Monday, March 17, 2025

Potemkin Presidency

 h/t WRSA

Bullshit walks. Trump wasn't my guy in 2016, because I feared he'd say anything to get elected, then walk away from it the minute he was in office. Then he surprised me by governing to the right of any Republican since Calvin Coolidge, putting even Reagan's conservative creds to shame on his first outing.

He is now, approaching 60 days into v2.0, living up to all my worst nightmares from 2016, and walking away from actually, y'know, doing anything serious faster than he abandoned "Drain The Swamp!" and "Lock Her Up!" in 2017. Pam Bondi is a gutless fraud. It's like Trump can't find anyone who actually wants to be an Attorney General, and do the fucking job.

Behold, the Potemkin Presidency, in all its glory.

Short of hundreds of indictments, there's not enough lipstick on the planet for this pig.

Make appropriate adjustments to your preparations for the future.


Rhea said...

I figure the part where the US gets dumped by all our former allies will be the hardest part.


Anonymous said...

Given that a bunch of the people on the Epstein list are powerful in one form or another, what do you think the odds are that cases are being put together against them but Bondi is being very tight lipped about it?


Aesop said...

I think if Bondi was serious, there would be 100 FBI agents from the Southern District of New York sitting in federal supermax lockdown, awaiting trial without bail, along with any 20 senior management level dorks between them and Kash Patel, for conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and mishandling of criminal evidence, and the lowest time they'd be looking at would be 20 years apiece, right after being fired for insubordination, and stripped of their pensions. Their families would be living in Motel 6, and all their assets would have been seized under the RICO statutes.

And that would have been only the first batch.

Anonymous said...

Usually you are on the money with your opinions, especially about foreign policy. But on this need for indictments, the "getting even" stuff, and believing that Trump is walking away from his promises, you could be rushing it a bit. We are not even 2 months from him being sworn in. He certainly isn't backing off deportations and defying district judges in the process. Or is it that you are SO pissed at his betrayal of Ukraine that it's clouding your judgment in other areas?

John Wilder said...

Oh, shutting down USAID is a good, good start.

Aesop said...

@Anon 9:08P,
1) Thanks for acknowledging that his treatment of Ukraine is a betrayal.
2) That isn't coloring anything. He chickenshitted his entire first term by laying off of criminal Shrillary and the entire Clinton Family Crime Syndicate™.
He's thrown Ukraine under the bus.
Now he's not even half-stepping on criminal indictments for the most egregious treason perpetrated in the country's history, covering a soft coup, an attempted hard coup assassination, and a decade or more of corruption so monstrous and far-reaching that Watergate is literally a piss-ant nothingburger in its shadow.

People should have been arrested NLT Jan.23rd, and already be under indictment pending federal trial, and that's just for the 50,000 open criminal violations of black-letter law that we know about, so far.

Any excuse offered in explanation is simply gaslighting, and peeing on people's heads while trying to sell a weather report about a rainstorm.

You can't bullshit this big, and do so much nothing, and maintain even a shred of credibility. There's no infantile Q-Anon pablum this time, and nobody's ass-splaining any bong-fueled fairytales about 14-dimensional chess. It's quite simply total dereliction of duty, and fucking over the entirety of the population that voted him into office, and the republic itself.

A president can either uphold his oath of office, or break it.
Whatever he's done, and whatever he does after, he's already past the freshness date on any promises in this regard, and they are the most fundamental and basic ones that need to be upheld. Belatedly turning some attention on them whenever he fucking gets around to it (never, times 50 months in office, at this point) is already too little, too late.

We continue in unmitigated full-scale Banana Republic mode, and he's now the Banana Republican in Chief.

The buck stops at his desk.

The only question now is whether he intends to wear the clown nose and wig for the entire second term, or thinks he might wish to take it off at some point.

IMHO, this is a permanent and irredeemable defect of character.
Call me when someone - anyone - gets arrested.
My money says pigs fly faster than the sound barrier first.
I will be happy to be proven wrong.
But it isn't going to happen.

Anonymous said...

It is shocking that a guy who was subject to prison and bankruptcy inflicted on him by the demos is not reeking vengeance on them everyday. Shocking.

John Venlet said...

While I fully understand and appreciate your viewpoint, Aesop, is it not possible that the evidence of the crimes which have been perpetrated against the American people is being utilized as leverage by Trump? Are Patel, Bondi, and now Bongino rather than talking, actually diligently working to make things happen in a manner you actually would approve of? While I would thoroughly enjoy the wholesale incarceration of the cretins who have lied and stole from the American people, wholesale incarcerations would probably initially encourage many Americans, when such methodology was applied to January 6 folks, it raised more ire than goodwill.

