Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Last Thing God Made

 h/t CW

"Don't you know that women are the only works of art?" - Don Henley
(This pic embiggens. Try not to fall in. We dare you.)

We don't expect to find anything better to look at than this picture at CW's place, or write anything more profound than the captions we supplied. Not quite a haiku, but it'll do for now. So we're quitting while we're ahead, and knocking off until later.


Skyler the Weird said...

I looked for beauty
And found it not in Flowers
But in her brown eyes

Anonymous said...

Probably two reasons that I can think of:

1. Save the best for last - women are beautiful in there God created natural state

2. If woman was created first she would have tried to tell God how to do everything

Allen said...

my dad told me once "a beautiful woman is interesting for a few hours. a smart woman is interesting for a lifetime"

John Wilder said...

Wonderful picture.

maruadventurer said...

If you see a gorgeous woman single, bask in the knowledge that some other man found the pain out weighed the beauty and gave her up. Be that man and walk away.

Anonymous said...

And if you’re as lucky as I was at age 41, you meet a beautiful AND smart 39 yr old woman whose first husband decided he wanted someone different. That was 34 yrs ago, and I appreciate her more each day.

Anonymous said...

See reply to Allen, above. Some men are fools; to follow them makes you one also.