Thursday, May 30, 2024

Ruminate, sil vous plait

Military Axiom #1: When you get a totally jackassical order from a higher-ranking jackass, carry it out to the letter.
Much ado about nothing is being made about the failure and self-destruction of the pier in Gaza.
"It's an outrage!"
"$320M dollars shot to hell!"
"They could f**k up a crowbar in a sandpile!"
And on and on.

Okay, if your blood pressure needs a little jolt now and again, you can stop there.
But you don't have to do that.

Eaton Rapids Joe has one contrarian take, and he's not wrong about any of it, but I'll go even further than that in a minute.

Look, there are a few givens today.

One of them being that neither Emperor Poopypants' nor his entire fraudulent regime could find their own asses with both hands, a map, and a rearview mirror.
Granted, with oak leaf clusters.
Proven ten times a day for three years running.


Work with me for a minute or two.

What happens if we build the damned thing, and it works?

"Humanitarian" aid starts moving into Gaza. A trickle at first, but eventually, a steady flow. Which takes more pressure off of Hamas, and puts more pressure on Israel to stop doing the sensible thing by exterminating this problem for all time, and relenting, yet again, to face it again in a few months or years.

For the Common Core grads, Israel was getting rocketed and shelled from the shreds of the failed state that was Lebanon in the early 1980s. Not their bases. Their people's homes, farms, and schools. Their women and children, FFS.

Finally, having had enough, they sent the Israeli equivalent of Patton's Third Army into southern Lebanon, and cleaned house. 

First, they sent a drone broadcasting electronic "Shoot me! I'm the entire Israeli Air Force!" radar signals flying through the Syrian air defenses erected in the Bekaa Valley to guard the strongholds of a plethora of Arab terrorist camps there. Right behind that drone, they had another few recording live video of all the missile batteries, and more collecting all the frequencies and signals of their search and tracking SAM radars.

The next day, with a complete up-to-the-minute map of those sites, they flew actual planes in and wiped the board clean. With total air supremacy, they sent in tanks and APCs, and used the bodies of countless terrorists there to grease the treads of their tanks, all the way to the harbor in Beirut.

What was left of Yasser Arafat and the PLO was trapped, and screaming for help, and everyone, including their weapon suppliers, sent them back a box of FAFO medals, and their deepest sympathies on their plight.

Then, some jackasses at the U.S. State Department thought Israel killing off the thorns in their side was too one-sided, and convinced Reagan (of all presidents) to swoop in, and interpose US Marines between the two sides.

Yasser Arafat and the PLO fighters still alive were evacuated from Beirut, and taken home to Gaza. Israel sat on their side of the barbed wire, helpless and frustrated, watching the same blood enemies who'd masterminded hundreds of terrorist attacks inside and outside Israel get away yet again.

And by way of thanking us for this magnanimous act, the Marines' ground HQ at the Beirut airport was blown up by a truck bomb (as were the US and French embassies), the Marines there began taking daily shell fire and sniping, and we shelled hillsides in the Lebanese countryside with the 16-inch guns of the USS New Jersey, bombed miscellaneous targets from time to time, and got US troops killed and captured for no good end, until we finally wised up and GTFO of Dodge.

It was an expensive and pointless clusterfuck, and Arafat became the leader of Gaza, beginning to turn it into the tunneled and honeycombed terror base that has plagued Israel for the last 40 years. The only thing that changes there is which terrorist @$$holes they put in charge. Most recently Hamas.

We sent billions in aid to Gaza. We sent them pipe for water systems and wells.
They turned the pipe into homemade rockets, which have been launched at Israel nonstop, every day for decades. (If Mexico had been doing that to San Diego from Tijuana, Baja California would be Mexican-free now, as a permanently annexed US territory, and Mexico's presidential elections for the next 50 years would be held at a conference table in the White House Situation Room, with only members of the National Security Council casting votes.)

