Thursday, August 8, 2024

Boeing DIE: Where Quality Is Job None


tweell said...

I am old enough to remember when Boeing aircraft were prized in comparison to Airbus clunkers and MD flying cattle cars. How the mighty have fallen!

Anonymous said...

Latest reports indicate that the astronauts who flew to the space station may be stuck there until early next year. Sounds like the cruise of the Minnow in Gilligan's Island. Set out on a ten day flight and maybe never to return.

Another story indicates that Musk's resupply vehicle is being refitted with two extra seats to bring them back. Then another story says that Boeing is working on "fixes" for the maneuvering system. How the hell are they going to "fix" anything in low earth orbit? Would you fly on that thing knowing there's a distinct possibility that the maneuvering system that is supposed to inject the vehicle at the correct angle into the atmosphere to prevent bouncing off or plunging through in a fiery ball with you inside was recently repaired in space and NEVER TESTED after repair because the only test flight possible is the one you're on?

I know NASA engineers worked some miracles on Apollo 13, but none of those guys work at Boeing or probably work at all anymore being either long retired or dead and NONE of them were woke DEI hires.


Tucanae Services said...

Old geezers now but folks at Rockwell and Rockedyne put the word 'rocket' in engineer back in the day. I teach STEM but a lot of these grads would not know what a collision domain is if it slapped them in the face.

Anonymous said...

I would be looking for the engineers with the white shirts, narrow ties, pocket protectors, and flat top haircuts with a slide rule in their hand....oh wait..

Anonymous said...

Amen, brother. But the days of the "steely eyed missle men" has passed.
...and we as a society and nation are the worse for it
Original Grandpa

Anonymous said...

In the 1960s and 1970s, I attended a private school in Charleston, SC until 10th grade, when I was "invited to leave" for smokin' in the boys' room... I then went to a government school, where the chemistry teacher couldn't write a coherent sentence. After that, I homeschooled, and completed my 12th grade schoolwork several months early, sometime in mid-March.
The teachers at the private school were 95% men, mostly WW2 and Korean War veterans, and, while they had a sense of humor, they were serious men who took no shit from the students.

I wish now that I had appreciated what I had, because a 1970s graduate of that private school is much better educated than most college graduates of today.

Birdchaser said...

That wouldn't have been Porter-Gaud would it?

LSWCHP said...

MD and Boeing merged, the fuckhead beancounters at MD took control from the Boeing engineers, and here we are.

I worked in mission critical military engineering for over 30 years. If the beancounters ever gain the upper hand, the business will be fucked.

Allen said...

can we slap personnel pods onto a B-52? those things seem to go on forever....

Anonymous said...

NASA's stated intent with the Artemis program is to "Place the first woman and the first person of color on the surface of the moon." It is a DEI project at its core, Seemingly unlimited in budget. SpaceX could do the job safer, cheaper , and faster but this would be a bad look. So we spend untold billions on a program that is over budget, behind schedule and based on using hardware from the shuttle program. In the meantime, "budgetary concerns" result in penny-pinching and the stripping of resources from across the agency. I am regularly searching Ebay and third party parts liquidators in order to locate parts to maintain ground systems because the promised upgrades have been deferred indefinitely.

Tucanae Services said...

Go into any Telco hq. They will have past presidents program pics on the wall. Early years it's with degrees from MIT, Drexel, case-western. Then the trash starts ceos from Wharton, Harvard, etc.

John Wilder said...

When DEI makes people DIE.

Anonymous said...

As a matter of fact, it was.