Thursday, August 8, 2024

Reminders From Our Sponsors, As Sporky* Time Draws Nigh,


*(Sh*t Pants, Or Rooftop Korean, Yo)


Bigus Macus said...

As the us to say in the "Old Real" Boy Scouts of the last century ; Be Prepared

Michael Gladius said...

Some juicy extras from two other wise men:

“War is not violence and killing, pure and simple; war is controlled violence, for a purpose. The purpose of war is to support your government's decisions by force. The purpose is never to kill the enemy just to be killing him . . . but to make him do what you want him to do. Not killing . . . but controlled and purposeful violence.”
-Robert Heinlein, “Starship Troopers”

“A war is not conducted merely as a means of killing the enemy, although during the late war Mr. Roosevelt expressed so much joy over Russia’s accomplishments in that line that it might be questioned if he always understood the nature of war. We have seen recently in Korea where, beggared of any respectable and intelligent war purpose, our forces were led to believe from [George C. Marshall’s] testimony that the only objective of that war was to kill the enemy. I put aside the ethical considerations raised by such an attitude and point out that the enemy’s extermination is not enough. Of course, it is necessary to have the enemy’s submission. But, also, great powers must have some understanding of what that submission portends and what they intend to do with the world over which they will exercise sway once the enemy is defeated.”
-Joe McCarthy, “America’s Retreat from Victory,” 1951

themagicbusguy said...

YOLO, you only live once

Anonymous said...

Just FYI. Based on the chatter I'm seeing from both Ukrainian and Russian sources, the Ukrainian tactics near Kursk seem to be
1) clear the sky of hostile drones
2) apply MASSIVE jamming and electronic countermeasures right on the line of contact, negating enemy communications and drone control
3) swarm enemy troops with hordes of small drones (custom-built to be resistant to enemy ewar)
4) advance and repeat.

This is the sort of detailed tactical lessons learned thing that should be discussed on any/all of the Patriotard blogs but won't be. If/when real patriots show up, hopefully they'll have learned appropriate lessons from seeing the Ukrainains in action

Tucanae Services said...

@ 12:47pm, That is Gen1 terminator systems. Gen2 will be semi autonomous systems. All the ground forces will be wearing some form of IFF. Those without IFF will be considered hostile. All Area Denial will be the ROE. Sucks to be a civilian in that environment.

John Wilder said...

We really need a St. Pinochet Day. Oddly enough, he overthrew the commies on 9/11.