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See for yourself, per GMay in Comments: SWA CEO Caves |
A quick note to our socialist would-be overlords:
When you think God died, and left you in charge of the universe, you better check your hole card, or you're going to be the bitch in that prison cell for a long, long time.
And if you think this isn't coming on a national scale, in about 0.2 seconds, you've got another think coming.
We aren't Australia.
Payback here is going to come with fishhooks on the tip of the spear, and rip you Vaxxholes a new @$$hole when it gets pulled out again.
The blog's sincere condolences to anyone who took the Vaxx shots in good faith, but you've been well and truly had, and it gets worse for you from here on out.
Who should you be shouting at about that?
"Let's Go Brandon!"
They said; https://youtu.be/334mBXSQgpo
We say; https://youtu.be/vQP-DW-HjHA
But again, you’re cherry picking your data to try and make a political point.
Here’s the current data as of today:
Of the cases in the last 28 days, only 1.1% required O2, 0.1% required ICU, and 0.2% died.
More importantly, the unvaccinated were vastly overrepresented in the number of people who were hospitalized or died. Despite the unvaxxed being only 15% of the population, they were more than half of the hospitalized census.
Most importantly, despite only representing 15% of the population of Singapore, the non-fully vaccinated represented 76% of the deaths in the last 28 days.
Look, I get you have a political/moral perspective that causes you to disagree with vaccine mandates. But the science is very clear that the vaccines work. Are they perfect? No - no vaccine is - but they’re better than anything else we have.
By presenting incomplete misleading data, you’re pumping a false propaganda line that helps nobody but friends of Vlad and Xi.
@Anonymous Keyboard Commando 10:53:
Unfortunately for your narrative, the only people identified as vaxxed or unvaxxed in the referenced link were the pitifully few DEAD, which make up 0.1% of all cases. i.e. a total of 9 people, compared to 22,000 new cases, in a population that's 84% vaxxed, and the ICU/supplemental O2 cases, 0.2% & 1.1%, respectively, and where the split is identified as nearly 50:50.
Exactly none of those hospitalized overall were identified as vaxxed or unvaxxed.
So who is it again who's "cherry-picking data"?
So, if the vaxx "works", for any value of that term, tell the class how many cases they had of COVID in Singapore when the vaxx rate was 0%, say, a year ago, and compare and contrast that with today, with 84% vaccination.
I'll wait, while you fail to provide that information.
If you're going to link to something that you think makes your case, you should probably try reading it yourself before crying cock-a-doodle-doo, and you should definitely wait 3-4 weeks to see how many of those dead then, from infection now, are vaxxed or unvaxxed.
And go bandage your junk; it's bleeding where you trod upon it.
In Taiwan, COVID vaccination deaths surpassed actual COVID deaths.
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
1:44 PM
Here's some interesting news.
Also in the news is information that a daily low dose aspirin can help mitigate COVID.
And just as fast, out is an article refuting the use of low dose aspirin by people over 60, to aid in stopping heart problems.
Everytime news about a less expensive treatment for COVID comes out, another news source comes out refuting that information.
All I gotta say is...Follow the money.
My SO was pressured by work into getting the vax. God help them if anything happens to her. Nobody else will be able to.
Sorry, you’re still wrong.
Here’s the data for the last 3 months showing, including the vaccinated rate among all hospitalized patients:
Until late August, fully vaccinated cases represented only about 25% of the total hospitalized population. Coinciding with the reopening of activities, the vaccinated hospitalized rate increased until now it’s pretty consistently 60%.
What that number indicates is that roughly 60% of hospitalized patients who never required oxygen and were never admitted to the ICU were vaccinated. But who cares? Those are people who aren’t very sick. Is your facility admitting anyone who doesn’t have low sats? These are people who should be at home.
The numbers that really matter are the percentages of people who are actually meaningfully sick. By massive margins, it’s the unvaxxed who are getting meaningfully sick and dying. Roughly 60% of the cases who required O2 were unvaxxed (despite being only 15% of the population), and again roughly 60% of the ICU cases are from the tiny unvaxxed population.
And of course, again, 75% of deaths came from the 15% of the population that was unvaxxed.
Year ago data is irrelevant to the current analysis, (a) because the much more virulent and transmissible Delta variant didn’t exist, but more importantly, (b) Singapore was completely locked down, with foreign workers essentially locked in their dorms. The situation is far less restrictive now.
I would say that it must suck to know how poorly you actually understand this stuff, but it’s clear that you have your head shoved so far up your own ass you have no idea just how clueless you are.
Yesterday, I spoke unto backdoor neighbor who (along with rest of her family) has been down with Covid for the past 2-3 weeks. None were hospitalized; none had lung issues, though a bit of "congestion" and sinus drip. Just very painful muscles and blinding headaches.
You know, I've been a working farmer for 50 years and I can't remember a single day that I didnt have muscle pain, headaches and various injuries, including broken bones, torn ligaments and muscles, and full-body osteo-arthritis and tendonitis. I've worked through pneumonia, bronchitis, and temps of 105+. Fifty years, with only 10 days off total for 2 C-Sections, a tubal ligation, and an ovario-hysterectomy (over a total period of 15 years).
I could have had Covid a dozen times and wouldn't have noticed. Same for the 40-something sons - getting tromped on by horses, pitching 50 lb. haybales and falling off recalcitrant tractors is not fun, but character-building.
My "Drink the Fauci Kool-Aid" GP warned me that I would End.Up.in.the.Hospital with Covid if I didnt get vaccinated. He was thoroughly insulted when I said that unless there was unstoppable bleeding (like a gunshot wound), broken bones sticking out, or I was totally unconscious and couldn't object, I was NOT GOING to the ER, Covid be damned.
