h/t WRSA
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This country, and especially this government, are long overdue for a good housecleaning. Jump, you commie pigs, if you feel froggy. |
The math on this kind of stupidity has been done to death, but for the Baby Duck Retards in the meme who shat this genius idea out their tailpipes, let's go over it one more time:
The late, great blogger WeaponsMan, shortly before his untimely passing, calculated conservatively and accurately that the actual number of privately-owned weapons in the United States was somewhere north of not 200M, but rather a number in the ballpark of 600,000,000, at the lower end of estimation. The upper end could be more than one billion private firearms.
With over one trillion rounds of ammunition. Which is more than the ten largest armies in the world have, combined.
But let's tie one hand behind our backs: we'll stipulate only 100M gun owners.
We'll make it even easier, and say only 10% of them have AR-15s.
Then we'll say only 10% of them strenuously object to confiscation.
That's only one million people, one helluva lot more familiar with that weapon system than 95% of the military and all law enforcement in the entire country, federal, state, county, and city.
FTR, there were only about 50,000 Taliban in Afghanistan, and half the Army, most of the Marines, and a large hunk of the Air Farce and Navy forces were ignominiously driven out of A-stan after failing to oust them despite ten years' earnest efforts, where the Taliban still runs the show.
So we're talking twenty Taliban-sized armies, except home-grown, on their home turf.
You wanna confiscate guns, starting with AR-15s?
Before those million gun owners have worked through their first magazine, they'll already have wiped out every soldier and LEO in the country (that's before we see how many of the military and police will turn their weapons on their would-be overlords first), leaving them nothing better to do than go after the politicians that instigated such shenanigans, followed by the Leftard @$$holes who voted them into power in the first place.
The stampede of violence that ensues will be for folks to collect notches and count coup, before Team Liberty runs completely out of targets to shoot at, from Canada to Mexico and coast to coast.
Washington D.C. will be an uninhabited park for the next century, and the mountain of skulls that results will make a pyramid of liberty that free people will marvel at for decades, if not centuries.
Please, PLEASE, go right ahead on with that plan.
Otherwise, somebody ought to clue in Senator Kneepads and Governor Chickenshit and tell them to be careful what they wish for, before they get themselves all Mussolinied and Ceauçescued.
If you thought the Secret Service was underqualified before, wait until they have half the country cheerfully taking accurate potshots at their bosses.
Hi Aesop!!!,
Oh BTW , Besides Hardware, Mags and Ammo,.... I also, whenever i go by Wally world, my local Gun Shop... or,... I pick up an extra bottle of Good Ol' "Hoppe's #9"....... Good Stuff...
PS with inflation being what it is.. just bought a jug at wally world today... $4.83..... noted on a previous jug i bought in 2023.. it was only $3.00!!!
A "Clean Piece" is a "Happy Piece!!!!!"
Got Gunz..... OUTLAW!!!!!.....
We're ALL Outlaws now.... You Know??...
With regards to "Lewis Carroll!!!"
It's said that the IRA at any one time never had more than 500 members that did anything at all. They had to get the guns and ammo there, and had no real shooting training. just look at how well that worked out.
Sam, I believe the actual figure was closer to 200 and the figure of 500 included Loyalist terrorists as well. At its peak, the Troubles tied down 21,000 troops!
The Baader-Meinhof commie terrorist gang that tied Germany and other Euro countries in knots for nearly 3 decades via robberies and killings only ever had about 30-ish members.
Two fucking idiots with an AR-15 shut DC down for weeks by shooting a few random civilians while they were pumping gas.
I shudder to think how this could turn out if Kamala and that Walz fool get elected.
I'd say they should read "Unintended Consequences" but they really shouldn't.
BadFrog The 500 number is for the time with the most people doing anything and it means anything at all. Even something as simple as passing on a note, or making the sandwiches. Late 1960 is the date mostly given.
You look at the photos and films and there may be five people one with a rifle/SMG/shotgun, one with a handgun, and one or more with at most two molotov cocktails. There may have been a magazine in a pocket but no one ever saw it, There may have been one or two radios that could work for 100 yards, but I've never seen any first-aid stuff, not even a field dressing. Your average small US city could put more people out in three days than the IRA could in a year.