Flash forward to last October. Hamas, the current bunch of rabid monkeys in charge of Turd World Shitholia-On-The-Med, decided they were big and bad enough to f**k with an actual first world military and nation like Israel. It hasn't worked out well for them, nor should it. If everyone in Gaza were incinerated to ashes, the other billion or so Arab Muslims would piss and moan for about 15 minutes, until the red lights on the cameras were turned off, then go about their business as before. Presidents and princes from Morocco to Pakistan would weep and gnash their teeth publicly, and then each send Netanyahu a case of champagne apiece and warmest felicitations in private. Some good number would even supply him with more bombs and napalm.

Enter Mr. Sumdum Phuq in DC with a soft head and a soft heart for Hamas and the "poor Palestinians" who elected Hamas in the first place, and still support them, by 80:20 or better, to the current minute, and given the chance, would do another October 7th attack on Israel tomorrow, even knowing Israel would respond exactly as they have so far, all over again.

And Mr. Phuq wants to help the poor suffering terrorist lovers in Gaza, and hits upon the idea of building a pier to unload pallets of aid (which will be, to a metaphysical certainty, commandeered by Hamas in a heartbeat, given only to their most whackjob strident supporters, or sold and bartered for more guns, bullets, bombs, rockets, and Semtex, to kill more women and children in Israel. Just like every penny of aid they've received from 1967-five seconds ago has been.

And which pier will act like a bung driven into the cask of American foreign payola, creating an annual commitment to fund Hamas and their terrorism, opening the tap $1B or more, annually, until Hell freezes over.

Including the next round of attacks in this country.

That's what a working pier gets us. Which is exactly the over-the-top incompetence we expect from Mr. Fraudulent and his gang of merry misfits in the White House.

Show of hands: Who wants that?
Col. Nicholson in Bridge Over The River Kwai, building the Japs a better bridge than they could've done themselves comes to mind. Madness.

But just suppose that somewhere below the radar, in the Corps Of Engineers or Navy Seabees, there's a general or admiral who's as big a fan of Gomer Pyle and Cmdr. McHale as he is of General Patton or Admiral Halsey.

One who thinks this request for a pier calls for a really futile and stupid gesture, and his guys, like Delta House at Faber College, are just the guys to do it.
"Boys", he says, "I know this is going to be a little bit out of character for you, but I need you to do something for the good of the nation. I know you can build bridges and piers under enemy fire, like we've done in multiple hot shooting wars. And those bridges saved lives, won wars, and made America great. But what we need right now, is a pier that looks like we tried to do our best, but is actually so fornicated up, it breaks up, tears apart, blows away in a slight breeze, and sinks.
"Because if you build them a good bridge, before you know it we'll be sending a bottomless ocean of American dollars here, funding terrorism - even against ourselves - on a monumental scale, and eventually costing us rivers of American blood, both guys like you stationed here, and moms and dads and their kids back home. So we need a total piece of sh*t, that will demonstrate how jackassical the very idea is of sticking our nose in here where it don't belong. You'll catch some heat, but I'll take most of it, and I'm going to retire in a couple of years anyways, so why the hell not?"
"And the people who don't get killed, and the neighbors who won't have billions in tax dollars sucked out of their pockets, and your little brothers who won't be fighting a war here in 5 years, will all thank you someday much, much later."
"So whaddya say? Do ya feel me? Can you get out there, and screw the pooch for the Team?"
Put like that, you'd get a bridge that would be the envy of the guys who built the Titanic, the Hindenburg, and the Edsel, and give you a defense boondoggle that would make Robert McNamara cream his shorts if he were only alive to see it. It would rival the engineering expertise that gave the world the Leaning Tower of Pisa and Three Mile Island.

Which, as it turns out is exactly what we got.

Look, I'm not saying this was masterminded by the bumbling jackholes at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and the U.S. Capitol who think they run this country. But the guys at the bottom of the totem pole, the ones at the downhill terminus of every Pentagon project shit-rolling contest? Buddy, I'm here to tell you, you come up with a genius plan like this, and they could blow up the Hoover Dam or drop the Golden Gate Bridge, and do it so precisely it wouldn't crack so much as a window on Fisherman's Wharf nor jiggle a single dice roll on the Vegas Strip.

I'm not telling you that's what happened. But while most of the Pentagon brass could be melted down for fish sinkers, most of the NCO corps and the E-3 Mafia are 24K gold.