Obviously, he doesn't have a lot of patients like me...and, at this point, I'm not entirely sure I still have a doctor! ;-)
I'll get over it.
Nice try, Fucktard, but no sale. Let me help you out:
What you said: Sorry, you’re still wrong.
What you meant to say: Sorry, I was talking out of my ass, and nothing I claimed was in the page I referenced, so I shot a back azimuth, pulled my head out of my ass, and found the page that purports to document what I claimed with no proof whatsoever in my prior post. Sorry I spoke without any familiarity with what I misquoted.
What you said: Here’s the data for the last 3 months showing, including the vaccinated rate among all hospitalized patients: https://www.moh.gov.sg/docs/librariesprovider5/default-document-library/ceg_20211013_daily_report_on_covid-19.pdf
No changes necessary. And hey, congrats on finally finding the page that actually shows what you claimed the other one did.
What you said: Until late August, fully vaccinated cases represented only about 25% of the total hospitalized population. Coinciding with the reopening of activities, the vaccinated hospitalized rate increased until now it’s pretty consistently 60%. What that number indicates is that roughly 60% of hospitalized patients who never required oxygen and were never admitted to the ICU were vaccinated.
What you meant to say: Vaccination was largely a waste of time. As the rate of those vaccinated increased, so did the rate of the vaccinated admitted into hospitals, because the vaxx doesn't prevent infection, and it does a pretty shitty job even of preventing serious illness, which even looking at all cases in total only represents 1.4% of anyone, whereas 98.6% of cases requiring hospitalization are moderate at worst. Which is why hospitalizations increased right along with the vaxx rate, whereas an effective vaccine would have seen infections for the vaccinated dropping off the chart, instead of rising all along, among everyone.
What you said: But who cares?
What you meant to say: Here, let me move the goalposts, because after saying the unvaccinated were vastly more of those in hospital than the unvaccinated, it turns out I was wrong about that too; the vaccinated are the majority of those hospitalized as well, just as you noted. Let me now wave my hands and try openly bullshitting.
What you said: Those are people who aren’t very sick.
What you meant to say:Look! A squirrel!
What you said: Is your facility admitting anyone who doesn’t have low sats?
What you said: These are people who should be at home. The numbers that really matter are the percentages of people who are actually meaningfully sick.
What you meant to say: Here, let me go back to cherry-picking data, because the broad strokes I painted this in don't hold up to even cursory scrutiny; pardon me while I explain how I have a better handle on the data and proper medical treatment than do the combined medical training, experience, and judgement of the hundreds of medical doctors actually doing the work on the ground in Singapore, at the pointy end of things.
What you said: By massive margins, it’s the unvaxxed who are getting meaningfully sick and dying. Roughly 60% of the cases who required O2 were unvaxxed (despite being only 15% of the population), and again roughly 60% of the ICU cases are from the tiny unvaxxed population. And of course, again, 75% of deaths came from the 15% of the population that was unvaxxed.
What you meant to say: Let me extrapolate wild conclusions from an infinitessimally small subset of all cases, where I seem to have a slight advantage at the moment, overlooking the fact that the reason most of the really sick are unvaxxed is that when they got sick weeks and months ago, 75% of the entire population of Singapore was unvaxxed. Oopsie, I forgot to mention that, didn't I?
Pay no attention to the fact that throwing out numbers like "75%" refers to a difference of only 3 cases out of 9, which is statistically referred to in the trade as a "rounding error", and functionally insignificant, with no conclusions capable of being drawn from a data set that could comfortably fit inside the same public men's room on any average day.
What you said: Year ago data is irrelevant to the current analysis, (a) because the much more virulent and transmissible Delta variant didn’t exist, but more importantly, (b) Singapore was completely locked down, with foreign workers essentially locked in their dorms. The situation is far less restrictive now.
What you meant to say: Look, if you're going to point out that the virus has exploded commensurate with the exact worthless vaccinations that I'm pimping, I shall have to move the goalposts, point to "Delta variants" which no one in the civilized world is testing for to any degree measurable nor reported upon, because it isn't happening, and whose stated prevalence absent any objective data from anywhere is an article of faith akin to global warming and the existence of Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster; then I shall follow up by sticking my fingers in my ears, and singing Polly Wolly Doodle All The Day at the top of my lungs rather than face that reality. Stop bringing facts into a discussion that hurts my feelings, and which data set tends to make the whole vaxx idea look pretty shady from beginning to end.
What you said: I would say that it must suck to know how poorly you actually understand this stuff, but it’s clear that you have your head shoved so far up your own ass you have no idea just how clueless you are.
What you meant to say: I have no other recourse at this point but to resort to "You're a poopyhead because you disagree with me, and those damned facts don't back up my recockulous assertions!" ad hominems, because the actual data, even from one country, don't show much improvement over doing nothing at all, with the added benefit that the unvaxxed have 99.99% fewer side effects, including death, and 100% fewer side effects such as stroke, heart attacks, myocarditis, pulmonary embolisms, stroke, blindness, or a few hundred other sequelae of the experimental gene therapies I'm shilling for with every fiber of my being, despite any evidence from my own lying eyes, and you can't make me admit that, no matter how many countries, like Israel, Australia, etc. show the exact same correlation between vaccination and disaster. Damn! Damn! Damn it all! Aiyee! I am undone!!!
Thanks for playing; we have some lovely parting gifts for you.
And to add insult to injury, Anonymous, in Waterford, Ireland, where over 99% of the population has been vaccinated, there is a huge surge in COVID cases.
I reckon the view from your current position is pretty shitty, if you catch my drift.
The bluff is being called.
Remove consent.
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