Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Land Of Bad

Somehow, Hollyweird burped this one out just this past February, and it's already out on BD/DVD, after about 15 minutes in theaters, and no PR campaign. Which is how we found it amongst the straight-to-video junk at one of the local big box establishments.

"Somehow" isn't hard to figure out here, not because it sucks (just the opposite, in fact, which with movies these days is rare enough to be noteworthy) but because it features exactly no blue-haired lesbians, no PC woketarded crapola, no white guilt or globull warmist climastrology, no brave and strong women endowed automagically with awesome powers of mightiness by way of a vagina, and only one female anywhere within 5 spots of top billing (and BTW, she quietly kicks ass, as you'll see when her moment arrives). IOW, it shits on every Hollyweird predilection for everything bassackwards to real life, screwball, and stupidly bent that's kept audiences away from movie theaters for the last 5 years or more, with a very few exceptions.

Semi-spoiler Alert: JSOC mini-team is sent into the Philippine jungle to rescue a three-letter agency asset held hostage. The lead is Liam Hemsworth as the fish-out-of-water JTAC newbie plopped amidst the Tier One operators. His contact at the other end of the satellite uplink is Russell Crowe, as the oldest and most portly captain in the US Air Farce's drone pilot corps. Imagine Maximus, after partying with John Candy and Chris Farley at a Vegas buffet for a decade, then add 50 pounds, and you're on the right track.

Nonetheless, the flick marches, hey-diddle-diddle, straight up the middle, and things on the mission go to total sh*t, as they often do IRL. See the flick.

You want an epic like Gladiator or Master And Commander? Fuggedaboudit. You want comic book schlock like Commando , Battleship, or any of The Expendables? Not happening either.

You want a tight yarn about good guys being badasses, like Tears Of The Sun or Act Of Valor? Stock up on popcorn and beverages, and get comfortable.

Hollywood orphaned this movie, because it's everything they dislike, rolled into one flick.

Do yourself a favor: Give Hollyweird and their twisted sensibilities the middle finger, and buy, rent, or stream this flick.

You won't be disappointed.

Our rating: ★★★★ Danger close. Cleared in hot.


Plague Monk said...

Sounds a lot like Gene Hackman's Uncommon Valor, featuring Patrick Swayze before he went Dirty Dancing with Demi Moore. POW rescue flick that is still on my 10 best movies list.

Miguel GFZ said...

Thanks for the info. It is now on the que of future watchables

Night driver said...

The Tier One Operators from Beers and Breakdowns mentioned this while looking closely at "6 Days" and one liked it, the other hadn't seen it.

(BTW the blogcast above is EXCEPTIONAL!!!)

Night Driver.

Karl said...

Thanks for the post. I've added to my watchlist.

Survivormann99 said...

I see that the movie is available to rent on Amazon for less than $6.00.

I saw a trailer for it a few months ago. I was impressed.

John Wilder said...


Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Also on Netflix. Duly noted and added.

Vapid said...

I like how lardass makes it from the deli section ordering vegan cheese for his 3rd wife to getting to the control room in less than three minutes with nobody checking ID or stroking out.

It's as realistic as the Super Stallion or whatever JSOC uses turning into a Huey that is either magic or up-armored.

Aesop said...

As noted by no less a cinematic authority than Steven Spielberg:

"There's a name for the films that get every historical detail right, down to the littlest ones.
We call them documentaries.

libertyman said...

Watched it last night -- an excellent recommendation. Action galore and if the drone resolution is as accurate as is portrayed, that is amazing. I thought the dog was going to give our hero away, but even that was well played. And I guess drone pilots don't have any fitness requirements as a lot of the crew could have used a few pushups, or at least a push away from the buffet.

Thank you for the recommendation.