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Also 2 Job Losses, 1 Firing, and 1 Fleeing For His Life. Huzzah! |
"In the age of social media, a single post can alter lives in an instant. This was the harsh reality for Matt Croyle, a resident of Oil City, and until recently, the city's First Ward Constable.
Croyle's now-infamous X post on July 3rd has not only gone viral, but he says has also cost him his job, his civic role, and potentially his place in his hometown.
Dulce et decorum est.
O frabjous day! Callou! Callay!
File this communist shit's whinging under Boo frickin' hoo.
The post, intended to express his fear of increasing political extremism and the potential for civil conflict, he says, was immediately met with backlash and went viral, amplified by influential figures on the platform.
Nice try, lying shitbags, but it was multiple posts, including hoping "some pissed-off left-wing whackadoodle" took pot shots at a former president and current presidential front-runner, while advocating the murder of every one of his supporters as necessary.
There was no "fear of increasing political extremism", Gavin Fish, you mendacious communist twatwaffle, your fellow bomb-thrower Croyle was throwing molotov cocktails onto the bonfire of political extremism, and only a lying sack of shit with the same belief system could characterize his delusional rants as anything but inflammatory incitement to murder on a nationwide scale.
In the controversy's wake, Croyle posted an open letter to the community, attempting to clarify his intentions and address the fallout.
"I did not, and would not, advocate for the killing of, or threaten, anyone. Period." he wrote.
Yes, in fact, crocodile-teary Croyle did issue the above bald-faced lies, to no one's surprise, and convincing absolutely no one. He also advocated that people should commit mass murder on a antionwide scale over political beliefs, as most communist pig traitors do. Douchebadges gonna douchbadge, and Leftard lying mediaholes gonna be Leftard lying mediaholes. I'm surprised Fish could type this twaddle with his tongue so far up Croyle's asshole, but apparently he's flexible both morally and physically.
Croyle admitted he made a mistake when he made his post.
"That was a huge mistake on my part because I'm the least scary person in the world. I am not violent by any means. I don't want anything to do with violence. If that hypothetical situation that I was talking about were to ever happen, I would literally leave the country," he stated.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, says the Bullshit Artist caught with his social media pants around his ankles. He just wanted to let everyone else know that they should "kill their friends and family members who support Trump". But Mattie-poo had no intention of doing any such thing, because he's so fragile, and gentle, and peaceful. Matt Croyle is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've known in my life.
And totally full of nothing but shit, from the soles of his feet to the crown of his empty head.
And after (gasp!) Matt the Terrorist got caught expressing exactly the criminal terroristic threats he couldn't help but post, what happened?
Following the backlash, Croyle said he deleted his X and Facebook accounts and went into hiding to protect himself and his loved ones.
"It's just beyond my comprehension. My initial instinct was to protect myself and anybody else I care about. And that was the reasoning for disappearing online."
In short, Croyle admits he was too fucking stupid to know that hoping for a political assassination that would probably trigger open civil war, and openly calling for the outright murder of 80M-90M Americans was liable to get him punched in the mouth, or worse, especially while living in a town with a population of under 10,000 people, in a majority-Republican county. Until he suddenly figured it out, just about the time the local fuzz, the state police, and the Secret Service all came calling to talk about his fever dreams of assassination and mass murder, helpfully posted online for the whole world to see.
Croyle said his post, and the subsequent fallout, led to his resignation from his position as constable.
Yeah, criminal investigations of terrorist threats by badged and sworn officers of the state tend to have that kind of fallout.
"I did not want the county to have any kind of fallout, or backlash, about me being an elected official," he explained.
He also didn't want to face a grand jury over those statements, and pull three to five years in a PA or federal prison.
BTW, in the so-called 2023 election Croyle allegedly "won", there were no candidates filed, and Croyle received exactly one (1) write-in vote - HIS OWN, presumably - (out of 15 such). I'm not making that up: see page 21 of Vanango County Election Reports for yourself. Kind of makes one wonder how Croyle was [s]elected, with a 12-way tie, do'n'it?
And why, praytell, nobody else wrote him in. No adult relatives?? No friends? He could have been the clear winner if he'd gotten just one more legal vote. Anyone else smell fish here?
Somebody want to call Hannity? Glenn Beck? Just wondering...
His desire to protect the integrity of elections had driven him to run for constable, he said, rather than a desire to work in law enforcement.
He said he also lost his job at a local non-profit.
All together now: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwww, what a terrible shame!" You psychotic piece of shit. Hopefully you have to flee to worker's paradises like Cuba or Venezuela for the rest of your miserable life, too, and get the shit kicked out of you there, for good measure.
