Saturday, July 6, 2024

And The Hits Just Keep On Coming


Add Rep. Ronny Jackson MD, former White House physician to both Obozo and Trump, to the list of congressweasels demanding an investigation into Biden's actual mental capacity, and answers to the years-long question of WhoTF Has Been Running The Country? since 2020.

Jackson, with street cred on the topic that cannot be argued with, points out that Biden has been cognitively impaired since before the 2020 election.

Can it get worse for the Dems?

Just a wee bit.

Sen. Kneepads has been at the forefront of those claiming "There's nothing wrong with Biden, he's sharp as a tack". And GOP senators and congressmen are pointing that complicity in what's turning into the monstrous cover-up we've all been alleging is going to have serious political consequences. Starting with congressional oversight investigations.

Picture CSPAN hearings running 24 hours/day, kids, from now until New Years'. Even the neutered housecats of the GOPe smell blood in the water, and political hay to be made.

This turdball the Dems have made is going to roll until it runs Biden's candidacy over. And their games since 2019 may bite the whole party in the ass this summer and fall.

Regardless of what the Dems and Emperor Poopypants claim publicly, they're all crapping their pants daily, and everybody's worried what happens next.


Tucanae Services said...

Its not a trifecta unless the Bidens, the Cabinet AND the pressitutes are all in front of a microphone explaining themselves. If anything screams 'antitrust needed here' its Big Media.

Aesop said...

I think they can smell the coming onslaught, Tucanae, and that alone explains their sudden course change at this late hour.

They don't want any ownership of Poopypants, or the sure and certain wrath for perpetrating him for the last four years, so they're trying to act like an actual press again, at the last hour.

It's like a deathbed confession.

Not saying it'll work, but it's the only explanation for their "Shocked! Shocked I say!" sudden shift. They know the jig is up.

John Wilder said...

Rumor is the White House doctor has been consulting with a Parkinson's specialist.