TechieDude said...

It's been what...Two months? He's done quite a bit in two months.

Aesop said...

You don't "leverage" criminal conduct at that scope. You crush it by dropping bulldozers on it from 10,000', and then you napalm any stragglers.
The Constitution has been repeatedly gang-ass-raped for years by these people, so you don't twist their arms, unless it's to twist them completely off, and then beat them to death with the severed limb.

And trying to compare lawful and justified prosecutions of people actually undermining the republic with what was done to the J6 defendants for a non-violent panty raid is so far beyond recockulous you can't see recockulous in the rear view mirror.

Trump would justified in rounding up probably 3/4ths of the CIA and FBI tomorrow, and waterboarding them in GITMO, just for openers.

None of the J6 defendants, by contrast, should have been charged with anything more than harsh language, and given 7 days picking up trash as punishment, at the worst.

You're comparing houseflies to houses.

And @Anon 4:27A,
Trump shouldn't be wreaking vengeance, he should be upholding justice.
This isn't about what these people did to him, it's what they've been doing to the entire country.
The correct response to that should be busloads of people heading to federal prison.
Charles Colson was sentenced to 1-3 years in federal prison for mishandlilng one FBI file.

Meanwhile, Shrillary illegally deleted 30,000 e-mails, and the SDNY FBI office lied and tried to conceal the existence of thousands of pages of evidence in the Epstein case, contrary to the direct, explicit, written orders of the Attorney General Of the United States. Everybody at FBI between the AGUS and the newest janitor in that FBI office should be sitting chained in a cell right this minute for that level of insubordination, criminal conspiracy, and mishandling of federal records.

18 U.S. Code §2071:
"Any custodian of a public record who "willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys (any record) shall be fined not more than $2,000 or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States."

That means anyone who touched those files, and attempted to conceal them, should be fired, arrested, charged, and sentenced to three years in federal pound-you-in-the-ass prison for 3 years for every such government record they mishandled.
That's like 6000 years in prison per person in just the Epstein case.
And that's before we tack on conspiracy charges for each and every person involved, up to every senior official in the FBI chain of command from D.C. to NYFC prior to Bondi's request.

The leverage there is to take a boat oar, insert it smartly up each of their asses, and break it off violently.

Jess said...

It's all just theater, until someone important is frog-walked into jail on national television. That, and when some activist judges are removed, sued until they can't buy a toothpick, and the example is set for a long, long time.

elysianfield said...

Yeah...what Aesop said....

maruadventurer said...

Send 200+ MS13 & TdA out of the country using the Aliens Act I thought was a nice touch. I am inclined to hold my powder till the 6month mark. The perceived fraud discovered at USAID/Dept Ed/etc is problematic as far as arrests. What would be the grounds since Congress authorized the funding? As to some others, aka powerful individuals, one would need to build an airtight case as ya will only get one shot and it has to count.

On the other hand, Bondi needs to show some results. Why she is not up the Solicitor Generals a$$ right now about the rogue judges and pitching to Congress the needs for impeachment of same judges is beyond the pale.

Anonymous said...

Aesop, I don't always agree with your take on things. This time. however, you are absolutely on point. I, for one, am completely over the whole, "But, but, but. . . these things take time and it's happening in the background" nonsense. It's just "Trust the Plan 2.0"

I've read elsewhere that Trump heard the parade outside, ran out in front and now believes he's leading it. I was hopeful the pushback after his nonsense about Massie would have given him some guidance, but he's just too much of a narcissist for that. He is going to alienate his base and, without that focused leadership, who knows what comes next - people are pissed.

IMO Bondi is demonstrably lacking in competence for her role and it's increasingly obvious as time goes on. Let's face it, it's true that the Epstein list contains very powerful names (as his prison assassination demonstrates) and, even with all the time in the world to build a case, they would still walk (not trying to dmoralize here). To me, the easiest solution to that problem is just to out them and let them be tried in the court of public opinion. If she were anything better than a walking Dunning-Kruger effect she would have also reached this reasoning by now and just released the information.

However, they are not serious about any of this. As I type, this afternoon disappears into the rearview mirror and, still, we await the promised JFK files. More sizzle, less steak, again.

Birdchaser said...

No problem with that. They'll feel the pain not the US.

Aesop said...

Right. Because as the world's last remaining superpower, with worldwide strategic interests and commerce, nothing that happens in the rest of the world will ever affect the United States, because somehow it's 1870 again.[/sarc]

I cannot, for the life of me, recall any geopolitical
philosphy quite as stupid as Steampunk Isolationism.

HMS Defiant said...
