Saturday, December 3, 2022

Dear Fran,

 Re: The Question

It's nobody's first choice. But it's the only choice that's going to work.
You get the liberty you'll fight for. No more, and no less.


Dan said...

You only have the Rights you are willing to fight for, die for and most importantly KILL for.

Anonymous said...

To be fair Fran wrote "Please, nobody say 'Vote harder'" though your point about voting from the rooftops is well taken.

Like Fran, I'm an old guy; unlike fran, I AM up for the fight.

The problem is (as a Gab commenter put it) "Nobody wants to be first". Gotta say that's where I'm at.

Boat Guy

Aesop said...

"Nobody wants to be first" is going to ensure that nobody EVER goes first.

TPTB are counting on that.

But I suspect what cannot continue, won't. And at that point, the biggest concern will become wanting to get in on it before we run out of targets.

Change my mind.

John Wilder said...

There is another way. The Supremes are getting ready to hear a case about the legislatures of the several states having the unreviewable power to set times and rules for elections.

Stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

No way I'd attempt to change your mind.
What cannot continue truly will NOT continue.
I used the Porretto quote, and while it describes where I 'm at there are better men than I who will likely have more gumption than I. I'm old, tired and sore (course the last two are from workouts).
Don't wanna tell the grandkids I "shoveled shit in Lousiana".
Boat Guy

Anonymous said...

Anybody who " wants" to be first is a fool.
Boat Guy

Anonymous said...

There are an extraordinarily small number of targets to shooters when it comes down to it.