Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Another Deplorable Sighting

It's always nice when the Useful Idiot propagandists of the Communist House Organs come right out and say what they've been programmed to spew for their entire lives.


brentg said...

Damn - the wall hit her hard and twice

Aesop said...

I'm pretty sure the wall fell on her.
After she fell off it, and landed face first.
Just a hunch.

Anonymous said...

Shot through the ugly forest and didn't miss a tree.
John in Indy

Anonymous said...

Working at the ticket counter for Delta at LAX, met a lot of famous folks. Katie Couric is one of the most miserable skanky ill-mannered and foul mouthed bitchy cunts I've ever...
Nevermind. Have a nice day.

John Wilder said...

Page is 404. But if that's Katie, she looks older than Pelosi's liver.

Anonymous said...

Aieee. Daymare face. Break out the pic of Raquel Welch as Hannah Caulder. Sanity restored.

Allen said...

there is a reason a "couric" is the measurement of the weight of a pile of shit...