1/3, 1/3, 1/3. Each represents the support for the first American Revolution, i.e. support, against, leave me alone.
I agree with you on this under the old system. But now you have to figure in at least 1/3 of the invaders coming in across the border are foreign fighters in some fashion, be it, CCP or jihadist or 3rd world gangs like TDA. So of the estimated 35 to 40 million illegals so far, lets say that the 1/3 are truly bad guys so that now equals 11-13 million fighters. Of this number a lot of them are hardcase murderers, cant estimate how many unfortunately and the rest are fighters in some way of form.That changes the fight dynamic in lots of ways and throws out any estimate of the coming fight. My belief is they are the shock troops of the Demo commies and elites. We fight them and both groups get weeded down and weakened and afterwards the govt comes in just like in the UK and goes after us. The issue is the elites think they can actually control all this after it starts, anyone who has been in combat knows how good plans are after the killing starts.
I have had this discussion over beers with lots of former and current military folks who are outstanding threat analysts and no one can be sure of the outcome especially if you don't have the military logistics train supporting you and no one is really sure what groups will pick what side to fight for or at least with.
All estimates of this fight are basically WAG's.......
Bring it, you imbecilic fucktards. And someone who can tolerate her maniacal cackle, please let that "NBDC" (not black dumb cunt) get clued in on "Constitutional amendments aren't negated by executive orders"... as for A-Walz" - show him how "the numbers" prove the ignorance of his statement. Bottom line is: appealing to the irrational fear of the hoplophobes isn't the path to victory. There just are not that many of them, they're just 'loud'...
...as we said in the 3/5 - time to "get some".
Original Grandpa
Yep. We would get to see multiples of HenryBowman in real life with support beyond belief.
Actually we should HOPE they get elected so we could finally clean all this shit up.
...almost before breakfast and certainly before supper on day one.
I'm easy to find. Rest assured, you bring that shit to MY HOME, if I survive, YOUR HOME and everything in it becomes a legit military target. Hell, even if I don't survive, there are many like me and you gungrabbin sacks of shit ain't the only folks making lists, nowadays.
I'll give a taste- after the first one, the rest are free.
All well and good. But the Taliban, al Qaeda, even ISIS (the latter two of questionable origins) had a much better chance than good Americans do of holding off the Hegemon. There are two huge differences:
(1) time/distance and incredibly difficult logistics.
(2) the US will commit to total war (true, “no holds barred” total war) when it comes to killing good Americans.
Because of these differences, good Americans will be much more easily identified, tracked, surveilled, and killed. And Guv and its white defenders will relish the slaughter. Think Union soldiers in Atlanta or on a farm in South Carolina. Think the Soviet army in Germany. Think Branch Davidians or Randy Weaver’s wife and son.
guess i'm safe only ak's around here
When they start confiscating guns it will be ONE GUN OWNER AT A TIME. Will a few badges get wasted? Probably. Will anyone who resists die? Without a doubt. But the Fed Gov could easily stand up 1000 teams of ten each and do two raids a day. That's about 40,000 gun owners a month who are raided and arrested or killed. Might take a year or two but working ONE AT A TIME the feds could EASILY disarm most gun owners who are vocally opposed to them. The rest will bend the knee and surrender. Why? Because the left is well organized...we are not. So they will destroy us piecemeal. That is our weakness and the lefts strength, organization.
I’m truly hoping this is just more empty pandering by Kamala/Walz. I don’t want to see attempts to confiscate legally purchased firearms from law abiding citizens. It would be an epic misstep, resulting in a volcanic civil convulsion and thousands of dead. It would also create a black market for weapons, all weapons, any weapons, that would make Prohibition look like a child’s tea party. Private citizens would find in the black market not only semi automatic AR’s, but anti-tank weapons, anti aircraft weapons, and mini-guns. I mean, if it’s all illegal, why not, right? How about a bazooka and a couple of those 8KT battlefield nukes? Just gotta find a deserving target.
I hope none of this comes to pass. But there are lotsa people who are praying, fervently, that it does. May as well pop the blister and get it over with, I suppose.
They're only weapons of war if they try to take them.
Did they forget that quite a few are also pilots for crop dusting or ?, drone operators with various degrees of skills, and don't forget the Greek squads on our side too!! Personaly I love moving target practice, we get that when hunting normally so bring it on PLEASE!!!