So just open your mind to the possibility, and don't sell them short.

The $320M "wasted" on this boondoggle mostly got log-rolled to US companies and salaries (with a non-zero portion kicked back to congressweasels in both parties, like always, since ever). It wasn't just thrown into an open furnace. And it's certainly not like what Obozo did, sending literal pallets of $100 bills to Iran to build nuclear weapons and fund terror groups without leaving any financial fingerprints. This was just a blip in the grand scheme of Pentagon graft and grift.

We also got the Ham@$$holes we were nominally trying to help to show why that was a stupid idea, by having them mortar the thing during construction, and injure at least one worker severely. I don't know about you, but the construction workers I've met, who were getting that level of "thanks" from the people they were building something for, might be inclined to leave out nuts and bolts at critical points, pretty much every day after that, don'tcha think??

And we get Good Guy points for the appearance of looking even-handed, and take some paltry Gomer Pyle lumps for looking like incompetents. While saving the US BILLION$ for a pointless, endless commitment to fund a bunch of terrorist shits the world is better off without. Not to mention untold numbers of American lives saved, some not yet even born. Screwing the pooch like this may yet turn out to be the biggest bonanza to the US in living memory.

"Hey, we tried man, but it was just too hard to do. Too bad, so sad. Oh, and maybe next time don't poke the lion in the eye when he has metric tons of artillery and napalm. B'Bye!"

Then we f**k off smartly, and nobody asks us to attempt anything so foolish for years and years, and we aren't losing GI Joe and GI Jane by the bushel to snipers and IEDs while some idiot has them doing peacekeeping or Meals On Wheels in Gaza for the next 20 years. World-class genius, right there.

It's even just barely possible that someone old enough to remember the debacle might have learned a wee bit from Beirut 1983, and taken the right lesson(s) about such efforts to heart, even if they never announce that publicly. Wouldn't that just tickle your giggle switch?

I'm certainly not excusing the bottomless incompetence from on high we've seen in living color beyond our wildest nightmares since 2021. Just suggesting an outlook with less sourpuss, and more befitting of happy warriors. And less negative waves, Moriarty, for a change. Woof! Woof!

As a cool-down from the thought exercise, imagine if the schlubs who built out Tan Son Nhut airport in South Vietnam had buggered it up worse than Denver International and Apollo I combined.

We lose interest. Other problems crop up somewhere else. The government's squirrel-on-crack memory wanders to something closer to home, and far less destructive or divisive. The Fuck-Up Fairies responsible for the original pooch-screwing could have saved America billions of dollars in military waste in the 1960s, and saved 58,000 lives.

Never discount the beneficial power of insolent obedience.

And BTW: this whole idea was official US government policy taught to those working in countries behind the lines from 1939 onwards. The fact that the CIA only declassified it in 2008 should tell you more than a little about the rise and fall of the Soviet Empire.

I'ma take a wild guess that what worked on communist idiots over there would work on communist idiots over here equally well. And may already be in play.
YMMV, but take the greater lesson to heart.


MSG Grumpy said...

As a Retired SF Contrarian I applaud the hard work of my Brothers and Sisters currently in Harms way. Having been on the receiving end of hard orders and their usually politically correct red-headed step children that were insane orders, I can testify to the dedication and intelligence of our NCO Corps in being able to discern what to do for each one.
I have seen the difficult and even impossible tamed and overcome with the efforts of better men than I.
I have also seen pointless, idiotic, suicidal, Grandstanding, and especially politically charged orders followed not only to the letter, but even down to the comma and apostrophe until it died on the vine, never to be mentioned again.
Because Success has many Fathers, Failures are ALWAY orphans.
Those same Pentagon Clowns who took the stupid ideas of a Puppet and sent written orders down the chain will now be Ultra quiet in the hopes that No One will lay this road kill at their doorsteps.

