Wednesday, March 23, 2022

"Happy Oz"

 h/t CTH


Jonathan H said...

Yeah right, pull the other one, it has bells on it!

They change their mind so often, how can you trust they won't change their mind while you're there and prevent you from leaving?

Jess said...

I doubt tourists want to take the chance. Some will, but the cautious will avoid a country where their is tyranny.

Lester said...

Excellent accommodation available in the newly refurbished CLP. Covid Lockdown Plantation.

Anonymous said...

Happy go lucky blokes for sure. We work to live was their motto vs the Yanks "Live to work" so they kept telling me. Work never got in the way of fun. Sold all their natural resources for cash to China which calls their country New China. Tourism was a big cash box for them since they never seemed to invest any of their sold off resources. RIP. We need to rescue their women.


Grog said...

CTH has a story that Overbite Ardern also is "relaxing" the restrictions. This is by design, the global power mad sycophants are not giving up an iota, these will be reinstituted before summer is here because "racism" or "for the children" or "variation 3,199 of lung flu" or some other vacuous bullshit excuse.

TLM said...

I have a memory and a suspicious mind.

Jonathan H said...

China is locking down again; I expect we'll see a push here, but so many people and local governments are done with it that I doubt much will happen.

John Wilder said...

We now know who they are. No one can claim to be surprised anymore.