Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sunday Music: They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha! Ha!

Apropos of the days...

Close Second Choice:


Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Well played Aesop, well played. And yes, I am old enough to remember that song from when it came out.

MrLiberty said...

"The future's so bright...I gotta wear shades." - TimBukThree

Aesop said...



Anonymous said...

My FF and I were having a terrible fight when Coming to Take Me Away came on the (AM) radio. I couldn’t help laughing. She got SO PISSED!

Tucanae Services said...

My God where did you find that first one?! Been 40 years since I heard that last time. Guess history really does repeat itself, PoopyPants and all that.

John Wilder said...

We live in the most amusing timeline.