Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Secret Of Her Suck-cess

That's true; she also has more California swallows than
 the Mission San Juan Capistrano.


Anonymous said...

...that right there is one naaaasty bitch. In every definition of the word. It almost makes me shudder to even think about what that skank had and would do.
No. Thank. You.
Original Grandpa

Anonymous said...

Preach it, OG

Anonymous said...

Watch the MSM try and turn Cackles Doolittle into D.C. Superhero. From knee pads to sainthood. If she picks Hitlery as a running mate it will be Cackles and Cankles. A sure fire MSM winner.

John Wilder said...

She's like the DNA version of the Svalbard seed bank. Just a different kind of seed.