Sunday, March 24, 2024

Happy Anniversary

Exactly 80 years ago tonight, 600 POWs accomplished one of the most daring prison breaks in history, tunneling and blitzing 76 men out of Stalag Luft III.

Do as you like, but I know what's showing on the tube hereabouts tonight.


Jim Horn said...

The movie is terrific. I do recommend the book by that title which sticks more to the actual facts (the movie made a number of "enhancements"). Both highly recommended!

maruadventurer said...

Momentous event and a excellent telling in a movie. The actors list alone in that cinema piece nearly guarantees an triumph of art worth watching.

John Wilder said...

Masters of the Air is an okay series - youngest got Apple for free, so I watched it.

wlfpak4 said...

Would that be 60 years ago? My math is not too good.