Coming weeks will determine whether the entire Democommunist Party and its adherents are simply a societal emetic, or instead an actual civilizational laxative.
Either way, the purging is going to be a sight to behold.
Stock up on beverages and popcorn.
The only thing to remember about 2028 is that it's coming, and there's nothing you can do about that. Plan ahead now, so you've little to worry about come the day.
One good thing will be the result of social media -- explosive growth in identities. So much so that lumping people into groups will not serve any political purpose in the future. That I share a common goal with others, yes. That I am one of many blue haired, feminist nazi, baby aborting skank with a doctorate at a ivy, no. The 2024 election is but a hint at what the future of politics will be.
Fascism wasn't popular until after anti-fascists started.
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