Monday, August 12, 2024

A Coward. And A Liar. Period.


"Dear Gov. Tim Walz:

There's no way to dress this up prettier, nor any further need to embellish on it.

As Sen. Kneepads' choice for VP on the Democrat ticket, you, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, are quite simply and fundamentally a coward. When it counted most. And an unceasing liar.

It is inarguable that you were a Master Sergeant in your unit of the Minnesota National Guard. Where you, by all accounts, served as a weekend warrior honorably, right up until it counted. But when, having been "frocked" (IOW selected for rank advancement, but not yet actually promoted) to Command Sergeant Major, the highest enlisted rank (other than the Command Sergeant Major of the Army, of which there is only one), you learned that your artillery unit was to be activated for duty and rotated into combat in Iraq in the immediate future.

At that point, not having attended the requisite training academy, and with two years' obligation remaining on your service enlistment commitment, you elected to turn tail, and leave the Notional Guard, rather than go with your artillery unit into a combat zone in Iraq, evading the responsibility of your office and job, abandoning your comrades in the profession of arms at the exact time they needed you the most, and breaking your solemn oath of obligation.

The word for that is cowardice. In this case, in the face of an armed enemy.

There is no greater or viler offense against good order and discipline in the military other than treason itself, and there is no lower form of manhood of any stripe than such naked and inexcusably pusillanimous gutlessness.

People don't hate you enough, and you should die in a fire, with dick cancer, after falling on a bed of spikes, while the fire department hoses you down with concentrated acid.

And then, already having demonstrated to all humanity exactly what sort of an arch-reptilian douchebag you are, you began lying about your exploits in running for political office.

You did not "retire". You were never a Command Sergeant Major. You did not fulfill your oath of office. And there is nothing honorable or circumspect in knowingly and deliberately lying about what you did, and what you failed to do, or the circumstances of it.

It's as if being naked in the town square was not enough proof of your total lack of character or leadership, and you decided thereupon to go a step further, and smear yourself in feces from head to toe. And then resolved to walk around like that for twenty more years.

There is no lower form of life on this planet than what you showed yourself to be, down to your rotted putrescent marrow.

And the people of Minnesota elected you to be their governor, despite there being, per current census data, only about 1,400,000 better-qualified men aged between 21 and 65 years of age in that state with demonstrably fewer defects as both men, and human beings.

You shouldn't simply drop out of the presidential race. You should resign as governor on the grounds of open, naked cowardice, dishonesty, and unabashed and continued fraud, and  should seriously consider whether your shortcomings as a man and human being oughtn't recommend to you the necessity of retiring to a quiet room, alone, putting a loaded pistol in your mouth, and opting out of the human race, if there was any shred of human worth possessed in your morally bankrupt meatsuit.

That you won't do even that little to redeem yourself with the least little shred of human dignity left to you should tell anyone in creation exactly what sort of an absolute waste of skin and oxygen you are.

And you should have your nose rubbed in that fundamental character deficit until the last moment of your execrable existence on this planet, and the scorn and derision of the entire nation should be the last sound you hear on earth before you die, and then go straight to Hell.

At your service, pond scum. RSVP: Regrets only, please.

Worst wishes,


If a 250# bag of excrement had legs and a face,
it would look exactly like Gov. Tim Walz.


lol no said...

Bravo, Aesop. Credit where it's due. That was a brilliant summation of the "mans" character or in this case, lack thereof. It should be a nationwide billboard campaign and broadcast in spoken form 24-7 right up to election day.

Anonymous said...

Very well said

Jess said...

If there's any clear indication of how sick our society has become, it's the fact a low life like Walz is a choice for Vice President. A less polite society would have pilloried his sorry ass, furnished the rotten vegetables, and left him in the hot sun for three days.

SAM said...

It keeps come on TV here in the UK that "He was one of the highest ranks there is, over and over.

Anonymous said...

I thought you might have a word or two to say on the subject.

-Grey Fox

Rick said...

Send this to himself at his office, the Governor's mansion, his private residence, his entire family. Then do it again.

Then post the same on every corner of the city

Anonymous said...

The white feather image, I think is an reference to "Four Feathers" novel/films: is excellent.
Thank you.
Bear In Indy

Night driver said...

Ok. Now you have THAT off yer chest, tell us what you REALLY feel about him.

BTW, my bride (RELIC) straight up agreed with your feather for him.....

Night Driver

Anonymous said...

Pistol and one round isn't sufficient. Seppuku in a very public place would be a start.
Boat Guy

Aesop said...


How about a 12 ga. with buckshot?

LSWCHP said...


Idiotic women were handing white feathers to civilian men back in WW1, and possibly earlier, to indicate that the men were cowards, ignoring the facts of reserved occupations, physical incapacities etc.

Of course, it was easy for women to do this, because they didn't have to enlist and be killed themselves.

LSWCHP said...

Ex infantryman here, adding my $0.02 worth. Walz is a piece of shit.

No serving or ex military person could possibly vote for him. He's defective.

If he ends up as your VP, it will be a day of shame for the whole damn country.

Tree Mike said...

If they end up in office, it's because they "upped" their vote fixing, stealing.

Tucanae Services said...

Query: Even if Walz had deployed with his unit what risk would he have taken? In his position in the command structure I can't imagine he would have even ventured off base let alone an active patrol.

Anonymous said...

Be something if printed and framed copies of that picture, or actual white feathers, started turning up in the mail at:

Office of the Governor of MN
130 State Capitol
75 Rev Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155

Jus sayin

Anonymous said...

Too quick, Brother; FAR too quick. This needs to be savored.

Anonymous said...

In which case, it's on.

Nautigal said...

You’re so much more than a RACONTEUR. You’re a poet, an artist; you evoke a physical, visceral response to your prose. I had to get a cold beverage, put my feet up, and am fanning myself. I just… can’t keep composed when you REALLY bring it. Please don’t stop. PLEASE. Don’t stop.When you’re good, you’re SOOOOOO good.