And save your gas, Matt: we've seen what Democommunists think are "free and fair" elections in PA.
Were you going to bring your own Black Panther thugs to the polling stations, or do they provide them for you when you call? And will you be able to sell the posterboard and plywood you had stockpiled for those 3AM vote counts behind blacked out windows,
So Criminal Croyle is now no longer even a Keystone Kop Konstable, one step ahead of the criminal indictments, and also fired from some other leftist non-profit that doesn't want any of the heat - or crazy - Matt brings wherever he walks now. And he's in hiding(!). Sounds like he got off lightly.
This couldn't have happened to a more deserving Leftard murderous piece of shit. And his caterwauling and pants-pissing self-pity party about gravity working is going to have us laughing all the way to end of the year.
Word to your mother, Matt: You live in a 58% [R]epublican county. The kind of PA county that produced guys like the ones we saw in The Deer Hunter. So you'd best be looking over your shoulder pretty much every day until you die. You took the mask off, asshole. We know what you're about. Maybe some perfectly sensible, clever, rational, right-wing Everyday Joe may decide PA doesn't need your kind anymore.
Perhaps you'd best look into a plane ticket to Havana. I don't think you have much future in Oil City any more. And it only took you telling the truth about your hopes and dreams, and seven days in America, to get us there.
How great is that, America!
This blog takes great pleasure (when the laughter dies down) in presenting Matt Croyle, formerly of Oil City PA the well-deserved award of the FAFO Medal, for incredible stupidity and mendacity in public. We give you sincere congratulations on your first award, Matt, and express our heartfelt desire that you earn a second award very soon, hopefully with a gold star denoting posthumous recognition.
We're extremely happy about any part we played in exposing you and bringing about your current situation, and only wish we could've done more. Because you richly deserve everything you've gotten, and everything that follows, plus oh so much more.
Oh, and Moldylocks says "Hi."
We leave shitbag Croyle and the online jackhole giving him the linked and quoted oh-so-sad ceremonial tongue bath with but one more happy thought as consolation for all the violence they keep wistfully and witlessly egging on, as if they're somehow both invisible and bulletproof:
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Leftards: You're not going to get what you like, and you're not going to like what you get. |
The relief I feel, Finally, CONSEQUENCES...
How many times have we seen idiots, I think it was Madonna, sayin something about someone needs to blow up the Whitehouse? Others have mouthed off, and I didn't See anything happen. I guess this Jakkass didn't see anything happen to them either.
But remember, Trump is the tyrant.
I've seen him on X when others save his shit #theinternetisforever.
Maybe someday we will see his obit posted.
Deranged leftie
You left out the most ironic part of the interview:
According to Croyle, he’s been in touch with a local police agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
“They have and will have every single threat that was sent to me today,” he said.
Really, Mr. Darkened Kettle?
He's no doubt had his life threatened.
He also deserves all those threats.
ZFG, Miguel.
I also whacked out the part where he whines about being "doxxed", which thing never happened.
He posted his own hometown and info in multiple places on the 'net, and thought none of this was ever going to bite him in the ass.
But if someone posted his home address, I'd happily post it as well.
Then he'd have been doxxed.
But it never happened.
He tied a tin can to himself, and played hopscotch in a minefield, in No Man's Land.
And can't figure out why everything around him is explosions and machinegun fire.
This is the most hilarious self-disassembly I've seen online in years.
I hope it keeps going, and I can award him that FAFO with gold star cluster.
OK, but a burning question - what is the name of the nonprofit? Tards like this usually flock together. Merely a background check you understand, known associates. Keep the AO defined.
yup he wants a pol pot style revolution in a state where the first day of deer season the schools are let out. yup that will work out nicely.
Hey! Hey! Hey you guys. Lighten up. He said he was sorry. And his mom probably gave him a hug and cookies and milk when he got home to repair the damage to his ego from the scorn and derision he received.
Consequences, oh, how they sting.
He's up in the part of Pennsylvania where one can see Confederate flags. Yes, really. As a native Pennsylvanian, I cussed them out when I saw them on a trip up there recently. We're Yankees, dammit.
Anyhow, he gets bonus stupidity points for not knowing where to lip off in addition to how to and when to. FAFO indeed.
Other than the major cities, PA is red. Just like practically everywhere else.
It's known as Penntucky for a reason.
Look up Schrodinger's Douchebag on Urban Dictionary. Matt Croyle fits.
I think he founded and ran the Oil Valley Film Festival, but it isn't a non-profit from what I can see. Nothing in Charity Navigator or Guidestar, and nothing registered with the state of PA, nor is the name trademarked per PA records.
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