Saturday, July 13, 2024

Layers And Layers Of Editors

Why Are Wheels Falling Off Boeing Aircrafts?[sic]

For the same reason Newsweek headlines are grammatically retarded:

Both outfits valued DIE Diversity Beans over functional competence, and neither AI nor Laqueesha can read, write, or spell at even a second grade level, and the same diversity beans at both places are too lazy and stupid to look up how to do their jobs better (by which we mean "at all").

Note for the Newsweak (not a typo) functional retards:

The plural of "aircraft" is "aircraft". Not "aircrafts".

People whose first language is English get this. People whose first language is Ebonics, not so much.

It's a measure of how far we've fallen that part of me is happy the headline wasn't

"Why de wheels be fallin' off dem planes, yo?"


Anonymous said...

Conflating wheels and tires.....

Anonymous said...

The answer to your question is "because the author of the article is a Brit".

While the Brits invented English, in the modern era, they have a habit of murdering it by inserting plurals were none are required and other similar transgressions of grammar. Then there's the intentional misnaming of things like calling French fries "chips" or sausages "bangers" and potato chips "crisps" etc etc ad infinitum, when every one else IN THE WORLD uses the same terminology as is used in the USA for those items when speaking English.

Then there's the Brits insistence on driving on the left hand side of road. You'd think that a sea faring nation, where the rules of passage of ships on opposing headings dictate that the ships pass on their left, would translate to driving on the right hand side of the road. But no.

Even Canadians were smart enough to see through that one.

As a consequence of this insanity, Brits and many of their former "protectorates"(read former conquered countries, colonies as it were) are FORCED to pay a premium of 15-30% in vehicle cost for the privilege of driving on the left hand side of the road, 75 countries in all compared to 165 countries that drive on the right hand side.

Thus the phrase "...two countries separated by a common language" - attributed to Shaw and others.


Anonymous said...

But...but... didn't Katherine Johnson singlehandedly put Americans on the moon? I know that's true because I saw it in a Hollywood movie. They would dig up some obscure hire to make famous JUST because she was a black female. She proves all the white men were stupid and it took a black woman to save NASA. Right?

Aesop said...


Yes, the author is a Britistani, validating Henry Higgins' lament "Why Can't The English Speak English?", but that just begs the question of whereinhell were all those editors listed on the masthead, the overwhelming number of which are American.
And mostly Common Core grads, to a metaphysical certainty.

Tucanae Services said...

Though I prefer not being a grammar nazi but in defense of the Brits.... French fries came after chips chronically. And there is the obscure factoid that 'french fries' were an American invention so why are they not called American fries? We Americans have the particular habit of dropping participles out of a sentence entirely. And by the way, Nemo, you missed a common one. What we call a trunk, is a boot in the British car parlance. But enough....

As to Boeing I would rather point to their aerospace division for royal F'ups. Wheel falls off a 757 or 737? My first question would be how old and what is and who did the service maintenance of the craft? If the last time Boeing touched that craft was 3 yrs ago, look elsewhere for the problem. Then there is the matter of the 777/787. Craft with international range rarely get serviced in the USA. They end up in service centers overseas where no one speaks a lick of English.

But the Boeing spacecraft is where their incompetence shines. Over budget, over schedule, hanging in space with a craft unsuited for purpose. I would hazard the DEI hires are probably less but I could be wrong. If I am right that means that the quality of rocket engineers has degraded greatly. The paper pushers have conquered that division of Boeing such that a qualified tech is being over ruled by a UCLA hire with a project plan.

But that is par for the course. Automotive has the same problem. Fun to watch if you have the time --

Moral of the story with much of this tale of woe is incompetence and blind obedience to 'procedure'. The ability to THINK is a damn rare commodity these days regardless of industry. Sorry for the length Aesop, but my blood pressure is lower. :)

Anonymous said...

You must reach. It has been corrected. :-)

John Wilder said...

Well, everyone knows dump closes at darktime.