Thursday, August 22, 2024


Research, photography, research, interviews, research, and travel, plus cajoling a major corporation into co-operation, and writing the thing, all while maintaining full-time gainful employment.

Plate: full.

Something has to give, so until we have more time, this page is dropping down on the list of Things To Do Today, for the near future. We shall get back to it infrequently as and when we have the time.

FTR, Kamala Harris is a moronic twatwaffle with delusions of competence, whereas Trump, despite being horrible by some measures, has already governed as the most conservative president this country has had since Calvin Coolidge.

Vote accordingly.

Either way, the republic, or what's left of it, is in for rough days ahead, worse than anything most living people have witnessed, and you'd best be seeing to your own affairs for when those days shift into overdrive.

Best wishes.


LSWCHP said...

Good luck with the book project. I'll keep checking in here to see if you post anything, and I'll probably even buy a copy when it's published.

Anonymous said...

Best Wishes to you too Aesop. Thanks for the past writings (scriblings ? :^) on topics we need to know and focus on. Next coupla months is probably going to go down in history as 'Interesting Times'.

Anonymous said...

If it goes to "interesting times" it is likely to be for more than a few months, and the more pointed risks will be for those who now live in areas held by the "other side" from whichever sides there are.
Prepare as you can.
Aesop: Thanks for making the effort to get good information out there, and doing the work needed to gather that info.
I will still follow your blog to see what you think is worth your time to report.
John in Indy

Delta Mike said...

Along with the rest of the troops here, I will be looking forward to the day we can read your book- please do keep us posted!

Night driver said...

LEAST ya could do is give us a HINT on subject!!
Night Driver

Anonymous said...

Two things:
-Best of luck!
-and, a thank you for what you do.


Paul said...

Interesting times indeed. Yes. Deets on the book would bait the hook. Post when you can but good luck on the book.

SiGraybeard said...

Yeah - good luck with the book and I really have only one question: is it work-related or something the rest of us might find more fun? I actually went down that route. Had a publisher, he set me up with a reviewer, but never made it to print. A long struggle. The publisher is now out of business and the edited drafts are on my computer.

Aesop said...


Nothing to do with work.
A little uber-niche historical non-fiction project I fell into.
If it never gets published (a real possibility) it's going to turn into a website.
But I'd rather do it for cash & prizes, because of the collaboration and access that would mean.

markshere2 said...

Way to GO Aesop! I've referred your essays to my friends. I appreciate your phrasing, erudition, and shared life experiences.

Put me down for a book.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the project. Are publishing under your real name or your etherweb pseudonym?


Jim Horn said...

Scribere Deo!

Aesop said...

My own.
I have one of those names that's virtually unfindable.

It can be done, but unless someone already knows me, I'm somewhere about 82 pages into a search.

And I don't play "warmer/colder".

Anonymous said...

In other words: John Smith ; )

John Wilder said...

Excellent news on the project. Very cool.

Anonymous said...


No matter if I find myself in complete agreement with you (almost always), or if I think you are utterly full of caca (it happens), I read you for one reason:


Looking forward to reading it, whatever it is.

And then...I hope you follow it up with a memoir of your adventures on the set and in the ER.

Wayne said...

Methinks you don't give Reagan enough credit. If you haven't already, go see the Dennis Quaid movie. He does a very good job of portraying The Gipper.