Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied - Change My Mind

If that's too harsh, and not carbon-neutral, I would happily allow freeze-drying
him alive, and shipping his flavor crystals back to Guatemala for reconstitution.
Make Deportation Great Again.



libertyman said...

Bill Clinton looks like he has some sort of debilitating disease that penicillin may cure, and he looks gaunt and sounds like he is 90. I wonder who he has been dating these days?

Sede Vacantist said...

No its not too harsh. Not even close. Break major bones in his body so moving is excruciating. Then disarticulate him with fire - three joints per day for justice, mercy - time and motivation for repentance, and honor to the triune God.

B said...

All for that sort of retribution.

Anonymous said...

For the encouragement of the others.

Anonymous said...

On live TV.

Anonymous said...

Don't waste the $ sending the POS's ashes back to his shit hole country. Just dump the ashes in a well used NY porta potty.

Tucanae Services said...

Yes, but too fast. He needs to be tied to a spit and slow roasted. When the meat is dropping off the bones air drop what is left to point of origin.

lol no said...

Televised with %100 mandatory viewership. Let's change some evil minds.

Glacialhills said...

Well, as long as we crossed, why not televise, pay per view. With a nice portion going to her family. And you could even go one more step by lining the street with hellians,but instead of running with bulls, it's running from a flamin' hot Guacamole, heck bring the kids they can try to roast marshmallows.

Anonymous said...

How about setting fire to the people who ordered the open borders.

Aesop said...

I'm not against that per se. But baby steps.

Plague Monk said...

It's nice to see everyone in the Christmas spirit.

Aesop said...

There's nothing but the Christmas spirit in recognizing that the best use of some people is as a Yule log.

Anonymous said...

Ever read “Your Sparkle Cavalcade of Death”?

John Wilder said...

Make Lynching Great Again.

lol no said...

Yup. The watchword here should be "thorough".

Glacialhills said...

His nuts roasting on an open fire...Jack frost snipping off his nose(with branch pruners).