Thursday, January 4, 2024

Lying With Half-Truths

According to Miss Manners' etiquette guidelines, for a very small faux pas, you let the defaulter off with "Excuse me." For something like ripping a monstrous fart and shitting in their pants, you pretend it never happened, and avert your gaze. Which was why I didn't say anything about this particular pantload of stench soup until now. 

By request, I took a look at this article.

Kirsch: The Single Most Important Interview I've Ever Done

Spoiler Alert: The title is spot-on. Most of what Kirsch does is a steaming pile of cow-plop, and this is definitely the biggest mound he's thus far compiled. Which doesn't recommend the rest of his efforts too highly either.

Request, because considering the source, I didn't bother prior, nor would have ever, as I expected it not to amount to anything anywhere close to what was claimed. This is because Steve Kirsch has been an outspoken loudmouth with dubious accuracy throughout the pandemic. Not that he lies outright, but he is, shall we say, "economical with the truth". By which I mean he lards on stupendous claims, with dubious association with actual reality, and even less documentation, and puts the truth on the lardball with a thin veneer of icing.

Consume at your own risk.

Occasionally, he stumbles over noteworthy facts, but generally, he's so busy Chicken Littling grandiose mountainous claims out of molehills of fact that he generally picks himself up after such accidental forays, and carries on with his originally-planned Chinese Fire Drill and self-dick-stomping party.

This recent load of mostly codswallop continues in that tradition.

Let's look no farther than his "Executive Summary":

Key points of the interview include:

  • Hospitals were actually empty when the press told us they were full.

  • 90% or more of the COVID deaths were actually caused by the treatment protocols dictated from above, not the virus. There were both early treatments as well as inpatient treatments available that reduced the COVID death rate by over 90%.

  • The COVID vaccines increased all-cause mortality in hospitals by up to 80% according to one ICU doctor I spoke to who worked in the same hospital as Gail and made meticulous notes on patient outcomes.

  • One of the potential reasons people believed that there was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” is that the EMR systems were programmed to default all COVID cases to unvaccinated and nurses weren’t told how to change it.

  • After the vaccines rolled out for an age group is when the hospitals started seeing very unusual things they’ve never seen or rarely seen before for that age group.

  • Doctors are still afraid to speak out.

All of this arm-waving based entirely on purely anecdotal evidence from one nurse and one anonymous doctor.

Now let's go to the videotape, and get down to the rat-killing.

The nurse in question worked at the time at the Kaiser hospital in Santa Rosa, located in Sonoma County.

So let's do some background, to put her input in perspective.

1) Sonoma County is mostly rural wine country, with a density of 311 people per mi². (For reference, the population of San Francisco County, some 20 miles and two counties away, is 19,180 people per mi². Just a wee difference.)

The population there consequently trends above-average in income, compared to the state as a whole. Its population of around 450,000 ranks it 17th (of 58) among California counties, coming in at just about 1% of the state's population. The more populous 16 counties, for reference, comprise 84%. Santa Rosa ranks behind 27 bigger cities just in California, behind such urban hotspots as Oxnard, Elk Grove, and Rancho Cucamonga. Sonoma County is, IOW, about as representative of California as Hooterville and Pixley are, somewhere between the Shady Rest Hotel and the Douglas farmstead.

The county, looking at the Johns-Hopkins COVID dashboard, is also 75% white, and 95% medically insured, both hugely aberrational compared to Califrutopia numbers overall.  The J-H COVID dashboard also tallies a blisteringly small 119,546 total COVID cases in Sonoma County throughout the entire three-year period of pandemic, and only records 556 deaths, a fatality rate of 0.46% of those infected, or about 4 times worse than annual flu, and only half the fatality rate of the state overall, which was 0.83%. For comparison, Los Angeles County had a fatality rate of 0.96%, twice as high. In Sonoma County, 1 person in 1000 died. In L.A., it was 1 in 300.

The overall U.S. numbers are a COVID fatality rate of 1.1%, nearly three times as bad as Sonoma County, and a similar 1-in-300 death tally as Los Angeles experienced.

2) It gets better. Sonoma County in total boasts a grand total of 9 hospitals. (For reference, in Los Angeles County there are 80.) The Kaiser there is only a distant third place in size, with a modest 173 beds. If you live in BFEgypt, that may be impressive. In California, there are 111 hospitals smaller than that, and most of those are either in literal one-horse towns, or are surgical and specialty centers, not actual hospitals in the way you'd think of that term. Of the hospitals that claim more than 0 actual beds, the other 223 hospitals in the state are all bigger than the uber-small Kaiser in Santa Rosa.

3) Kaiser hospitals are unique in CA. Nine out of any ten of them have no ER, by design, because of EMTALA. This is because lacking an ER lets them turn away anyone who doesn't have Kaiser insurance, which avoidance of large swaths of homeless losers and indigent illegal aliens keeps the entire chain from going bankrupt. The Santa Rosa Kaiser is a rare exception, in that it's a Kaiser hospital with an ER, so they have to take anyone they get, regardless of insurance. In one of the smaller cities in the state, with a negligible homeless population, in a more affluent and more rural county.

4) Looking at the number of ICU stays, that hospital averages a crushing (not!) tally of 5 ICU patients on any given day. (For reference, 5 ICU patients/day is what my hospital routinely has stuck in just the ER, because the ICU is full 24/7/365.) And less than 20% of their patients there in the ER are ever serious or critical; over 80% are moderate or less, and fully half are basically urgent care patients too lazy to go to one, because urgent care asks for the payment up front. So that hospital isn't exactly being hammered under the horrendous load of critical patients.

