Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Illustrated "But...But...But! Mah GOPe! Trump 2.0!! Help Me, Jesus!!!"

This is where the Never Trumpers always hoped we'd/they'd be : they'll clutch their pearls pro forma for about 15 seconds, just to pay homage to the ancient platforms, oaths, and deities they long ago abandoned. 

Then they'll start clawing tooth and nail to become the Jeb3.0 Savior Of The Party, and try to make a pitch to last-minute supplant Trump on this year's nomination ballot, aching to lose gloriously (a la Dole, McCrazy, and Romney) fighting Emperor Poopypants and his puppet masters with one hand tied behind their back, and wearing a full blindfold to the manifest gang-raping of our Constitution and the republic (when they're not busy participating in it themselves gleefully).

They occupy the second tier of People Who Need An Appointment With Madame Guillotine.

DeSantis and Haley were never cut to fill Trump's shoes. Everyone knew that, including the Enemedia pimping both, in turn, to try and head off a Trump electoral stampede at the pass. When it became obvious even to Stevie Wonder from space that strategy was doomed to fail, the prosecutors started dropping indictments. You could look it up.

Maybe no one else is cut to fill Trump's shoes, ever again. He may have been our last, best, and only shot, and now everyone will realize - far too late - they pissed away their final chance to stop the train before the abyss.

Because we just wanted to be left alone.

But rot, like rust, never sleeps.

So the Left, and their cronies in the Uniparty on the other side of the aisle, Quislings to a man, have stood by as the soap box has been denied us, and those in the professional soapbox class were suborned wholesale and willingly, in service of their long-suffering communist leanings.

Then they stole the ballot box, with everyone looking.

This week, they took away the jury box.

That leaves only one option, and those who ignore that calculus are going to end up in standing room only accommodations, in a boxcar, in total shock, with a surprised look on their faces.

The Left has told you - for years, for the dipshits in the class - that they wanted you unemployed, broke, shunned from society, rounded up, put in camps, re-educated, and finally, dead, Dead, DEAD.

Fucktard Wake-Up call: THEY MEANT EVERY LAST WORD.

If you stand around gawping and hoping until your only choice, like Christians in the arenas millennia ago, is to resolve to taste bad as the lions' cages are opened, you have already massively and terminally fucked up, and are so far from Screwed you can't even see it in your rear-view mirror with a telescope.

The GOPe isn't coming to save you.

Trump isn't coming to save you.

Neither Jesus nor Almighty God himself is coming to save you.

You have only your own arms and legs, and your own heads to rely on.

That's what you were given them for.

You're going to have to do the hard things yourself.

We, and many, many others, have told you, and Told You, and TOLD YOU. And many thought we were wrong. Maybe not you, but too many people we know. They convinced themselves we were kidding. 

They whinged, and mewled, and flung their feces, convincing themselves it was all fed-posting. They kicked, and screamed, and soiled themselves, with their fingers jammed into their ears to the third knuckles, rather than taking it to heart, and doing hard things.

That's been true always, and Ever. Most folks just didn't want to believe it. BELIEVE IT.

Don't you think it's about damned time you figured that out, got off your ass, and stopped waiting for someone else to do the heavy lifting?

Forget another savior coming in on a white horse. It isn't going to happen. You're going to have to do this one yourselves, on foot. War to the knife, and knife to the hilt.

It's the only way they finally learn the lesson. The. Only. Way.

And we don't mean metaphorically.

Even consummate bench-warmers Richard Blaine and Captain Renault realized that to get rid of the Major Strassers of the world, they were going to have to do it themselves.

Catch a cluebat there, before the 2x4 Of Reality pays your head a visit In Real Life.

There will be no unsigned Anonymous responses to this post. Don't waste the time. Own your work, or stay on the porch with the yappy little dogs.

"You're too harsh. We need to work within the system." = "We're afraid, Blutto! We might get in trouble!"

"Nothing will happen." = "Fuck you, Aesop. I'm going to sit on my ass! La! La! La! I can't hear you."

"You first." = "I'm a pussy, Aesop. I'm too chickenshit to even sign my post. And I'm going to do NOTHING."

"You're a fed." = "I'm a fed, sent here to make people think nothing will happen. And it's sooooo easy to get them shitting their drawers in fright with just my keyboard from here in D.C."

All - ALL - you have to do, for starters, is start by telling yourself "I'm not going to stand impotently by and watch this bullshit continue any longer!"

If even that little is "too hard", you're the exact problem. And always will be.


