Saturday, June 29, 2024

Two Worlds

There's one world we shall call "Reality".

In Reality, after the shameful elder abuse on display last Thursday night, Democrat leadership from Hell to breakfast realizes that the scam and sham of Biden as competent, run since before the 2020 Selection, has just been told that Emperor Poopypants has no clothes.

They can't dissemble, hide and slide, nor bluff, bluster, and bullshit all the way to Election Day 2024 pretending Biden isn't a profoundly impaired cognitive retard who can't be left unsupervised with anything as little as pointy items or matches. He can't have the nuclear codes, he can't manage the Executive Branch, he can't even manage everyday Executive Branch decisions, and he simply must be removed, if he won't go peaceably.

The Congress may begin blanket-vetoing or halting movement on all bills in perpetuity until he's removed, on the perfectly reasonable grounds they can't send legislation for signature to a mental cripple. The Speaker should announce that policy NLT 0800 EDT Monday, as a matter of fact and policy UFN.

They cannot ratify his choices for federal bench vacancies, he cannot sign legislation, and we can't have eight other nuclear powers in the world wondering whether we have handed the nuclear hand grenade to a functional toddler with concentration issues.

And knowing that if anything happens while they've dawdled over removing him, their entire party will own it in perpetuity. And worse, not only people on the street, but Republican government oversight committees will begin asking "How fucked in the head is Biden, when did you know that, and who told you to cover it up?"

And those hearings will start no later than Labor Day, and run 16 hours a day on every channel, fully televised, non-stop, coast to coast, seven days a week until Election Day.

They'll know that if the cabinet doesn't invoke the 25th Amendment, and declare Biden mentally unfit to hold the office, the impeachment hearings of every single cabinet member will be handed down after that, and then the trials will start in the Senate, and looking at down-ticket races, we won't have a cabinet in about a month, until finally even the dumbest shithead in federal service in every cabinet level agency can see it's time to send Joe off to the funny farm. 

Not for nothing, but if they act in time (i.e. before her impeachment for high treason and conspiracy) they'll rightfully be able to swear in the first black female as Acting President, which is nothing to sneeze at in the long run. (And never has the word "Acting" been so pregnant with meaning and precision as it will be when it's bestowed on Sen. Kneepads).

They'll have to do this knowing that in about 5 minutes, the hearings into how long Biden's total mental incompetence has been lied about, and by whom, will begin as well. Then the investigations and referrals for treason begin for the rest of the cabinet and the entire White House senior staff. Followed by criminal trials for treason for the lot of them. Republicans have been waiting for that moment since 1974, and it's one helluva long institutional memory for the Elephant Party.

And then the Acting President will be the Republican Speaker Of The House. Who then fires the heads of the FBI and CIA, and appoints the most frothingly partisan pitbulls at FBI, CIA, and Attorney General, and we start seeing about 100 Biden apparatchiks tried in batches, in about 15 minutes, for a laundry list of crimes going back to 2009.

If the country is very lucky, that all starts maybe five whole minutes before every crackpot dick-tatership on the planet starts to challenge the US "because you've got an addle-headed Alzheimer's patient sitting in the Oval Office."

And the American people, across the board, are going to start laying full blame for the past four years' charade on the Dumbocrats, who will find themselves hard-pressed to poll above whale shit for the next decade, for perpetrating this monstrous five-years-long fraud on the entire country, and by a huge majority refuse to trust anybody in that party for the next decade or two, for being part of the fraud they've orchestrated.

Not least of which blowback will include ABCNNBCBS having ratings in the single digits, and being about as economically viable as Sears & Roebuck, with no small number of networks going completely bankrupt and ceasing to exist. The lucky ones won't be firebombed twice a week until their senior members flee the country and seek asylum in Cuba or Venezuela.

The Joint Chiefs are going to have to remove the nuclear launch codes, and substitute crayons and coloring books, until Biden is removed completely from any form of power. And the general and admiral ranks are going to have mass retirements, possibly even down to the ranks of colonels and majors, in a military housecleaning not witnessed by a major power since Stalin in the 1930s.

And if you think Jill Biden and a cast of dozens in the current administration isn't going to be put on criminal trial for elder abuse, you've got another think coming.

That's what every day starts looking like, any day now, in Reality.


Then there's the other world.

In that world, the Cabinet becomes astronomers, gazing at the ceiling every time Biden's profound senile dementia is mentioned, or there's any suggestion of removing him under the 25th Amendment.