I Love your take on this Aesop,
However I would have made one change...
It is Not the kind heart of PedoJoe that wishes to save the poor Pali-Swines,
Because we all know that PedoJoe has no kindness, no heart and no soul to give...
He only does what he is instructed to do, because otherwise they threaten to cut off his puddin' pops, his "Consulting fees" from Hunter's friends, and even threaten to stop protecting Hunter and then Hunter hangs as Jail time would not be a good enough to keep that ship from beginning to leak like a sieve.
The one calling out to "Save the Pali-Swines" is the same one who sent a "pallet 0 cash" Love note to his BFF in Iran.

MSG Grumpy

Anonymous said...

...and here I was thinking the U.S. .mil hasn't learned how to build a pier in open water since the Mulberry Harbor disaster 80 years ago in Normandy. Thanks for correcting my perspective.

One other thing. The food and medical supplies that did make it over the pier to dry land before the pier failed were reportedly being stolen by Hamas. So the "humanitarian aid" was, once again, since forever, aiding the terrorists.


Aesop said...

Gaza is Hamas. Hamas are terrorists. Anything delivered to Gaza was always going to aid the terrorists, just as it always has. Which yet again underlines why a non-functional pier is in U.S. interests, and the best of all possible worlds for Gaza, short of wall-to-wall napalm daily for about a month.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I just can’t. This reeks of carrying water for the administration. It’s an absolute Rube Goldberg explanation on par with some QAnon schizo connect the dots. Occam is, no doubt, blushing from great beyond as the easier explanation is, simply, incompetence.

Then again, perhaps all the other SNAFUs in recent history - boat crashes I’m looking at you - are also part of this elaborate ruse.

Rhea said...

I don't care that we lost the pier. No one in DC seems to think that all they are doing when they rush to aid Gaza is assisting terrorists. When the terrorists win with 70% of the vote, I don't feel the need to aid the 29% that stayed home and the 1% that opposed said terrorists. Imagine trying to win WWII while dealing with the same screaming crybabies crying for Hitler instead of Hamas, moaning about the innocent bystanders that the Allies blew up. Can you imagine it? "Well they didn't all vote for Hitler!"

Elections have consequences is something you would think Americans would understand better after four years under Biden. I also note that not one single soul in Gaza has yet to be reported as telling the IDF where to, oh, I dunno, find the hostages. Locate the terrorists. Do Anything to make it look like they don't support Hamas. I mean, even Germany had some resistance to Hitler.


Aesop said...

@Anon 11:38,

That says more about your shortcomings than the explanation.
1) It was noted multiple times that there's no way in hell TPTB at the top had anything to do with such a move.
2) There's nothing Rube Goldberg about simply faking incompetence. It's the entire reason for the Infield Fly Rule in baseball, FFS, which faked incompetence has been mastered by grade schoolers in Little League.
3) Actual incompetence is the harder sell. It's easy for competent people to look stupid. But it's nearly impossible for stupid people to look competent. Yet again, witness the current regime.
4) It wouldn't be anything like an "elaborate ruse". As Inigo Montoya would have said, "You keep trying to use words to paint it as such, but I do not think those words mean what you think they mean."
By contrast, "Let's get out there, and half-ass it!" is something as easy to do as falling off a log.

Look up "Maggie's drawers".

Anonymous said...

Insolent obedience. Great term. My Dad, passed, did the same thing when he was about 10 years old. (1920s), used my Grand Dad's words against him. Grandpa told him to do EXACTLY what he said. Next morning told him to go to the garden and hoe the onions out. So, that's EXACTLY what he did. Razor strap didn't get used after grandpa was reminded Dad was only doing exactly what he said to do.

Seething said...

Aesop, a great thought experiment but too complicated by far. As we know, the most simple explanation is likely the correct one. The morons who built the dock aren’t quite as farking stupid as the ones who thought up and green-lighted it, but they are as thick as Porky Pig’s sh!t. Out best friend’s son just finished his first year at Annapolis. Supposedly the best and the brightest, yes? He just told me a whopping 85%, eight five, failed calculus. He had it senior year height school (albeit private Catholic) and got an A then and got one again. He said the unbelievable and obvious DEI recruitment in his class has resulted in a very diverse tableau of colors and ethnic backgrounds, but otherwise a bunch of morons. Is there any reason to expect this administration’s push to purge unfavored groups (I.e. you 30 years younger) in favor of DEI groups didn’t affect people who actually should know calculus? These f*ckers have gutted us in every way imaginable.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the excellent, informed and intriguing post. Very much appreciated.