Anonymous said...

Fine post Aesop


Tucanae Services said...

In a kinetic landscape the Marxists will have a problem as the True Believers are small in number.

In a nonkinetic landscape attack the school system as this is truly where all this sh** starts. Avenues to achieve this result -- tax elimination and/or vouchers. Either approach dismantles the current state education power structure.

If ya think I am crazy go look at your real estate tax bill.

Anonymous said...

This is definitely a rubicon type of moment, isn't it? Like many, I am also scared, and don't know what to actually do... Organizing? Action? My area of the country is deep red, I would need to look beyond my borders. But still, at the end of the day, I don't know what to actually do, beyond becoming sand in the grease. We're passed that now, it's not enough to just slow things down and be a PIA.

Anonymous said...

That seems to be the problem. No one knows what to do or how to stop it. Everyone I know who is upset about what is happening is OLD. I’m old. We are growing food, have animals for food, have protection, have gotten right with God and have stored supplies. We have talked with many friends and family over the years and some prepare a little bit but they can’t or won’t change their lifestyle. We got out of the city and bought a farm. It has been very difficult and expensive. We are prepared to fight it out when it comes to our door if need be and we continually pray for our nation. I don’t know what else to do. I hope your wise words will motivate a wake up the young people.

Anonymous said...

Physical fitness, friends, real... Real ..... REAL friends... Area study, comms, food, farms, security... Expand repeat...

5th column behind the line in blue-fruitopua

Dan said...

The left believes they will win. And I see no reason to think they won't. Our side is our own biggest enemy. If you speak the truth bloggers on "our side" will cancel you faster than any leftist ever would. At The Federalist blog I made the simple and honest statement that Bill Gates is evil and needs to be dead. For this honest statement Greg...The Blog master took offense and banned me from posting. "Our side" refuses to accept reality and hates anyone who points it out to them. We are our own worst enemy and deserve to lose. And we will. The left has one thing we don't. They are utterly committed to their cause. Our side is utterly committed to fratricide and self destruction.

Jesse said...

Good luck guys.

Anonymous said...

Fred in Texas, lots of little fiddly bits and pieces to make their war machine move and work. Maybe sitting at your traffic light until it turns yellow before you roll makes a couple of them late regularly... Maybe their pizza delivery arrives late or the box gets flipped and the pie is ruined... Anything to ruin morale. Maybe there's nothing you can do but walk around the building with a sandwich board sign calling out a government lie. Like asking which nobodys Ghislaine Maxwell trafficked to... Not the only things, just a couple of things. When the fundraisers call, overtalk them and call them out for the transgressions of their side. Anything to hurt their morale.
And no, I'm not telling you which of any I've done or plan to do. Loose lips get people locked up. Have fun picking on them, anonymously. They'll recognize the sentiment if nothing else.

Anonymous said...

"You're too harsh. We need to work within the system."

Fuck the System.

The System is designed to leash you (or kill you if you won't be leashed).

It's never too late to be Unruly.

Start Now.

-Henry Quirk

B said...

S0.... where do we start?

I'm in.

Anonymous said...

I discovered your blog a few days ago via & Cedric. I think that you do insightful articles and I thank you for your viewpoints and excellence.
Remember to grill with propane and propane accessories lol! Thank you Aesop
Hank Hill.

Tuatha De Dara said...

Truly an eye and hopefully mind opening post. Lurked for years but finally compelled to comment.Memes are almost like Aesop's Fables. Deep meaning for those with eyes to see. Thank you for what you do and for not giving up tryappreciationing to educate the teachable. Much

Michael said...

Okay. I'll play your game.

After "it" hits the fan and things start to collapse, then what? Are you gonna be a "lone wolf" and the "alpha" in charge? I'll give you the supposition that you've put away all the bullets, beans, and bandages for a small army and have trained on all of your weapons and you have done everything necessary to prepare your AO. How long do you think that's gonna last? Even if you had a group of friends, say 100-200 hard corp, well trained, all in, tough as nails MFers that don't have bad backs, knees, necks, or shoulders from their time in the military. Let's even say that none of your merry band of men or their families have a need of any type of prescription meds for their high blood pressure, PTSD, hypo/hyper thyroid or any other number of ailments. Then what? Do you think you're going to take on the world, the neighborhood, own the block? Oh... you were smart and got out of the cities while the getting was good. Okay. So, is your merry band of men going to all come out to the farm with their families and are all of you are going to live happily ever after on the farm? Are you gonna grow a few potatoes, milk a few cows, hunt for dove, pheasant, deer or whatever wild game there is in the sticks? How long do you think that's gonna last? Are you planning on creating your own form of government, maybe start your own little country within the ruins of what was once the USofA? Or, are you gonna just hunker down and wait a few years and hope that some other George Washington, Thomas Jefferson or Ben Franklin is going to pick up where the old USofA was meant to be and start afresh? What's your plan?

