Saturday, January 4, 2025

TDS Is Real. And They Really Are That Bat-Sh*t Crazy.

Also: I have a bridge for sale. Cash only.


B said...

So what happens if Trump simply says "Fuck You:" to the judge and chooses not to show?

I mean, Congress, and half the other politicians simply ignore the laws when convenient, and half the criminals in our Blue cities get away with ignoring the courts.

Why should Donnie bother?

Tree Mike said...

We're going into increasingly "unsettled" times.
1, Head on a swivel.
2. Stay away from crowds.
3. Never relax around blacks!
4. You know...etc.

John Wilder said...

They are that crazy.

Anonymous said...

be a shame if criminals were captured and dragged behind vehicles for a few miles after the commie soros-backed prosecutors and judges refuse to punish them.

and i would be very very sad if those prosecutors and judges got dragged as well.