I see your point, but I'm concerned about the large number of military aged men from several nations residing in the states. I've seen estimates of a few million Chinese men here; I was warned about this several years ago by a Cabela's firearms department manager. I contacted some acquaintances in DIA and naval intel, but was told there was nothing to worry about.
Then, the gangs of various ethnicities(sp?) in both rural and urban areas. In my neighborhood, an outer suburb of Cincinnati, we don't have a real problem yet. But drive a few miles away, and the landscape changes. Now, some of the neighbors tell me that they sleep with loaded handguns next to their beds. The police told me that it is not a good idea to walk at night as I used to do.(Loss of nightvision and continuing recovery from my foot injury are more important considerations at present)
I'm convinced that the number of potential enemies is a lot higher than what most patriots assume. Several analysis firms have done comprehensive studies on a potential "civil" war; I participated in some years back, and while the patriots "won", it was an unmitigated disaster.
There is another factor, and that is that many Christians take stands that IMHO are problematic. One large segment believes that the Rapture is coming any hour now, so why prepare or do anything? As a believer, I hope that Jesus is returning very soon, but Jerry Pournelle's cynical "Real Soon Now" comment comes to mind.
Another portion of Christians appear to love the idea of becoming martyrs, and also oppose any resistance to the government's increasing crackdown on Christianity.
Lastly, there is the segment that says to completely obey the government, as Jesus said to obey Caesar's laws. That seems to be the largest segment in the mainstream denominations and among the leadership among many others, especially Catholics. I know several people who have been told by their pastors that in the event of gun confiscation orders, that the pastors will inform the authorities of who has firearms in their congregations.
Term Limits is a book more people need to read but maybe not...
All federal, state, and local cops total about 1 million, of which only a fraction are tactical entry trained.
Look at the recent cases of 1 man shooting back at raids to see how badly cops would do with more than miniscule amounts of pushback...
And then there are, as you said, the ones who won't support raids like this - how much damage can they do? It doesn't take much to flatten tires, contaminate fuel supplies, "forget" to change dead radio batteries and much more...
I hope they never go there, but if they do it won't go well for them.
Brother, I sorely miss our SF Brother WeaponsMan; gone far too soon. I know he's in Valhalla waiting with beverages, but I sure wish he was here. I'll dedicate the first ten targets "serviced" to his memory.
Boat Guy
Nah, they shouldn't; but we should always ask WWHBD?
Boat Guy
THERE’S my Aesop. As in sopping wet. I’ve missed you. Write to me harder. ALL of you boys! Bring me more hope! Promise me these retarded faggots aren’t going to be allowed to destroy what my ancestors suffered and scraped for. That my gorgeous daughters won’t be ravaged by savage hoards. That America is still alive and kicking. My grandfathers are dead. And ever since I’ve been asking myself on the reg, “Where are the good guys?”
I know, I know. And no - I’m not a fed. But I gotta stop now because I’m too turned on and I’ll say all sorts of stupid, girly shit. Oh God YES. Please don’t block me 💋
Just playing devil's advocate. Let's say 20 terrorists working in 2 man teams attack 10 school buses with ar15's and glocks. 30 kids per bus. Death toll 10 drivers 300 children. Media propaganda makes covid19 look like a weather report. Congress bans semi auto firearms because an election is coming up. And now comes the the part that nobody sees coming. The cops won't be coming to get your guns. You'll turn them in due to social pressure and if that doesn't work. The letter from the shtf telling you that if you don't turn your guns in then your debit and credit cards will be shut off, your bank account frozen, your car will be shut off, you'll even be fired from your job. 99 percent of the guns will be turned in. Not anyone here of course but you get the idea.
Check your math.
1000 teams doing 2 raids/day on 100M gun owners would only take them 139 years.
By Day Three there would be 300 teams left.
By Day Seven there might be forty or fifty teams, if you combined the survivors of partial teams.
Enthusiasm for continued raids, at that point, would be a negative number.
So would recruitment.
By the end of Week Two, the tables turn, and the citizens start hunting feds.
By Week Three, there's no feds left to hunt, and we start on their overlords, and the people that put them in power.
After that, it gets biblical right quick.