5) She was a part-time employee, obviously with an axe to grind, who got fired by the hospital in question (which tiny tidbit is only revealed a third of the way into a 1 1/2 hr. interview!), who only worked MedSurg, which is the lowest acuity patients anywhere other than the ones we kick-da-fuq-out same-day, and wasn't even there 3x more than normal. So she's talking out her ass based on no critical care hands-on experience, and is only talking about things she only knows about second- and third-hand, from the only hospital in her county doing things that way, in a chain that routinely under-admits and over-discharges all patients to save $$, as seen by one fired part-time nurse, from Tinyville, in Whitebread County, working in Teeny Weeny General hospital, in a hospital seeing a few patients in the ICU per day, telling you "how it was" during COVID.


So this is like getting the straight poop on what it was like in WWII from fighter pilot George Gobel.

As to the "Executive summary"?:

1) "The media" never reported "all hospitals are full". They reported that hospitals were being overwhelmed early on in New Orleans (true), then Atlanta (also true), followed by those in NYFC (true again). So Kirsch trying to conflate media reports from places where COVID was demonstrably blowing up, with "everywhere", is pure grade-A rose fertilizer, and he knows it, and Kirsch milks this line of bullshit for all it's worth.

Some places got hit hard. Sonoma County Kaiser was never one of them. Things didn't blow up in Califrutopia until after the early lockdowns were belatedly relaxed, <i>after Labor Day 2020</i>, and then the pandemic did what pandemics do, because people are idiots. But Hooterville in NorCal never saw any serious impact, because the population density there was closer to being Kansas than what most people think of when they hear "California".

2) There was unquestionably monkey-business regarding treatment options dictated by know-nothing idiots in D.C., especially regarding medication usage. But in point of fact, the only treatment protocols were discovered on-the-job. There were literally none at the outset, and doctors everywhere were doing medicine by Braille, feeling their way to what worked and what didn't, and passing the answers around in real time on blogs, Reddit substacks, e-mail and Bookface posts, etc. I watched that in real time, nightly, for months on end. Guesstimating the statistics with unpublished and unverified numbers and 20/20 hindsight is flatly asinine. On Day Zero, nobody, including Dr. Anonymous Sumdood, knew fuck-all about how to treat COVID, or how many were "killed by the protocols", and anyone who claims differently is full of more shit than a Christmas goose on the topic.

There's no argument that the CDC and FDA finger-banging doctor's decisions and monkey-wrenching on-the-spot trial administration of things like hydrochloroquine (HCQ) and Ivermectin should have been ended, with a flamethrower, on Day Two, and doctors told to practice medicine according to their own best judgement, and share their findings in real time, but the iron law is that bureaucrats never give up power, even when they kill people, and this was no exception.

Extrapolating that into "doctors and hospitals were under orders to kill people in secret" which is what Kirsch and Nurse Fullashit allege, is a steaming turd so monstrous it's usually only excreted by blue whales with diarrhea. And then she burps out mystery stats from out of her ass, from units she never worked on, and spins pure bullshit, anecdotal hearsay, and unsupported speculation, which Kirsch treats as gospel. Well-played. This is to actual information as is a bad call-in segment on voodoo and witchcraft on Coast To Coast with George Noory.

3) [Addendum for Common Core grads: Stupid people who aren't good at reading comprehension, PAY ATTENTION to this point] The Not-A-Vaxx examples were all disastrous, beyond any further discussion. An actual vaccine was highly unlikely, and we still don't have one to this day. What we got palmed off on us was a Franken-slurry of death, exactly as multiple vaccine researchers told people would happen, which government idiots (but I repeat myself) roundly ignored, in their ceaseless quest to "do something". None of this is further proven nor informed by unverified and anecdotal allegations. And no one wants to talk about it, nor research it properly, because the march of people with torches and pitchforks on TPTB would make Robespierre's Reign Of Terror with Madame Guillotine look like a church social by comparison.

And they still have it coming.

4) Newsflash, Hirsch: This was ALWAYS a pandemic of the unvaccinated. IT STILL IS.

a) Because for a solid year after the initial outbreak, you witless jackass, THERE WAS NOTHING PASSED OFF AS A VACCINE ANYWHERE. You could look it up, FFS.

 b) Because what was passed off after a year wasn't a vaccine either. EVERYBODY ON THE PLANET IS UNVACCINATED, you incredible dipshit. Millions to billions of people have been jabbed, some multiple times, but no one at anytime has EVER received an actual vaccine for COVID. Hirsch knows this too, but it doesn't serve his caterwauling screeds to admit what's obvious, even to Stevie Wonder, from space.


Total evidence for any of that truth contained in Kirsch's video: ZERO. Oopsie. 

And while we're up, Shitforbrains, Epic is but one among at least 6-10 EMR systems used nationwide, it only accounts for about a quarter of the market, and you could fill entire encyclopedias with what features and procedures average users, let alone part-time flunkies like Nurse Fullashit, don't know how to do on it, or on any other one of them. (I've used 10 different systems since 2010; ask me how I know this to be true). This is like finding one flat Goodyear tire, and concluding thereby that all tires on all cars are defective. No points, and you're still full of shit.

5) And for the second time in this 6-point barrel of hogwash, we get the classic horse-and-chicken soup (at a ratio of "half and half" - one horse to one chicken) recipe of some truth, along with the bullshit. Yes, absolutely, the COVID Jab was the undeniable and proximate cause of metric fucktons of adverse reactions, more than all other actual vaccines combined in recorded history, including the novel diagnosis of Died Suddenly™. Yet again, this elephant in the room is visible from space with the naked eye.

But those torch-and-pitchfork-toting mobs aren't going to dissipate themselves if the obvious truth is revealed so soon.

