Thursday, August 15, 2024

X Gets The Square: R.I.P. Peter Marshall

Long-time game show host Peter Marshall dead at age 98, of kidney failure, at home with his family in Los Angeles. Best known for spending fourteen years on TV giving quicker-witted stars a chance to come up with outrageous ad lib answers to trivia questions.

I lost track of how many sick days from school his show was the only highlight of a day where the rest of daytime TV was filled with nothing on but horrendous soap opera melodramas or asinine "reality" freak shows, which meant turning the tube off, and actually doing my homework.


Anonymous said...

Doing your homework when you were sick? Must have been a surprise to your parents. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

Man, those characters on the board were awesome funny. George Goebel, Charlie Weaver, PAUL LYNDE, Wally Cox and Rose Marie. There are more than those but those are the ones I remember the most.

RIP Mr. Marshall - you kept a lid on the chaos pretty well.

Tucanae Services said...

Freak show AND soap opera? Why 'Dark Shadows' of course. MIL sister was 'in' to that show.

Marshall was one of the top 4 in game shows. Probably a harder gig than it looked. Glib answers, always 'up' on personality, dealing with backstage a$$holes day after day had to be a grind. Probably running a game show in Heaven called 'Name that cloud'.

Skyler the Weird said...

Hollywood Squares unlike Family Fued, Jeopardy, and some other gameshows hasn't been resurrected. I can guess the reason why is that there is no one like Paul Lynde today who can handle the center square.

Skyler the Weird said...

That show was scary as a kid. It didn't even have CGI, just decent acting and soundtrack. I admit the writing was pretty lousy.

June J said...

Actually the show hs been resurrected several times.
A new version set for 205

John Wilder said...

Ahhhh, a simpler time.