Thursday, July 27, 2023

Yakkity Yak

h/t Divemedic

Divemedic responds to the yappy pups who keep throwing out the "You first!" response to those of us who blog and talk about shoulds and oughts.

TL;DR: He's right, and they're wrong.

My detailed thoughts:

It's quite possible to both blog, and make concrete preparations. Most smart folks are doing at least the latter, which is better than nothing.

The problem is the shortage of thinkers and organizers (or people smart enough to listen instead of spew bile) who can't look past Step Two, and the yakkers and flakkers who think this is a one-step process consisting of either/or, who are probably doing neither to any notable degree, let alone working on any higher levels of The Pyramid.

You could look it up:

This embiggens.

[Word To Your Mother: It's a 22-step process, and you're not even functioning at Step 3 yet.]

Franklin and Adams spent the entire Revolutionary War wining and dining in France (Step 9 if you're keeping score at home), and all that talking and diplomacy got us was money, arms & munitions, and military support sufficient to gain our actual freedom. So imagine how stupid you sound when you denigrate people making your case in public to anyone listening.

When you notice someone brighter than you talking intelligently about "stacking up" some international support, pay attention. They're playing chess, and you're playing checkers.

Just don't hold your breath waiting for them, or any actual backing, to show up.

And for anybody dishing on those holding in-person training for those of you out there with exactly zero lifetime real-world military experience (that would be 97+% of everyone, according to Census data since 1975), unless you've got your own well-regulated platoon - that's 30+ pipe-hitters for Common Core grads - of Immortals trained, supplied, organized, ready, and standing by for pear-shaped society, you probably ought to re-think your own cleverness. They aren't getting rich doing it, and they're trying to do a favor for literal hordes of mostly ungrateful numbnuts, who don't know what they don't know. Tribes and greater are the only thing that's worked since before recorded history. Solo actors and family-sized units are a death sentence, since about 50,000 B.C. or so. But keep thinking you'll be the exception. Maybe God holds you in special esteem.

Most of the loudest whiners (who, so far, are not deliberate fed-poasting agents provocateur) are going to blow their load, fail, get pissed, and run to emulate Benedict Arnold when no one else wants to do things their way.

History doesn't repeat, but it rhymes.

For those who have ears to hear.


Tree Mike said...

Good info, thanks. I expect this (ancient) Rambo army to last well in excess of a mag, might be a 20 rounder, they're lighter, don't wanna die tired ja know. Hang in everybody and maintain some humor, even if it's lame.

John said...

Excellent points, and you probably could have dropped 10,000 more words off the top of your head. Which is one reason that I try not to divide the Right based on minor schisms in thought. Think all of the Founding Fathers agreed on every point?

Not a chance.

ghostsniper said...

"Solo actors and family-sized units are a death sentence"

Probably true, but at this point I have no choice. 17 years ago my wife of 39 years and I moved to a rural place 50 miles from the closest metropolis. Very few people out here. I mostly keep my yap shut and my eyes and ears open. I have not seen-heard any signals for advancing a team. I suspect things are going to have to be unavoidably clear before a lot of folk take notice. Until that I will continue to be a lone wolf. Yes, I am ex-army, and self employed since 1986 and we homeschooled our son.

Mike Hendrix said...

It's another of what assumptions without any supporting evidence to back them up. People assume that what they see of and from you online is all there is to you--a stupid, even dangerous assumption. As important a tool as the Innarnuts can be, the fact still remains that there's a whole wide wonderful world out there offline, IRL as the kids today put it. And IRL is where the REAL pain is brought, not simply hurt feel-feelz.

Keep fucking around and you'll find that out. Throughout human history, no dictatorship has ever been permanent, indestructible, or untouchable. No, not even this one.

neomunitor said...

Jack Hinson

Aesop said...

Jack lived in a different world.
The entire US population in 1860 was 31M.
There are more people than that in just Califrutopia now.
You won't be doing any one-man running and gunning anywhere south of Alaska. And there, you wouldn't have to in the first place, and six months out of the year, you couldn't.

Anonymous said...

And for those of us who are older and have some physical disabilities, we can be here as support staff.

Anonymous said...

Staff work is going to be enormously critical for success. Bad staff work has lost battles, campaigns, and wars.

Plus, the young ‘uns won’t have the years of experience needed to avoid amateurish mistakes on their own. If the army was serious about addressing this, they’d create more warrant officer MOSs and embed them into every battalion.