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Che got nine bullets in his sorry @$$, and all I got was this rockin' meme! Salud, bitch. |
Forgive the lapse, but as Boat Guy reminded me in Comments, today is the anniversary of the date in 1967 when sociopath commie bastard mass murderer (but I repeat myself) Ernesto "Che" Guevara performed his highest duty to mankind, by volunteering as a target for a detachment of the glorious forces of freedom in Bolivia, where he was wounded, captured, and later executed summarily. Dulce et decorum est.
A toast, boys and girls, to the outstanding marksmanship of Las Fuerzas Armadas de Bolivia, and their virtuous achievement of making another Good Communist, in a hail of gunfire. Nice shooting, amigos. Viva Libertad!
And be of good cheer, fellow diehards: today means we're another year closer to Dead Hanoi Jane Day. Whenever that day comes, it cannot be too soon.
I think I have finally figgered out the difference in the death photo you have and the ones others post. I read where they cut his head off. It kinda looks like that in your photo. Probably did the head shots before that?
May he continue to burn in hell...in the hottest part....
I don't know about the photo, unless they did more to him after he was already dead:
The Marxist shithead should be resurrected just so he could be shot again and again and again and......!
Methinks with all the statue "pull downs" going on by the local Marxists in FUSA, we really NEED a full bronze sculpture of this glorious ventilated skull on every public square from coast-to-coast. Hell--start a campaign for the kiddies in elementary schools to melt down their pennies for the copper/bronze mix (what little Cu and not Zn that's left!)
Let the Bolshies know what they're in for. Something for them to constantly ponder in Reality-ville and not the faculty lounges of local infested universities or AntiFa parlors.
They don’t deserve to be warned any further.
A frabjous day indeed. The hell of it is with these Che T-shirt wearing fuckknuckles, most of them have no real idea of who Che even was. I know several, in fact, and call 'em on it every chance I get by asking if they'd be willing to wear a Hitler shirt in public, since it amounts to the same thing. They're always just gobsmacked by that, not knowing any history whatsoever and all.
No more warnings. We are way beyond words.
Kinetic counter revolution time.
Now that photo would look GREAT on a t-shirt, while worn by a student at the
local college!
That's the best picture evah of a Chia Pet! I still think hang, drawn, quarter, and burned while alive would've been better, but, Chia Pet is still dead.
Dan in Ohio, I like your entrepreneurial thinking!
I’m not sure if the photo is actually Che, if you see the famous post mortem photo op while laid out on a table there is no bullet holes to his head. All commies need this treatment...
It's Che.
Before they cleaned him up.
I've started a tradition on the birthday/deathday/holiday for whatever despicable scumbag that we take a watermelon, pumpkin or whatever noggin analog is available cheap and decorate it with the likeness of aforementioned scumbag and use it as a target. Period correct weaponry is a bonus and it's educational for the kiddies.
I must add Che deathday to the list. A pumpkin with a scraggly beard and a red beret seems appropriate. I'll need to rustle up an M1 carbine to be historically accurate no? I seem to recall that's what the Bolivians executed him with.
".....died of multiple wounds to the thorax and body."
Can't wait for Jane Fonda day....
Totally off-topic, but what the hell has happened to Drudge?!
Anymore, it looks like a TOTAL left-wing news site. I have heard that Matt Drudge is, how shall we say, a practitioner of the gay lifestyle, but that by itself should not turn him from somewhat conservative to flaming leftist.
It is rare that someone who is or becomes conservative subsequently regresses back to the Left. But it does happen. Perhaps that is the case with Drudge. Or perhaps there is blackmail involved. Being gay, he of course would be very vulnerable in that regard.
Truly sorry about the off-topic post, Aesop. What the hell, I might as well double down. Cold Fury is back online!! Yeah, Mike! Urrah!!
@George True: You wrote, "Matt Drudge is, how shall we say, a practitioner of the gay lifestyle, but that by itself should not turn him from somewhat conservative to flaming leftist."
Think about that. Why were gay people kept out of the military for all of those years? Oh, the duplicity! How deep it runs in them! How quickly they will turn to gain an advantage! And from whence does this flip-floppery arise? For aeons of time it arose from the need to hide their nature from a normal, and natural population that sought them out.
They are quite devious. Candidate Pete is your most sterling example of deception: cloaking himself in Christian religion while attacking its tenets daily.
Well, I took you all and WRSA-blog up on the T-Shirt "challenge." http://teespring.com/happy-che-day. :-)
Thanks, but I like the one with the bullet hole in the forehead.
Call me sentimental.
Raise a glass to "Pappy" Shelton and his SF team who trained up some first class Bolivian Rangers. Salud!
right on and in agreement, 06. And by the way-it is good to see you're still around, brother.
'Original' Grandpa
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