Sunday, July 28, 2024

They Think We Don't Notice This


John Wilder said...

They are all in, all working off the same memo. Wonder if she keeps floundering if they'll pull her and replace her. The clock is ticking.

Night driver said...

Sinatra in "Manchurian Candidate" ????

Night Driver

Aesop said...


Tucanae Services said...

Factoid: Harris has the worse staff turn over rate of any VP on record. Very transformative as in people transform themselves elsewhere to get away from that snarky, sniveling bitch.

Anonymous said...

She’ll get the Teleprompter Pro upgrade now with the 128 IQ option. So smart and classy.


Anonymous said...

I don't think you could boost her IQ 70 points, even if the teleprompter was in her head.

edutcher said...

Democrat voter M2024.