You're overly optimistic thinking US politicians wouldn't nuke a US city. You think US politicians weren't behind 9/11? Or Ukraine? I doubt the Russians would unless provoked but the other 3? As soon as they thought they could get away with it.
Well we know at least one US Pol that admits to it -- Eric Swalwell -- "And it would be a short war my friend. The government has nukes. Too many of them. But they’re legit. I’m sure if we talked we could find common ground to protect our families and communities."
Alas it does not take a 'bombing' to destroy a city. Just look what has happened to SFO, LAX, CHI to acquire nearly the same results without a single air sortie.
I'm no such optimistic. I didn't say they wouldn't. I say they're not in the Top Four choices.
Corrupt US politicians are, indeed, a threat to liberty. Nations with nuclear weapons are a threat to life. You cannot have A, without B, so there are greater problems than one's liberty. The dead are free to do nothing.
The latter is the greater problem domestically. Swalwell should have a pole against a wall reserved in his name already. But he likely won't be alone when it happens.
You're correct, but see Tucanae's comment below. They are easier ways to destroy a nation from within, without firing a shot. And their solution to horrid government is always more government.
Look closer. The picture implies an absolute shortage of nuclear-capable U.S. corrupt politicians in Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea, sufficient to be a real threat.
Not counting the news outlets or websites along the full range of accuracy and veracity, I follow multiple actual individuals' handwritten blogs. (Bot news aggregators don't thrill me.) Looking them over, many are current serving or former military and a couple are some variation of high-speed low-drag elite forces ninjas. Or just funny as all. Because life without humor is just despair. So in other words, the same folks I trusted in the military not to wet the bed, sh*t themselves, or otherwise run around like headless Nancys, are the same folks I trust on the interwebz, for demonstrating pretty much the same trustworthiness and circumspectly responsible behavior. Color me shocked.
Comments are fully moderated, due to idiots and trolls. Grown up discussion here will appear just as soon as I have the time to push it through. ANONYMOUS UNSIGNED COMMENTS WILL BE AUTO-DELETED WITHOUT MERCY, and the url added to the spam filter, or mercilessly mocked at the bloghost's sole discretion. If you're too chickensh*t to come up with an alias for online purposes, you're not tall enough for this blog. Pick a name, and stick with it, and you're good. Get cute, and you're wasting your time and my electrons, and your masterpiece will never see the light of day. No warning shots will be fired. If you can't maintain decorum and polite behavior, I won't toy with you, I'll squash you. If one of your comments disappears, YOU f**ked up. If all of them do, it's time for you to go. Disagree with the points made, on the merits, and you're good. Go after me personally, or other commenters, and your comment will never see daylight here. My tolerance for skirting the line is at absolute zero, and will remain there. Don't f**k up.
The picture implies an implausible shortage of corrupt politicians in Russia, Irian, China, and North-Korea
Economic collapse from foolish war spending was effective enough to wipe out Rome.
Cities destroyed by food riots seems almost as effective as nukes.
You're overly optimistic thinking US politicians wouldn't nuke a US city. You think US politicians weren't behind 9/11? Or Ukraine?
I doubt the Russians would unless provoked but the other 3? As soon as they thought they could get away with it.
Well we know at least one US Pol that admits to it -- Eric Swalwell -- "And it would be a short war my friend. The government has nukes. Too many of them. But they’re legit. I’m sure if we talked we could find common ground to protect our families and communities."
Alas it does not take a 'bombing' to destroy a city. Just look what has happened to SFO, LAX, CHI to acquire nearly the same results without a single air sortie.
I'm no such optimistic. I didn't say they wouldn't.
I say they're not in the Top Four choices.
Corrupt US politicians are, indeed, a threat to liberty.
Nations with nuclear weapons are a threat to life.
You cannot have A, without B, so there are greater problems than one's liberty. The dead are free to do nothing.
The latter is the greater problem domestically.
Swalwell should have a pole against a wall reserved in his name already.
But he likely won't be alone when it happens.
You're correct, but see Tucanae's comment below. They are easier ways to destroy a nation from within, without firing a shot.
And their solution to horrid government is always more government.
Look closer.
The picture implies an absolute shortage of nuclear-capable U.S. corrupt politicians in Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea, sufficient to be a real threat.
Which is unassailably true.
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