6) Doctors are not "afraid to speak out". Hirsch himself and this pile of unsubstantiated speculation is proof of the opposite. Some doctors have been spineless chickenshits, like always with everyone. Some doctors have been forthright and courageous in whistle-blowing about this. That's how we know the military has crippled 1/4 of its total pilots, and injured for life unknown swaths of their entire ranks. The dam hasn't broken yet, but they can't stop the signal. You can never stop the signal.

But the message isn't served by half-baked, half-assed horseshit buffets like this load of drivel, missing only anything remotely resembling factual data. But Kirsch doesn't peddle data, he peddles clickbait and confirmation bias. As ever. He's the guy you most want to STFU, and stay off your side, if you're trying to get any respectability on the topic, but he tickles the bias of the Dumbshit Brigade, and for that, he'll have their undying loyalty.

The pandemic wasn't imaginary, and rank-and-file practitioners didn't kill people in lockstep obedience to idiots from on high.

But the country, collectively and individually, abandoned a healthy distrust of "Washington experts" (oxymoron alert) like Anthony Fauci, whose professional quack status we've decried, just on this blog, since only 2014.

The problem is, articles like this from Kirsch aren't much better, and they're nothing but a scientific laughingstock. This interview was the medical equivalent of Phil Donhue and Jerry Springer, but with even less credibility.

TL;DR Rating: If you thought this was a smoking gun, these aren't the droids you're looking for. Move along.

Let's try a slightly more accurate "executive summary" of this wagonload of cobblers:

Nurse who was fired from Kaiser for not getting The Jab, was only in the least acute section of the hospital, not the COVID ward, and only part-time, nonetheless managed to get COVID despite exposure protocols, who has no critical-care experience nor any direct hands-on patient care of critical patients, speaks out on things about which she has no direct knowledge, but brings metric fucktons of unsourced hearsay, wild assumptions, leaps of fantasy far beyond her scope of professional knowledge, experience, or practice, barrels of unsupported allegations, a total dearth of anything like data, documentation, or anything even vaguely resembling evidence, yet holds forth on everything she doesn't know, because feelz and butthurt.

This is sketchier than getting brain surgery advice from homeless meth-head schizophrenics living in cardboard boxes in an alley behind the liquor store. Or stopping at the White House to ask for directions from Emperor Poopypants.

Kirsch would have more credibility if he borrowed Biden's Christmas attire.

IOW, pretty much what Kirsch has been peddling since Day One.

His "Most Important Interview EVAR!" is the most fact-free eructation of pure bull-squeeze on the 'net since Biden's last press conference. 

It's now four years along, kids. Can we please agree that unless you see Fauci and the CEOs of Pfizer, J&J, et al issue a mea culpa on national TV, culminating in them pulling pistols and performing a long-overdue auto-da-fé and act of contrition by suck-staring said pistols live, that anything less than that, from any source, is probably and overwhelmingly bullshit, from either side, only propagated to confirm your biases in either direction, utterly devoid of merit or facts, and thus merely clickbait that's entirely a waste of bandwidth and time to even lift the lid off the chamber pot to look at?


COVID has mutated now to being just the annual flu. Rejoice in a healthy immune system, wash yer grubby mitts, stay your ass home when you're sick, and just get over it.

Or, like the Usual Suspects and Anonymous trolls, fulfill all my expectations, and come share your scorching butthurt at Kirsch's richly-deserved fisking in Comments. Our claws aren't going to sharpen themselves.


B said...

While I agree with pretty much everything you have said here, I gotta take exception to the statement that no one ever said the hospitals were full. Most news outlets said "Hospitals are overwhelmed across the country' and and "Hospitals are out of beds". Even the statistics pages for Covid here in Indiana implied that we were gonna not have enough beds, actually stating that some hospitals had no beds left.

Same same with ventilators.

The Panic-Mongering was evident and palpable.

Anonymous said...

Totally misses the point. There is only one question that matters. Does the vax kill people? We all know it is killing Americans by the hundreds of thousands. Our government lied to us over and over again. They punished doctors and scientists who spoke up. The government knew the vax was killing us. Meanwhile they kept giving us the vax to kill us. If you can't see that and say that regardless of your biases then you are stupid.

Aesop said...

Yes, there was panic mongering. But not wall-to-wall, channel-to-channel, 24/7/365.

Kirsch tries to extrapolate some hyperbole into blanket reports that the whole world was without medical care.

Even the rabid network panic mongers never said anything remotely close, even though at the beginning no one knew how bad it was going to get.

And there was absolutely a shortage of ventilators based on projections if it hit everywhere simultaneously. That's not what happened. It hit areas with large Chinese expat populations and airport hubs. Nawlins and Atlanta took it in the pants first.
Then the official dumbasses in NY and NJ pretended it didn't exist, made sure to smear it all around, shoved infected elderly into convo hospitals with zero capability for infection control, and killed the uninfected ten times faster, and their hospitals went next.

California was spared early, because of overbroad and draconian closures and lockdowns, but the first spike was a week after they opened things briefly at 4th of July, and again after they opened things up on Labor Day. Which sent cases in CA off the charts in weeks.
The first 6-8 months were relatively mild even in the largest cities here, and Santa Rosa is a relative podunk backwater, where it never got bad.

And yet Nursey Fullashit managed to get COVID within two months of it exploding. I have yet to catch it, unvaxxed for life, despite treating patients for the entire time who had it at halitosis range.

I guaran-damn-tee no one in Sonoma was Chicken Littling when they had few serious cases for months, yet Kirsch is trying to paint it otherwise based on reports solely focusing on NYFC.
I told people for weeks and weeks it wasn't a big deal here, and I told them when it flipped. Folks all over the country knew it hadn't hit there either, and shared that in comments all over the 'net.

