Tuesday, December 31, 2024


Y'all do as you will. We're going to bed early. As far as we care, the new year, like the fog in a Sandburg poem, can come on little cat feet, and do so without disturbing us. We refuse to give a hoot about it until it shows us something worth noticing. Its predecessors' main claim to fame is that we never reached the point of putting a gun in our mouth. 

If we're wishing, we'd be wishful of a year with a bit more going for it than that. If anyone's taking menu requests, having Joe Biden walk into a speeding bus would cheer us up notably. If he were being held up by the Clintons at impact, we'd be positively ecstatic. We're pretty easy to please.

Just saying.


B said...

Amen, Brother.

I too didn't wait up.

I wish you a better 2025

Anonymous said...

A blest and prosperous New Year to all who abide here.

Anonymous said...

It was Tuesday, then it was Wednesday. Nothing to celebrate ... but as it turns out, the crazies couldn't hold it together in NO. Hell of a start - or not-surprising finish.

Anonymous said...

Barry and Big Mike get a pass?

Aesop said...

Of course not. But it's a fleeting wish for Santa, not a comprehensive list of everyone requiring an Arc Light strike and an AC-130 on standby to mop up stragglers.

maruadventurer said...

So Aesop what would be your mental state if you heard that Obama was driving the bus? :)