Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Disaster Relief


We cannot and do not, in good conscience, recommend sending so much as a thin dime to either the Red Cross nor Satan's Army for use for any victims of the current fires in SoCal.

1) The American Red Cross has the official policy that they, and they alone, will set a secret limit of relief for any given disaster. Any funds contributed for a given disaster which exceed that amount, will be shunted without informing you to their general operating funds, for use howsoever they see fit, including for disasters that are less sexy and PR-positive.

Any way you slice that, it's underhanded, and we refuse to give them any money because of that sneaky shit. They should either publicize it forthrightly, and either return excess contributions, or ask your kind permission before repurposing them for their own pocket.

Any other course of action is quite simply fraud.

2) Satan's Army, AFAWK, never fired the two woketarded @$$holes from a couple of years back, who promulgated as an official policy, the idea that whypeepo were the root of all evil.

Fuck them sideways, with a rusty chainsaw, until they forthrightly renounce that, publicly fire those two sumbitches at a public press conference, and apologize profusely for ever giving them a platform for their vile anti-white hate speech.

If you choose to send them instead a pre-printed White Guilt apology slip in lieu of cash in any amount, good on you.

If you choose to look up either of the above grifters' addresses, and instead send them a bag of dildos from an adult store, and suggest that their leadership eat said bag of dicks until they get their collective heads out of their hindquarters and return to their apolitical missions of humanitarian aid, feel free to do so, with our profound and sincere compliments.

Otherwise, seek other venues for any aid you might wish to contribute to actual victims. Ideally, such victims not being millionaire dilletantes who wouldn't give two shits if your home burned down. Anyone who didn't send contributions to the Western NC or Florida hurricane victims "because that's Trump country" should be considered de facto ineligible for anything but another bag of adult appliances as well.

Do as you see fit.

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