Pretending it was otherwise is just Kirsch bullshitting.
If he's got a clip of a news station standing outside Santa Rosa Kaiser preaching that the sky was falling, he'd link it.
He doesn't, so he just pretends that what was happening, when the reality was that anyone could go online and look at cases, hospitalizations, bed availability, and deaths in near real-time, for months and months.

All we had to go by at the very beginning for an unknown future was hospitals stacking bodies at the curb in Italy, and smuggled-out videos of Chinese soldiers welding people into their apartments.

Which, to a certain degree, justified some of the lockdowns early on, which spread the outbreak out over time and slow-rolled it, rather than 1st Gen Death COVID exploding in every city simultaneously from the get-go.

The problem was the idiots in charge not realizing there was a freshness date, after which lockdowns were doing far more harm than good, and continuing them anyways to "do something".
That narrative had no small component as the desire to steal the 2020 election from Trump, especially in swing states, so they couldn't let the crisis go to waste.

If Hirsch wanted to talk about that, I'd subscribe to his newsletter and march in his parade.

Trying instead to paint the entire health care system as a secret deliberate Final Solution is beyond retarded, and would be comical if it wasn't so pathetically jackassical and evil.

He's just a fucktard spewing the most egregious bullshit, and he deserves to be dick-punched by about 2,500,000 health care workers for it.

I'd happily throw him and Fauci into the same woodchipper, given half a chance. The mean IQ of the medical profession would go up markedly.

Aesop said...

@Anonymous 8:12A,

Hirsch presented fuck-all evidence from Nursey Fullashit about vaxx-caused deaths, because she knows fuck-all about that either, or pretty much anything else.
And that's the entire point about "The Most Important Interview Ever Done" on this topic from Bullshitter Hirsch.

If you think I haven't decried what was foisted on the country as nothing but a lethal fraud, this is obviously your first visit to this blog.
DLTDHYITAOYWO, soopergenius.

Hirsch could have spent his time presenting, y'know, FACTUAL DATA from people who know WTF they're talking about to underline the point of how bad the Death Jabs were (and the worst is yet to come!) But why do that when you can have some disgruntled lackwit harpy spew trainloads of nonsense from both ends, and run around with her hair on fire while speculating about metric fucktons of things of which she knows not one goddamn thing?

If you can't tell the difference between shit and Shineola, you're not tall enough for the internet.

But thanks loads for living up to and vastly exceeding all my expectations about 99% of Anonymous posters, just to illustrate the point about not using Kirsch's chamber pot as a pudding cup better than anything I could have said.

lpdbw said...

I believe we've been lied to, and many of the statistics we've been given are biased in favor of the narrative.

I believe that treatment protocols for Covid evolved, and I can't blame doctors for thinking ventilators were appropriate, when in fact they often weren't. And proning was eventually discovered. I also believe that many of the deaths attributed solely to Covid could have been avoided by minimizing ventilator use. At the very least, some of the deaths were not Covid deaths, but treatment deaths.

I know, first hand, doctors intentionally refused to give any treatment of Covid prior to hospitalization. If you present with symptoms and a positive Covid test, you were simply sent home until you couldn't breathe. I suspect corporate practice doctors were threatened with disciplinary action for even suggesting alternative treatments.

I believe corporate doctors were threatened with disciplinary action for making use of VAERS even in clear-cut cases of issues with the "vaccine".

I believe it is excessively harsh to judge people who caught Covid. It was, as you admit, a pandemic, and over time it evolved to be more contagious and less deadly. You were diligent and lucky, and if you eventually catch it (and I suspect you will, over time), will you then accuse yourself of being a dumbass?

The hospital system I worked at received $300 million from the .gov to cover the loss of income during the pandemic. This is in addition to the huge money they got for handling Covid cases. To me, that seems to indicate they were pretty empty and under-utilized. YMMV.

I follow John Campbell on YouTube and watched him evolve into a realist. His ongoing curiosity about and analysis of excess deaths is enlightening.

maruadventurer said...

My Dear Sainted Grandmother lived thru the Spanish flu outbreak. Had she lived to see how we reacted to WuFlu she would have called us all pu$$ies. Back then there were only two protocols -- 'make the patient comfortable' or 'lock the patient up'. No vents, no cillin, no magic potion, you lived or died by the dice rolled by God.

As to Kirsch, I gave up following him long ago. It is rare I read any of his pieces these days.

Peteforester said...

I'm 63 years old, 21 of those years spent in the military. I'm about as "vaccinated" as a man can be. In ALL OF THAT TIME, I NEVER KNEW ANYONE who had an adverse reaction to a vaccine. I never even knew anyone who KNEW anyone who had an adverse reaction to a vaccine. Since the COVID "vaccine" made its debut, I now know two. One of them almost lost his arm due to a massive, suddenly appearing BLOOD CLOT that was DIRECTLY ATTRIBUTED to the "vaccine" by his primary doctor, a cardiologist, and a HEMATOLOGIST. I also know several people who suffered from unexplained issues soon after receiving the "vaccine." I DID get COVID. I had flu-like symptoms for a couple of days. That was it. Oh; there WAS this lingering cough. I went to the doctor who told me it was "Long COVID." There was no testing done. She just shot from her hip. She wanted to give me a STEROID SHOT for the cough. I said "Won't that compromise my immune system?" "Yes," she answered, to which I said "No thanks." I then got to thinking that the cough came along at about the same time I started having acid reflux. I started taking Pepcid. The acid reflux went away in a few days. So did the cough. I was coughing up mucus that was getting out of my stomach and into my trachea. But no, according to the doctor, I had "Long COVID."

...I know MANY people who now regret going along with d'gubmeyent's steaming pile of bovine BM's, but know NO ONE who regrets NOT going along with it.

Indeed, "the media" WAS reporting that hospitals had no more beds.