Aesop said...

Complicated is exactly what it's not.
This thing wasn't built by Annapolis grads. (I doubt any of them go into the Seabees these days anyways. Ship Night, where they pick their first commands? 0% to any Mobile Construction Battalions, since pretty much ever.)

Annapolis, like Worst Point, is illustrative of the problem, not the solution.

This thing was built by E-2s through E-6s, with a CPO watching them. The same way everything in the Navy gets done, and has, since 1775. (Go watch The Sand Pebbles. That's the Navy.) Officers wave their arms around, and shout. But the anchor comes up and the propellers spin because of enlisted ratings. Pilots are acutely aware of this. They all know that the only reason they can kick the tires and light the fires is because half a dozen guys making 1/4 their pay with h.s. diplomas worked on it all night before. A ship, let alone a shore activity, is this times 100, or 1000. For the same reason the Army is Band Of Brothers 10,000x more than it is Patton. People who forget that are the Lloyd Fredendalls of military history. (Look him up too.)

All it would take is one flag-rank anywhere in the chain, or even a mere captain, and a couple of NROTC officers, and you get exactly what you got.

Even if this was anything-but-simple executive incompetence from the White House to the ensign supervising the working parties, America still gets the full benefits of the dock's failure, unless some jackass is too stupid to learn a lesson, and wants to try it again.

If Israel is smart, they'll simply plant sea mines around the Hamas-controlled beachheads, declare a "naval exclusion zone" warning all ships from all other nations away, then sit back and watch the follies. We had no business intervening there, and anyone with even half a wit should've known that by last Oct. 8th.

The sooner they eliminate their problem children from that miserable quarter once and for all, the sooner the idiocy and fake outrage ends.

Mind your own business said...

That was the best exercise in polishing a turd and making it look shiny which I've read in a long time. If only it were true.

Trouble is, I think it describes the NCO ranks as they were a couple of decades ago, before Obama and DEI corrupted everything, top to bottom.

True, all the Flag ranks were nothing but eunichs for far longer than that. I just read an article by a Gary Anderson USMC Ret. describing how the Goldwater-Nichols reforms and Skelton military education reform initiatives "created a [flag officer] talent pool a mile wide and an inch deep" by civilianizing the officer corps.

But they've had over a decade to screw up the NCO cohort too. There's a reason retention has shit the bed as bad as recruitment. The people you describe aren't staying.

Aesop said...

No turds were polished in the construction of this post.

As noted in the reply you didn't read right above your comment, America unequivocally gets the full benefit of the failure either way, unless someone doubles down on Teh Stoopid, and tries to do it again.

As it is, we shrug, say it was too hard, and walk away.

Compared to the final cost of getting a pier that worked, this was a bargain at twice the price.

Everybody gainsaying the other way wants to overlook that, because Mafz iz hard.
Worst case - multiple levels of incompetence?
No problem. Pin a medal on the guys who fucked it up, for their services to the nation.
They deserve it.

Anonymous said...

It's both. Malicious Compliance from the competent. Incompetence from the incompetent.

Tucanae Services said...

A minor assessment from what is coming out of 'the system' vis a vis monkey wrenching.

You don't have to life a finger.

I get a front row seat of what our educational system generates. My personal estimate is that only 40% of the Grads are functional. That is can read, write, and follow a suite of instructions at a 10th grade level. Of that % those that come out of higher ed the fraction that is functional still is another 40% of that total.

The system is the monkey. All of us that have any innate common sense merely have to wait for the system to fold on its own accord. In the interim there should be another page in your AO report -- those individuals who are competent in certain given skill sets of everyday life. The rest of the NPCs floating in the punch bowl should just be ignored.

Anonymous said...

At some point a Gaza exit point will be opened so Gaza’s people can flee. I was worried the pier would lead to an exodus into the US. Thankfully Bidumps incompetence saved us from that unsavory fate.

Bobo the Hobo said...

Now I want to have your baby, Aesop.

John Wilder said...

They will fight until one side or the other is destroyed. Period.