Sunday, July 7, 2024

And the Drumbeat Goes On


According to on-air statements today, Rep. Anna Luna will introduce - with the full support of House Speaker Johnson -- a motion to hold AG Merrit Garland in "inherent contempt", for refusing to turn over the video recordings of Biden's deposition that led to the DoJ declining to prosecute him on grounds of mental incapacity.

Garland's arrest is off the table, but a finding of "inherent contempt" would make Garland, himself, personally liable to a daily fine of $10,000 for every day he refuses to turn over those recordings, or force him to resign, before he's bankrupted.

And this @$$clown covering for Mr. Fraudulent is the guy Hopey Dopey wanted to put on SCOTUS.

Anyone conspiring with Garland, instructing him, or pressuring him, to continue in that contempt, including POTUS, would open themselves up to federal criminal conspiracy charges, and invoke articles of impeachment and/or referral for federal prosecution afterwards, and the statute of limitations on such prosecution is five years, and the clock doesn't start ticking until the last overt act, which could be all the way to next January 20th.

In the clip above from several weeks ago, Luna noted any such finding had to be carried out under the Congress during which the contempt finding was found. That means the timeline for passing this is the term of the current Congress.

Garland's looking at over a million dollars in personal fines if he holds out until the election.

And it's not even Monday yet.

Hakeem Jeffries is holding a virtual meeting today, and the presumptive topic is how many members of Congress are ready to throw Dopey Joe under the bus, and end the current debacle before things get any worse for every Democrat running for re-election, including every member of Congress, and a number of senators.

Historical Note for the Baby Ducks: Nixon hung around during Watergate even after they had him on audiotape agreeing to obstruct justice. The House had already voted two (of three) articles of impeachment against him, when a small group of Republican long-time loyalists in Congress, including Sen. Barry Goldwater, told Nixon point blank, he was going to be impeached on the third article, and the Senate would convict him and remove him from office.

He addressed the nation the next night, and announced his resignation from the presidency effective at noon the following day.

Garland keeps withholding those recordings, and this becomes Watergate 2.0. And this Congress isn't going to come at him with knives. They'll be packing machetes.

Even money the Cabinet removes Biden by the end of the month (even with the back and forth required by Article XXV, and the Congress needing to find the Cabinet's removal justified). The whole thing would play out in as little as three days, tops.


SiGraybeard said...

I like Anna (Rep. Luna) but I just get the feeling that it'll be like over 95% of what goes on in the District of Criminals, that Shakespeare quote: "full of sound and fury, yet signifying nothing." I dearly hope to be proven wrong, but we just see so many videos of all sorts of conservative bluster and nothing ever happens.

She's from Florida but not my rep. She's from somewhere over on the west coast of Florida but I don't remember exactly where.

Tucanae Services said...

I would hazard that an Art XXV won't be employed unless the Dims group around Harris. As it is right now the cabinet officers have free reign to do as they wish so keeping DiaperMan is to their favor. It would be to Harris's favor to displace POTUS but she has to --

"... Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, ..." -- 25th Amend.

Cabinet loses a free hand and Congress is split so no relief there so Harris would have tough hill to climb to acquire the requisite signatures.

Rhea said...

The only problem, once they get rid of Joe, is what about Affirmative Action Placeholder VP? She's not senile but she's certainly not any smarter.

She's the kind that reminds you that breathing is a reflex for a reason.


John Wilder said...

The fix is in for the Dotard in Chief.

Terrapod said...

I do believe Wilder is correct in that they will keep FJB at the top of the ticket to the convention making him the official candidate with the full knowledge that there is a good chance "The Donald"TM will win this round in spite of criminal ballot manipulation by the usual suspects.

They wont put up anyone that appears 'better" than Joetato to lose anyway. The blob does not go away, it just goes a bit more quiet for 4 years while repeating and ramping up their prior 8 year effort to malign, denigrate and destroy any republican (not of the blob) in the oval office.

Anonymous said...

As a multimillionaire, $1M is a drop in the bucket for AG MG. The incoming assets from whatever mysterious ventures people like that have going on will more than offset any penaltiesmore. I dont see him or any other usurper giving in unless treason and it's appropriate penalties begin being carried out regularly and openly.

Aesop said...

His net worth is $20M. A million dollars isn't chump change to him, and the fines don't ever stop, so it's $3.6M/yr, until he relents, or resigns.

Brian said...

I take the odds, that there won't be enough votes to hold me accountable.

Virginia Granny said...

And yet, in the immortal words of Boris Badenov, "Never underestimate the power of a shnook."

Dan said...

I suspect that enough congress critters are compromised enough that the DOJ can pressure them into NOT impeaching Garand. Even if they've done nothing they can be blackmailed. Being clean doesn't mean the criminal FBI can't create blackmail material. Remember...they can find kiddie porn on ANYONE'S computer if they so wish.

No...this is just more kabuki theatre primping and posturing for political gain.

Aesop said...

The issue isn't impeaching the AG.
It's about turning the fine meter on and just letting it run.
It'll pass on a party line vote, and probably pick up 20 Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Why hasn't anyone brought up that Kamala Harris is an anchor baby, born to two foreign nationals and thus is NOT a Natural Born Citizen, a requirement to be POTUS.

Neither is Nimrata or Vivek. They are ALL Anchor Babies, each born to TWO foreign nationals.

Rhea said...

For the same reason no one ever brought up Barack Obama's birth certificate. Democrats play with two different rule books and they do it because Republicans let them.