OF COURSE there is going to be an uptick in cases of an infectious disease following a mass house arre... er... LOCKDOWN... "Herd immunity" can't happen if everyone's isolated from each other... For the record, NANCY PELOSI her wrinkled self was out there in San Francisco at the beginning of the COVID hoax, telling everyone on LIVE TV to GET OUT THERE AND ENJOY THE DRAGONS AND FIREWORKS during the Chinese New Year celebration. The HEALTH ADMINISTRATOR in NYC went as far as to say that anyone who DIDN'T partake in those celebrations was XONOPHOBIC!

Very long story short, COVID was a means to an end... for the Donk party...

B said...

Actually, the Chicago stations were, for a while, Wall-to-Wall-24X7 panic mongering.... For about 2 months. Plus the Indiana health websites were selling panic by the pound.

Research shows that no one didn't get a respirator. There weren't enough to meet the ^projected^ need, but that need never materialized.
Much like ALL of the projections, they were based on bad data, extrapolated poorly, giving bullshit results.

Allen said...

I have a friend who works as security at a local hospital here in NH.

the game worked this designate a certain, small, number as "covid beds".

when people present to the hospital that they may have covid, maybe, possibly. do not test them for covid. you put them in a covid bed. when your small number of covid beds fill up, you tell the world you are "at capacity". if you get one more person then you are "over capacity", and the government cuts you a check. remember, you haven't actually tested anyone yet. in NH the local homeless population were taking turns getting into those, showers, heat, a nice place to sleep for a few weeks at a time. one would leave and they'd figure out which of them were worse off to take the next turn.

if any of them actually had covid, they'd transfer to a ICU covid bed. there would be a designated number of those, very small, even if they had room for more. again, fill the beds, tell the world you are "at capacity" in your ICU. one more, and you are "over capacity" and the government cuts you a check.

never mind you could take hundreds more and not actually be at capacity. your actual designated covid beds are at or over capacity.

then you "treat" for covid. induced coma, respirators, max volume. most died inside of a week. die while in an ICU covid bed, the government cuts you a check.

as security he was doing patient transfers. he would deliver someone to the ICU who was talking, in good spirits, breathing ok but a few coughs. 5 days later he'd be bringing them to morgue. he transferred to the phones in order to stop doing transfers. he just couldn't take it.

Plague Monk said...

The paranoia level was pretty high in 2020 in the first months of the Kung-Flu. After my wife completed treatment for cancer just before the Terror began, I went out west for a long planned research project/vacation/job hunt.

While there, I tried to get in touch with my brother, who ran some media businesses. He refused to talk with me on the phone, as he was convinced that one could get sick just from having a phone conversation. He refused to have contact with me; even email, much less have an actual reunion...

I hate to say it, but I'm glad my parents died long before this happened, in 2012(Dad) and 2013(Mom). My brother, the Chosen One, would have eagerly locked them up for the duration of the Panic.

As to Hirsch, he reminds me in some ways of people such as the comic book magnate, Zero Sledge, Annie Barnyard, and a few others. I look at their sites every so often to see if there are any diamonds in the rough to be found. I'm not going to bother with his site; I get more truth these days from the Warhammer Fan Boy sites.

Aesop said...


1) We welcome links to video clips from any TV news station or cable network, or online article from any MSM print outlet during the first 8 months of 2020 saying "all the beds everywhere are full". Or anything remotely close to that. Like even so much as one.

Nota bene, not "all beds in Nawlins/Atlanta/NYFC are occupied at the moment", but rather "There are no hospital beds anywhere, it's the COVIDPOCALYPSE, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"

FTR, the latter is what Kirsch alleged.

Links to that, or it's a bullshit narrative.
Then, and now.

Bluffs are called; so either ante up, or fold.

2) The question isn't whether Kirsch sprinkled some flakes of truth in his trainload of bullshit; that's a given.

The point is, what EVIDENCE (any Common Core grads, feel free to look up the definition of that word before answering) did Kirsch present in support of any of the multitudinous allegations made in that entire interview that wasn't pure unsourced bullshit?
Which, if any, of the allegations were witnessed firsthand by either party in that video?

Feel free to reference the minute:second timestamp in the video where either the interviewee or interviewer had authoritative factual proof of any allegation made, and the internet link they provided to that source demonstrating verification.

Absent that, this was all handwaving and bullshit abetted by a midwit sock puppet, which is Kirsch's only demonstrable export since pretty much ever. This kind of straight horseshit makes a White House press secretary briefing or CNN newscast seem credible by comparison.

3) Let me know where I failed to make clear that the entire fact-free nature of this fish story is the entire point.

The number of things that did happen during COVID and since can be documented.
That isn't at issue.

Kirsch's input, particularly in this steaming pile, comprises 0.00000% of that documentation.
Change my mind.

If anyone still enjoys swallowing that sort of nightsoil despite knowing it as such, they should by all means consume all they can handle.

But they should kindly stop advocating for this jackhole and his sideshow freak sock puppet from a bankruptcy of evidence. It only makes a better case for the Official Bullshit Narrative, while looking gullibly foolish in the process. As if there's any dearth of that on the internet.

Trumpeter said...

He has a debate challenge wit a bet of up to one million dollars. To participate you need to have some scientific chops. You could team up with a like minded soul who has a publication history and YOUR money and settle this forever. As a public service.

No one else is willing to debate him, will you?

Anonymous said...

Well done Aesop- thats real good work. The chamber pot/pudding pop part caused me to spray Diet Dr. Pepper all over my anesthesia machine. Through my nose. Holy Schnikees that hurts!

Aesop said...


Debate what?
What's the premise?

I have no problems with the axe he's grinding.

My beef is that he presented fuck-all evidence in support of anything he thinks is so.

