Saturday, June 22, 2024

Tell Me Without Telling Me: Stop Fooling Yourself

Everyone else knows you're Rootin' For Putin;
just own it.


Anonymous said...

I have a co-worker who is Ukrainian...........her family members who live near ethnic Russian portions of the country have been shelled indiscriminately by the Ukrainian army and militias since the coup in 2014. 3 years ago ( before the Russian invasion) one of her distant relatives was killed in an artillery barrage- she was a wreck for a month. Her family considers the country has been at war for 10 years...............almost never reported here anywhere during that time.

Aesop said...

The technical term for the "ethnic Russian portions" would be "provinces illegally occupied by Russian troops since 2014, and illegally annexed in 2022".

So, color me shocked, Russian troops who invaded Ukraine in 2014 have been shelled by Ukraine since Russia first invaded, and it's affecting the locals who they've cowered behind since that time.

Cry me a river, Anny. Bitches get stitches.

And the "coup" was called "Ukrainians kicking out the 4th (of 4) Moscow-installed puppets running Ukraine from independence to 2014, inclusive". Words mean things.

Russian troops who've been there illegally for 10+ years leave tomorrow, shelling ends immediately.
Next problem.

Dan said...

There are no good guys in this mess. But if Russia/Putin isn't smacked down for this then no European country will be safe from his expansionist lust. It is truly a no win situation and we'll all be lucky if it doesn't devolve to where someone invokes the nuclear option. And the idiots amateurs running things in Mordor On The Potomac aren't helping.

Landroll said...

Considering that The Ukranian Kingdom existed when Moscovy peasants were still living in peasant izbas under the Tartar yoke, I would grant the Ukrainians precedence and pride of place. But that is me, YMMV.

Anonymous said...

It's war.

That either side whinges that the other is cheating or committing escalatory acts is patgetic on its face.

Russia invaded another nation (bad guys). Ukraine is corrupt (somewhat not bad guys). Europe seems unable to give an authentic shit (cowards). Our administration is enriching its oligarchs while draining the treasury (corrupt alzheimers patient).

Russia either has free hand because of its nuclear weapons or it doesn't. The world refuses to choose, opting to sit on the pot while resolutly, regally refusing to shit.

Fuck Putin, fuck Zelensky, pray the Ukrainian people have a future.

Tucanae Services said...

What I find of interest is the tech war that UA is waging. With dwindling manpower available they are attempting punch at a distance to try to avoid contact. Even more so when you consider much of the tech being used is not mil grade high dollar equipment. Just COTS with an explosive charge. $60k for a Javelin AT missle or $2k for a drone and RPG round. Its still a dead tank.

Aesop said...

@Anon 8:56A,

Nobody held a gun to the Ukrainian peoples' head. They've made their choice, because they know the alternative.

Why people see that, and kiss Putin's ass anyways, has more to do with knee-jerk anti-Bidenism, whom they'd reflexively contradict if he said water was wet and the sky was blue.
BDS is just as moronic as TDS. Both show an inability to think.

If these idiots would just wear a hat with a propeller on top to self-identify, I wouldn't mind as much.
But they want to order MENSA shirts instead.