Saturday, July 6, 2024

Everyone's Favorite Pissed-Off Far-Left Whackadoodle

My, my, my. Matt Croyle's hole just keeps getting deeper.

Seems like Mattie-poo was going completely off the rails long before he managed to make PA law enforcement's Greatest Twits List.

Here we have uncovered three more gems he thought he erased:

Pardon me for noting that this is exactly the type of batshit crazy paranoid delusional psychotic ranting we usually discover from certain nutjobs 12-24 hours after they start capping schoolkids, or a theater full of people watching a movie.

It appears, far from taking Matt The Whackadoodle Constable out of context, everyone online was simply seeing what couldn't be unseen:

Matt Croyle is a psychotic lunatic.

This snowflake's deranged lunacy may be the kind of thing that makes a psychiatrist's entire career.

I don't think Matt's ever going to be able to put all this toothpaste back in the tube. But he may have a lot of free time on his hands to try.


Tucanae Services said...

There is MAGA. There is also MIAGA -- Make Insane Asylums Great Again. Such institutions dotted the fruited plain to house individuals like this puff muffin once. Might be time we bring them back, eh?

Beans said...

Have you ever looked at the political affiliation of all of the assassins, bombers, mass shooters (that aren't done by the US Government?)

Democrats and far-left lefties all.

It's almost like progressivism is a mental disorder, no?

Aesop said...

Crazies gonna crazy.

Rhea said...

I notice that, like every other leftist nutcase, 'traitors' is defined as 'anyone I disagree with.'


John Wilder said...

Sounds like an insurrectionist to me. (A libtard journalist blocked me for saying that)

lol no said...

It's ALWAYS the mewling dickless loudmouths goading others to violence. ALWAYS. He's nothing to fear. He IS, however, to be remembered for his role in attempting to foment violence for political goals. I may be wrong here but that sounds to me like the very definition of terrorism.