Fucktards like that don't debate, they spew.
If he'd stick to what he can prove, and bring those smoking guns, instead of calling a mutual masturbation session with a know-nothing dipshit spewing fantasy and third-hand gossip for being fired his "most important interview EVAR!", I'd have no quarrel with him.

But as the latter is all he seems to do, he's nothing but a punchline.

If he's bucking for Jerry Springer's old schtick, things like this will sew it up for him.

Anonymous said...

We were outa beds, outa staff, and outa vents. Im glad you didnt experience that and had adequate resources at the hospital where you work. Wait…you did work in healthcare then, right? ICU, ER, Respiratory,? You did step foot in an ICU right? Or are one of those pudding pop eaters? Figgured.

Trumpeter said...

There is a way to calculate the amount of influence your published scientific papers have had, including the number published, where and how often referenced in other scientific literature. He and several others have much higher scores than you or I could hope to achieve. That is why I mentioned that you would need a partner, because you are not qualified. But he has posted very fair debate terms and judging conditions (much more so than you give opponents here) on his website.

Would you like to find someone with enough scientific credibility to join you in upholding your views WITH YOUR OWN MONEY on the line? He has been looking for someone to debate him about vaccines and offering stupid money as a bet (over a million dollars in one case) and no one with any chops will face him.

Please say you will.

Winston said...

Kirsch has three years of posts and data on 'vaccine' injuries and deaths. Everyone knows someone who took the shots who is repeatedly sick ( due to immune system problems ) or perhaps even worse off. Aesop sounds like a a member of the Khazards-with- needles-cabal.

Aesop said...


Kirsch's prior bona fides are all the more damning for him offering this twaddle as anything but risible quackery.

So we've established that:
1) You can't articulate what he seeks to debate.
2) You can't source a link to his supposed challenge.
3) I'm not arguing that the Death Jabs are an unmitigated disaster.
4) I'm probably not arguing that anything he'd probably care to debate (which you seem unable to summarize) didn't happen.
5) My point was and remains that he provided exactly ZERO EVIDENCE for any of it with all or any of this vidiot (you can figured which two words are thereby conjucted) interview, in any way, shape, or form.

It's like interviewing Sumdood who's drunk and sitting on the beach near Cape Canaveral about the latest space launch, rather than, say, talking with astronauts, engineers, and Mission Control, all with voluminous first-hand knowledge of the event, and copious proof.

I can't make the words any smaller, so you'll have to actually struggle to understand that last statement all on your own, but here's a huge hint:
Kirsch is full of shit if he thinks either he or this nitwit adds anything factual, authoritative, or intelligent to the entire discussion by anything in this video, and so is anyone who keeps spoon-feeding themselves his fertilizer and pretending it's steak.
And yet he describes this as his "most important interview EVAR!"

If someone can't tell the difference between bullshit and an actual piece of artfully cooked cow, they're not the ones to be judging the main course. Kirsch has lost any and all credibility across the board if he's so far from sanity he cannot figure this out all on his own without having it rolled up and smacked in his face like a frozen mackerel.

His problem right along is that he pulls a nugget out of his underpants, and tries to tell you it's filet mignon.

The Emperor is naked.

I just spent an entire post pointing out the manifest ways that he failed to prove one single thing he alleges with or by anything offered in that video.
Game. Set. Match.

If you can dispute that, kindly post the minute:second point in this video that documents the opposite, and we can go to the evidence.
If you can't do that, Kirsch is peeing on your head, and you're the guy rapturously discussing the sudden rain.
I've done my part by pointing that out to anyone with more than half a brain. Whether you have the wit to change your circumstance as a result is your problem.

This is like the judge in My Cousin Vinny trying to explain to Vinny, painfully, as to a child, that he's failing to understand the difference between an arraignment and the actual trial.

Aesop said...


I'm going to be gentle with you, since you obviously haven't read anything on this blog regarding The Jabs since pretty much ever, and are therefore forgiven for your monumental ignorance of all evidence to the contrary of your assumption.

Let's just deal with this one nugget you brought forth:

"Kirsch has three years of posts and data on 'vaccine' injuries and deaths."

Granted, arguendo.
(I'll go out on a limb, and suggest you'll probably need look that term up. We'll wait for you while you go do that.)

Now, all you have to do to win the day, right here on my blog, is point to any instance of such "data" documented in the video referenced in this post.
BTW, "Everybody knows" = argumentum ad populum,because%20the%20majority%20thinks%20so.

Logic's not your game, Ike.

Your move, chief.
You gonna hit a grand slam here, or shall we all just listen to the crickets...?

Bear Claw Chris Lapp said...

TL;DR if their livelihood/revenue comes from posting on the web they are grifters, all of them

Peter B said...

Hopkins' demographics for the county aren't what Sonoma County itself reports. Not hugely different, but enough to call one or both sets of numbers into question.

For example: Non-Hispanic white: JH– 74% SC–65%; Uninsured: JH– 5% SC–14%;

FWIW, adjusted for the high cost of living in Sonoma County, about 15% of the county population is below the poverty line, which is a little higher than the state as a whole.


Aesop said...

It's not that puzzling if you live in this state, and it doesn't affect anything meaningful.

556 COVID deaths in 3 years countywide equates to only 3/month in a hospital that only sees 20% of the county's patients, as related by a part-time nurse there probably not more than 1 day a month before she was fired. So she literally spun all of this right out of her ass, based on zero first-hand observation. {I can further break the math down if you want the details.}

JH is probably using official US Census numbers, and Sonoma County has added a fudge for the estimated population of illegal aliens not counted in any census, because the county has to deal with reality daily on the ground.

