock On,
Delta Mike

Aesop said...

Biff got it wrong every single time (until head-slappingly corrected by Old Biff) because he was a prize-winning idiot.
Just like another would-be memelord.
Hence the award, and its name.
Make a meme where you shoot yourself in the dick getting it wrong: win the prize.

Anonymous said...

Pima was awesome, went there last year, multiple cases of "Wow, i din't think any of those planes existed anymore!" and it turns out they have at least two.

JoshO said...

Pima was great, multiple cases of planes where I didn't think any could exist anymore and they had at least two.

Birdog357 said...

The VC-137C that was used all the way up to Clinton, SAM26000 is at the USAF musem and you can walk through it. It's not classified...

Aesop said...

It's not classified now.
When the sistership opened at the Reagan Library, no photography was permitted in or on the plane. 25 years later, they've relaxed that a tad, but not by much.

Birdog357 said...

It wasn't classifed 20 years ago. I walked through and took pictures of 26000 in 2003. Including the bulkhead they had to cut to get Kennedy's casket into the cabin. The only thing they did for display was to put a bunch of plexiglass up so you couldn't touch anything. But that's SOP for the display aircraft there. And it's on loan because the USAF museum owns it. More than half of their collection is loaned out.

Lunarman said...

Having spent some time at Camp David, there is no room on the facility for any kind of training. I could go into detail what facilities are there, but an NDA still governs me.

Aesop said...

I'm shocked! Shocked, I say, to find that a Biff Tannen Award winner got basic facts wrong too in the same retarded meme. Why let the truth get in the way of a good screed, right?

I'd be far from surprised to find out the fuselage in question is actually at the Secret Service academy in MD, the FBI Academy at Quantico, or one of the FLET Academies in GA or SC.