Long time lurker here.
I have a hard time figuring out how our side becomes organized into a workable force. Your numbers look good, if we get organized. I just don't see that happening in a short time frame. Lack of leadership, planning, etc.
Help a skeptic out here.
amen, Boat, amen. RIP Kevin
Original Grandpa
@Anonymous Skeptic,
Shoot the targets closest to you. Work outwards.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
Organization required: Zero.
The only three requirements are the marksmanship, ammunition, and the motivation to use the first two.
Lexington Common was a debacle for freedom.
Except to establish the ROE going forward.
That's what "organized" gets you.
The road to Boston from Concord Bridge was a strategic victory and a rout.
That's what simply "motivated" gets you.
Second example:
Three flights on 9/11 were "organized".
On Flight 93, "organized" ran headfirst into "motivated".
Organized failed spectacularly.
You tell us which is preferable to you.
Deep state going confiscatory and tyrannical on the Bill of Rights is going to take "motivated" to 11.
In hours, if not minutes.
No need. Think "Americong". You got local accountability? There ya go.
You should read Math Bracken's "Dear Mr Security Agent" a bit dated now but arguably still on point.
Boat Guy
Texas and about 35 states will secede that day.
No, they won't.
They'll collectively declare the DC government to be a de facto tyrannical abortion, and destroy it and all its agents and adherents, in about a month. Possibly in about a week.
There will be no secession, there will simply be recognition that the republic has suffered a tyrannical coup, and a reckoning and readjustment will occur.
Being a federal employee at that point will adjust one's life expectancy down to a span measured between hours, and minutes.
The Red Chinese will likely have a number of special forces personnel, and they could easily organize and lead Antifa and NFAC militias.
Ah, I see that you are going with the Matt Bracken “What I Saw At The Coup” approach:
Antifa has always just been rent-a-mob.
They'll get what they pay for.
I've read it, but no.
I'm going with the "Shoot everything you can see" approach.
It'll be mostly over before anything more organized is necessary.
If even 1% of gun owners shoot one target apiece, you've delivered 50% casualties to all civilian enforcement in the first volley.
Morale plummets after that, and the desertions start in earnest.
That's why I think the military will tell the civil authority to "Get fucked!", and lock themselves inside their bases, and see who runs the country next week.
Hint: It won't be Team Tyranny.
For now. Chicom special forces will factor that in if they try to recruit them, and the Reds aren’t concerned with expendable troops’ well-being.
Of course. Because the military has zero leftist personnel below O-6, the Chinese/Cubans/Venezuelans/Nicaraguans would never get involved, killing 50% of law enforcement won’t create a power vacuum, and the right would never be fooled into prematurely declaring victory.
The Bolsheviks started out with two cities, and defeated multiple opponents whose armies were filled with WW1 veterans who brought back their guns and ammo from the front. Not to mention international groups who intervened on behalf of the whites.
Never underestimate the Reds.
Leftists in the military would quickly become an endangered species, foreign invasion would trigger the military to be the military, and the one imperative they'd have would be self-preservation, not expending their efforts, as well as limited blood and treasure on Americans. They'll stand down, or they'll cease to exist in short order, for a host of reasons, not least of which because outside their bases, (and frequently even on them) they'd be hip-deep in Red Zone territory if they picked a side. Picking a side would result in gunfire from without, and within. They'll stand down, and serve the winner, out of enlightened self-interest, and they won't welcome any foreign intervention.
Killing 50% of law enforcement would only create a power vacuum of douchebadges, and the new power would be the people who got rid of them in the first place, which is a subspecies of the genus that believes in community policing with a vengeance, and the new penalty for misbehavior would be a rope, not a lefty public defender and probation. FAFO would be in full effect.
We're not Russia in 1917.
And the current Bolsheviks have nothing to offer anyone on either side but death, in return for a failed ideology. Even the squishy middle isn't buying their bullshit now, and the second casualty would be the organs of propaganda and control.
Kiss the mass media and the internet goodbye, and this turns into a war at the local level, and blue hives aren't going to be having the best of that contest, ever.
Exactly; "organized" I'd how you get rolled up."Leadership" is unnecessary if you understand Commanders Intent (and you should). Think globally, act locally.
Boat Guy
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