Being primarily a farming county, that also accounts for the difference in both additional Hispanics and those additionally living in poverty (both of which demographics correspond exactly {+9%} in case anyone didn't notice), and doesn't call anything into question except the accuracy - or lack of candor - of FedGov statistics in general when it comes to admitting the number and impact of illegal aliens.

Neither of which are treated or admitted to Kaiser hospitals to any great extent, because by and large, they aren't insured, let alone by Kaiser. And the Kaiser hospital there only sees about 20% of the county's patients in any event, even though EMTALA requires them to see anyone who shows up, and the majority of patients, especially critical ones, go to the two larger hospitals, one of which is undoubtedly the primary county-subsidized one.

This small fraction of the total in a county already under-impacted by COVID compared to the populous parts of the state is what Temp Nurse is relying on to spin her minimally witnessed mostly third-hand out-of-her-underpants extrapolations, which Kirsch is trying to shoehorn into imaginary "data", for the fairytale value of that word.

There isn't enough lipstick produced by Revlon and Maybelline combined to lipstick his pig adequately, nor enough Chanel in the world to cover up the stench of a hot steaming pile of rose fertilizer upon which he's building his castle.

Aesop said...

I further note for the record that 38 hours after posting this, despite all the caterwauling and gnashing of teeth, no one has pointed to any point in time in the video interview where Kirsch backs up any of his or the sock puppet's voluminous allegations with any factual substantiation whatsoever.

This is my shocked face.

Publishing an entire interview almost an hour and a half long that is 100% fact-free takes a special kind of stupid, doubly so from someone whose bona fides suggest he ought to know better. But then again, this is Kirsch we're talking about.

Aesop said...

+58 hours. Nearly 7000 views.
Still nothing but crickets.
It's only 84 minutes of video, and no one has nor can point to one second of independently verifiable facts Kirsch offered therein.
That's literally the definition of gainsaying.

Mssrs. Dunning and Kruger thank all the contestants.

Tom Bridgeland said...

Have seen some weird shit since the jab, stuff I hadn't seen before. 3 cases of mad cow disease in one year, when wouldn't expect to see any in a lifetime. Lots of metastatic lung cancer suddenly. Used to be an occasional thing. Just anecdotes, no way to verify relationships.

We did have full house many times during the pandemic, not a bed open in the whole building. Diversions to other hospitals, and other nights if we had a few open beds we took their diversions. It was tight for nearly 2 years.

Again anecdotally, the jabbed seemed much less likely to get serious cases of COVID. Once it was general in the community, the great majority of our patients in ICU were unjabbed. Now of course, we hardly ever get serious, full on COVID. Once in a while someone needs Bipap for a few days.

As for treatments, I wish we had had any. Those first few months were horrible. Nothing we tried did much good. It wasn't until we started ignoring the 'research' coming out of China that anything got better. Anticoagulation, steroids.

Apex Predator said...

I'm mystified that WRSA still links to you. I haven't clicked through to your website in like 3 years and when I do it is you -still- sucking Pharma dick and embracing "The Message" about how horrible Covid was and to make sure you have your 514th booster shot. Maybe you & Steve Sailer can start a website called Chicken Littles together? Clown shoes.

Jim Horn said...

Having lived in Sonoma County for 28 years, I can confirm Aesop's analysis. Especially considering that, when I moved there in 1979, Santa Rosa (the largest town between San Francisco and Portland, Oregon) had a higher physician to general population ratio than any other in the US. Thank you, Sir!

Aesop said...

@Apex Predator you ignorant slut,

My condolences on your profound mental retardation. Up your meds, and stop beating your head on the wall.

Kindly point to where, exactly, you see me telling you that The Jab was an unmitigated disaster and pox on humanity is "sucking Pharma dick". Then tell me where I told anyone, ever, to get any booster shot. Take your time, and cite your references.

COVID killed about a million people just in the U.S. That's more than all automobile deaths and all firearms deaths for a decade, combined. Covid got you a stolen election, a military that's literally been gutted and ass-raped, an economy that went from a tiger to an stomped-on kitten, multiple wars around the planet, and over 3M+ new illegal aliens, and another cruise-ship load every single day, 24/7/365.

So, tell the class how that's all no big deal.
Show all work.

It obviously escaped your notice, because everything you just spewed is exactly 180° out from the reality of what I've said, because you're talking the kind of unsubstantiated effluvia Kirsch spews, and can evidently no longer tell steak from bullshit.

Maybe get some vaseline and a crowbar, and any friends you can stumble into, and ask them ever so nicely if they could help you pull your head out of your ass. You may need a truck with a winch. Just spitballing there.

Sumdood said...

It's like interviewing Sumdood who's drunk and sitting on the beach near Cape Canaveral about the latest space launch, rather than, say, talking with astronauts, engineers, and Mission "Control, all with voluminous first-hand knowledge of the event, and copious proof."

Stop bringing me up in stoopid slap-fights.

Now, you want to talk about how Kubrick helped fake the "moon landings" with me on the beach over a handle of Everclear, I'm your dood.

Sumdood said...

""Kirsch has three years of posts and data on 'vaccine' injuries and deaths."

Granted, arguendo.
(I'll go out on a limb, and suggest you'll probably need look that term up. We'll wait for you while you go do that.)"

I don't know what a Styx song - granted, a great one - has to do with this ;/

Craig said...

My wife was in the Kaiser hospital of which is referenced for pneumonia following covid. She spent 7 days there. Very professional staff all around, from the ER staff to the person who helped her into my truck. This all happened October 22, 2023. I completely agree no one is vaccinated, just jabbed. Wife and I are not jabbed. The propaganda around the whole pandemic shitshow needs to be ended. It won't because people in fear are easy to control. FJB.

Aesop said...


You're a wanted man:

I have no doubt they do good work.
What they aren't, is a representative sample of a heavily-affected Covid outbreak, ever.
And Nurse Goofball doesn't know what she doesn't know, which would fill encyclopedias.