I hear a lot about how we need to get this Civil War started and how politicians need to be swinging from the lamp posts or introduced to the guillotine. I hear about how we all need to buckle up because we're in for a rough ride. I hear all of that noise, but nobody seems to have thought beyond that. Who do we rally behind in the aftermath that's ready to lead this once great country into a new era? I can't think of a single soul that I would trust or want to start a new government. Can you?

Do we really want a Civil War? Do we storm the government buildings and hunt down the good with the bad? Do we hang them all because they just happen to be in a government building when we happened to show up for the war? Do we actually hunt down the 3 letter agents that we know are living in our neighborhoods and hang them and their families because they just wanted to put food on their table and into the mouths of their children? Do you want to be both judge and jury? Do you have evidence that these people are corrupt or are you just lumping them all together because they still work for the govt. and if they're still working for the govt. at this point then they're all bad? Is that how you want to do this?

You talk big. You talk sedition. However, I have noticed that nobody seems to have a plan other than immediate violence. Great! Then what? Does everyone become a war lord? How does this work?

I know that what we have isn't perfect. I know what we have has been corrupted. Changes need to happen and they cannot happen soon enough. However, until there is a plan on how to progress from war to peace and someone that knows how to lead in both war and peace, you're just spitting into the wind and if you're lucky, you're stacking up bodies. That's about one of the dumbest plan, non plans, I have ever heard of. Call me a coward or whatever name you want. Tease me about voting moar harder. Warn me again about how we will all be fed into box cars and taken to the prison camps to be shot or burned. If that's what you think is going to happen, you really don't have a clue about what a Civil War is. What you have ain't a plan. It's a wish and a hope and tough talk. You have no clear vision of where you're going and you want everyone to follow.

Hard Pass "General".

Paul said...

Good intel. Need to organize my pile so I can find stuff.

Keep training until go time. The speed of this event will be slooow, the suddenly pear shaped.

Keep your powder dry and you musket close.

Aesop said...


I'm sure you'll be logging on from time to time to see your magnum opus.

Fear not.

I won't be posting it here in comments. It's far too magnificent for that.

Instead, I'll be putting it up in its entirety, uncensored and unabridged (it's saved here where I can put it up in case anyone is in any doubt on that, but you'll see for yourself presently it's unmolested), in its own special post, momentarily. Hopefully today, but Monday at the latest.

I'm glad you took the time to write it, and I want to give it the full and detailed attention it deserves. Rest assured I will.

Hope you ate your Wheaties.


My response to Michael may cover some of the ground. If not, we can hammer it out by and by.

Bon M said...

Well, Aesop, it's just my hard luck that when TSHTF, I'm both female and (the worst part) I'm over 65.

I'd have been able to handle this a heck of a lot better when I was much younger. Unavoidable health issues have made things much harder for me. In a Max Max scenario, I already had one strike against me.

Unlike many, I do have some skills that would be useful, if I would survive the initial onslaught, which I doubt. At my age, most of my clan is dead (lost a half-dozen in this year alone). Friends are dropping quickly too.

War is a young person's game.

I have brains, but I'm more apt to be prey than anything. I'm not defeatist by any means, but I'm s stone-cold sober practical realist.

John Wilder said...

Well, there's no doubt that the Republic is long gone.

Mike Hendrix said...

I feel your pain, Bon. I'm male, 64, and (far and away the worst part) my left leg and part of my right foot were amputated 2 1/2 years ago. So at this point, I am about as worthless as worthless comes, no dang good to anybody, for anything. It hurts my heart, just truly, truly awful. But there ya go. I'm still glad to be alive, and LUCKY to be, I'm very much aware. Even so, stuck in a goddamned wheelchair ain't much of a life, to be perfectly honest about it.

Mike Hendrix said...

Oh, AND: sung a jubilee of praise for ya over at my place, Aesop. Maybe you saw it already, maybe not. But in any event, hope I didn't embarrass ya too badly with all that gushing. I promise, it ain't nothing but the truth; you do excellent work, brother.