Sunday, July 14, 2024

Pull The Other One, It's Got Bells On It


Anonymous said...

But they saw him. It's clear from the video that the secret service snipers were waiting to see the shooter start shooting, before they engaged. That is strange. This plus all the reports that people saw the shooter, called police and nothing happened.


Anonymous said...

A blind BBC reporter was first out with an interview of one of the people who tried to shout out to the Secret Service and police that there was a man with a rifle on the roof, and was ignored by the overwatch.

That building not being secured, the warnings ignored, and the counterfire only starting after the assassin had fired leads me to suspect that the hole in the perimeter was intentional.
But hey, the FBI will investigate, and I am sure that we can trust them, right?
John in Indy

Dinochrome One said...

I'm getting old; I remember when the FBI were the GOOD GUYS. Looks bad, J. Edgar,...

John Wilder said...

They've already said "He acted alone" even though they can't get into his cell phone.

Mike Guenther said...

Evidently that's the USSS rules of engagement; the president has to be fired upon before they can fire back.