Craig said...

According to our county health official the whole county was in extreme danger, danger, fear. You are correct, not a representive area.

streamfortyseven said...

Kirsch's bet was that the assertion that "the jabs saved more lives than not" was false. For the assertion to be false, all that had to be shown was that the jab neither prevented infection nor stopped transmission, and that at least one person died from effects directly attributable to the jab. Anaphylaxis counts, so it was an easy win for Kirsch. When he first made the bet, he called out for volunteers to help, so I did so, and about 10 others, as well. My credential was a PhD in physical/organic/computational chemistry, and we had a couple of others in the group with similar credentials. Unfortunately, we had a number of people who weren't too sharp, and they were ace for time wasting. Steve's a smart guy - he invented the optical mouse - but he's not a scientist, so we had to explain things to him on an undergrad level - like first and second year, nothing advanced beyond that. And that was hard, because he lacked a lot of background, and getting him up to speed, without a lot of intense study and reading on his part, would be nearly impossible - and teaching non-upper level undergrads is a pain in the ass. So we made it as easy as possible - and Rochelle Walensky of CDC made that possible, when she came out and said that the jabs neither prevented infection nor stopped transmission, and that was game over for Steve's opposition, if any showed up. That kept things simple. The jabs fail risk-benefit analysis, because they have no benefit, and they have non-zero risk. So there's no need to go on ad infinitum by any of the large host of people who are continuing to do so, other than they are making loads and loads of cash from doing so. That includes Kirsch, the Weinsteins, Russell Brand, and so forth.

There was a German group who developed a polypeptide vaccine which did produce broad T-cell immunity in their Phase I trials: "SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell responses targeting multiple vaccine peptides were induced in all study participants, mediated by multifunctional T helper 1 CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. CoVac-1-induced IFNγ T cell responses persisted in the follow-up analyses and surpassed those detected after SARS-CoV-2 infection as well as after vaccination with approved vaccines. Furthermore, vaccine-induced T cell responses were unaffected by current SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern. Together, CoVac-1 showed a favourable safety profile and induced broad, potent and variant of concern-independent T cell responses, supporting the presently ongoing evaluation in a phase II trial for patients with B cell or antibody deficiency." They were looking for pharma funding for further trials but never got it.

Aesop said...

So what you're telling me is that Kirsch and I agree on the worthlessness of the Jabs, (me because numerous people documented actual reasons, and Kirsch because he lacks the ability to use facts to reach a conclusion) and he offered a challenge after guaranteeing opposition to the obvious was a pig in a poke.

Why anyone commenting here would fucktardedly expect me to defend the Jabs, contrary to anything I ever said, for reasons passing understanding, is a question answerable only by consulting psychiatrists who specialize in psychosis or retardation.

The point of this essay was to underline that Kirsch puts the "anal" in "analysis", because he presents a fact-free argument entirely dependent on things he pulled out of his ass.

No one to date - including Kirsch himself in his "interview" - has presented so much as a scintilla of support for the contrary position.

streamfortyseven said...

At the beginning of the vaccine push, I figured out that the vaccines as configured then, and going out to the third shot - the "booster" - could never provide any sort of real immunity to any sort of SARS-CoV-2 infection, because the mRNA produced only the sort of spike protein seen in the (by that time) long extinct wild type of the virus - see - you're looking at 20A and 20B. By focussing on the spike protein, and not providing epitopes for nucleocapsid, membrane, or non-strctural proteins, the immune system is biased strongly towards detecting and killing a virus which is extinct, while the current crop of variants totally evades any sort of detection - the antibodies produced are worthless - and so is the vaccine. And it's obvious that the spike protein is the most highly mutable, as opposed to the other sorts of proteins, thus the first three shots provided no immunity, and this should have been patently obvious. By the time of the fourth shot which was intended to provide immunity to the omicron variant, that variant was largely extinct, hence no immunity provided to the universe of other variants. So far as I know, further "boosters" create immunity to these two types of long-extinct virus variants with these spike proteins, thus the "polyvalent" vaccines are similarly worthless. The only vaccine which could possibly work would be that of the German group which I mentioned previously.

Another point - the SARS-CoV-2 virus does not "hijack" the cell's native replication machinery, it brings in its own: "Positive-stranded RNA (+RNA) viruses include many important pathogens. They have evolved a variety of replication strategies, but are unified in the fact that an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) functions as the core enzyme of their RNA-synthesizing machinery. The RdRp is commonly embedded in a membrane-associated replication complex that is assembled from viral RNA, and viral and host proteins."

Here's the important part: "Increased intracellular Zn2+ concentrations are known to efficiently impair replication of a number of RNA viruses, e.g. by interfering with correct proteolytic processing of viral polyproteins. Here, we not only show that corona- and arterivirus replication can be inhibited by increased Zn2+ levels, but also use both isolated replication complexes and purified recombinant RdRps to demonstrate that this effect may be based on direct inhibition of nidovirus RdRps."

So if you take 30 mg/day of Zn2+, say as zinc acetate, and a zinc ionophore (hydroychloroquine is one, quercetin is another) at about 500 to 1000 mg/day. the virus replication can be stopped - and the macrophages take care of the rest of it. And this bypasses the immune system, which after 4 shots appears to be biased towards an IgG4 tolerance response, rather than the IgG1/IgG3 standard immune response (the chills, fever, and so on) - see "IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein" at With an IgG4 response, virus just gets built up in the various organs of the body, creating a low level inflammatory response which after time does chronic damage to organ systems. So there's a way out for people whose immune systems have been damaged by the repeated vaccination - the people who keep getting sick with CoViD over and over again, for weeks at a time, if not longer.