The Congressweasel senior leadership, and the entire media, starts spinning like a top to explain last Thursday....wait, what?...was just an aberration (at first), and by next weekend, it will have never happened, having been memory-holed indefinitely.

They'll gaslight the entire country, lie and deny, and spew bullshit like 100 snowblowers driving through Bandini Mountain, scattering their bovine effluvia to the four corners of the country, and the globe, thinking that if they can just ride things out long enough to steal another election, they can swear in Harris, put some sock-puppet in as new Veep, then get rid of Sen. Kneepads for any one of 200 crimes in their payback folder, and successfully stage another coup, just like the one they perpetrated in 2020 on the nation, and the entire world, while the entire country lies still under drifts of bullshit 10'-20' deep.

They think seeing Dementia Joe on rerun 2,000,000 times a day can be overcome with clever polling machine algorithms, and the subterfuge that went unanswered in 2020 will similarly go without any meaningful response in 2024, while the whole country watches it, gobsmacked and inert.

And that there won't be a full-on shooting civil war when they try it, starting about an hour after they call the election for Biden, with 69% of the registered votes, compared to Trump, who only gets 48%.

Or worse, some black-robed @$$hole in NYFC thinks he can sentence Trump to 267 years in prison for no discernible crime, and that gunfire with a purpose won't trigger off by the end of July, in earnest.

And then, they imagine, business as usual. ¡Voila!

We call that second world Clown World.

Watch and see which one you live in starting Monday morning. Place your bets.
And stock up on canned goods. Both #10 type, and the kind that comes in olive drab cans.

That's the fire-juggling in a wading pool full of high octane gasoline you're witnessing, yet again, in real time.


Anonymous said...

All the above might be true, if we had a functioning republic and an informed, intelligent populace. I think the bureaucracy will go all-out "will you believe your lying eyes, or our fact-checked and approved Truth?". The majority of Americans, being apathetic dumbasses, will accept the media narrative, whatever it is.
Later, some may say " we burned in the camps...", but on the spot, nothing is likely to happen to change anything. IMHO, the people have too long been seduced by bread and circuses. Some of us may resist, but it would be a good idea to learn Mandarin, if only to understand the guards' orders to us.
I hate it, but I no longer believe in the ability of our citizenry to organize and oppose tyranny. Kung Flu showed us that a disturbingly large percentage will choose to be 'good Germans' and help us into the 40x8 cars. I'll resist, and die, and a lot of others will, but to what end? All we have is personal honor, and an end.

Aesop said...

"Why, you chivalric fool! As if the way one fell down mattered!"
When the fall is all there is, it matters." - The Lion In Winter

Anonymous said...

As it all came crashing down in ‘63… we will see it again.. oh wait..

Anonymous said...

The D party is imploding in real time. If the D convention is televised without blackouts and editing, we are in for a spectacle not seen since the 2nd century AD.

I fervently pray every voter will tune in to watch both conventions, don't care what party because once a difficult problem (for any party) explodes, there is no hiding from the fallout.

My thoughts are that they will somehow manage to invoke the 25th, dump Biden and put Kamala in charge until the election such that she "runs" for president with whatever cretin they really want to elevate as her VP. Rules on whom is on the ballot in each state matter not, they already ignore any law that does not support their desires.

This because they are stupidly confident enough that they can doctor the voting tallies to overcome whatever advantage Trump has. Do they care that this may light a fuse that destroys the union? Not at all. Power and money is all that matters to those that deem themselves to be in "control".

I just hope the R party and Trump have increased their personal security to much higher levels than normal.

Anonymous said...

Option one would be a good one if the Republican Party wasn't the ... Republican Party. The Republicans in DC could hold a rally outside of the Capital Building and they would shout "We're number TWO".

Anonymous said...

Watching the Sunday morning's polical TV programs, I saw a LOT of 'Biden had a bad night - he's not that person' excuses. Biden feels the same way

A suggestion: - lets have a do-over within the next three days. Biden's preps are still in effect. So is Trump. Same rules for the do-over - same moderators with questions not asked previously. All it would take is oth canidates showing up.

Lets do this and see if history repeats itself.

idahobob said...

Clown world will continue to march on.

Robert said...

I am quite certain that that we will go to door # 2 (Clown World).

Followed by some very expensive lessons. "You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality".

Most people will not learn from those lessons. They will keep doing what they do until they cannot do that any longer. Best not to give them second chances.

John Wilder said...

They're staying "all-in" on Joe. For now. The paid opinionistas on X are in full denial mode.