Monday, January 13, 2025

I Told Ya So

Democrat voter turnout in Charcoal Hills, formerly known as Pacific Palisades,
 expected to decrease by 98.4% for next decade. Pisser, huh?

Homeless cause 14,000 Fires per year in L.A. County

Insurance companies dropped coverage because Califrutopia is a massive clusterfuck

authorities drained reservoirs in fire areas for a year despite two record wet seasons, which was why hydrants had no water

Billion$$ unspent: Gov. Moonbeam and Gabbin' Nuisance haven't built a new reservoir in CA in 50 years, as population doubled, and billions of gallons of rain and snowmelt flow out to sea year after year

UPDATE: And (h/t WRSA) all of the above in one Tucker Carlson podcast:

And all this nonsense was voted in and funded lavishly by the millionaire Leftard lunatics in West L.A., which runs about as Democrat as NYFC not counting Staten Island.

I repeat for emphasis:

Stop dropping water on those neighborhoods. Swap it out for napalm and aviation gasoline, and solve this problem for a century or more. Make Stupid Painful Again.


Tree Mike said...

Very good! One of your better rants. Careful though, truth hurts feelings and you ARE still in Commiefornia. Loving Tennessee, 10 years. Commiefornia refugee, not a missionary.

Anonymous said...

Grew up in Illinois and Wisconsin. Lived in California due to USAF assignment and subsequent jobs for 31 years. Moved to the Columbia River Gorge after the telecom meltdown of '06. As a life long Bircher / NRA / etc. it's been entertaining working on slowing down the left at all the above.

Many thanks, Aesop, for your excellent insight, lessons, and encouragement!

Anonymous said...

The fact that all of this chaos has descended upon the Left in one of their bluest bastions, just a week before Trump's re-inauguration, is a glorious coincidence.

Stealth Spaniel said...

The Left deserves every ember that came their way. It is too bad that it hasn't taken more of idiot country. Let the 3rd world terrorists in-get 3rd world terrorist results. When the Mayor/Governor/Fire Chief-ettes cannot think to use sea water to extinguish a burn......have we no fire planes left in Commiefornia? I have preached desalination plants forever.....still, we pray for rain and then send the water out to sea. (Note to the Recently Arrived: it doesn't get any smarter in NorCal). Fire is Biblical- purification has been needed for a long, long, long time.

maruadventurer said...

Sadly they have not learned a thing about this fire disaster. Half the commentors on X are screaming 'climate change'.

John Wilder said...

How many homeless will just squat on the land?

Aesop said...

Hopefully, the same number as those who will be put on chain gangs for one day less than a year, and forced to shovel asphalt patches for potholes all summer, and shovel snow and mud all winter.
Total number of times that would need to occur to make vagrancy extinct in this state: once per person.