Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Just Wondering...



Mike Hendrix said...

Oh, that's an easy one: exactly whatever the Power TOLD her to do.

Anonymous said...

Aw, already stole her biggest accomplishment; being a literal prostitute. LITERALLY her only worth is what's between her legs. The woman literally wouldn't be ANYWHERE today if it wasn't for slick willie brown & God knows how many other sex-for-jobs escapades she engaged in. Since all politicians are whores / bought & paid for; what does it make heels-up that she's LITERALLY given sex for jobs / cars / cash, AND she's also a politician? Disgusting she's even allowed to sully the WH with her filth.

tweell said...

Well, she covered for gay priests that were to be prosecuted in return for favors and cash while in the DA's office in San Francisco. Then she was the Sheriff of Silicon Valley, getting big donations from big tech while California AG.
Wait, you meant something other than enriching herself?

Maj. D. Saster said...

She cast the vote to sic the IRS on service workers to track their tip income.

Anonymous said...

Picked the only person that could reliably act as life insurance policy as her VP choice.

John Wilder said...

Nothing. No ideas. Nothing.

June J said...

Put a lot of black men in prison for possession of small amounts of weed?