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The only thing dangerous about this roof was the loose wingnut on top. |
1) Congress tried to pull Trump's USSS protective detail months ago.
2) Now TPTB are turd-floating the fairytale that they upped his protection because of a plot even the Iranians deny.
3) So Trump's Butler appearance was what heightened protection looks like? Sh'yeah, when monkeys fly outta my ass.
4) The 20 y.o. Whacktard Patsy working a minimum-wage restaurant gig magically has zero online presence, exactly like 0.00000fucking00% of his peers do. Change "monkeys" flying outta my ass to "gorillas".
5) He drives to an event 60 miles away from home.
6) Swarming with USSS and police, he pulls straight into the po-po local command post, walks a big black war bag over to a 15+' ladder, and climbs it and his dweeby ass onto the roof of the exact building nearest the front of the stage, which miraculously has no LE presence on top of it whatsoever, with police SWAT teams inside that very building. Nothing happens.
7) His presence is noted as suspicious, and he's photo'ed (instantly shared to all LE in the area) 26 minutes before the shooting starts. Nothing happens.
8) He's spotted on the roof, and ID'ed using a rangefinder over 5 minutes before he opened fire. Nothing happens.
9) No one notices a 15' ladder propped up against the building, despite LE supposedly looking for the missing "suspicious subject".
10) Dozens of local folks with cell phone cameras pinpoint the Whacktard getting set in position, and are screaming at the cops and USSS about a guy, on the roof, with a rifle. Nothing happens.
11) A local Keystone Kop gets a Laurel-andHardy boost up to the roof, and the Whacktard points his rifle right at the Kop, who shits his pants, falls to the ground, and calls in "man with a gun" on the rooftop in direct view of the stage, and the Principal. Nothing happens.
12) Counter-sniper team identifies him using a range-finder, and having a rifle, and watch him setting up and lining up on the podium for 3+ minutes. Nothing happens.
13) The local po-po Squat Team (that's what they do), having decided it's too hot to be on the roof, and too unsafe for them to be up on that roof, because it has about a 2° pitch, is instead on the ground, sitting inside the exact building on which Whacktard is crawling, with no visibility of anything. Nothing happens.
14) Whacktard takes up a position where he can see the target, but is screened (how serendipitously convenient!) from one of the countersniper teams by intervening trees. Nothing happens.
15) The other team, watching him for minutes, can't get anyone in charge on the common radio freq to give them a green light to open fire on an unidentified rifleman sighting in on the podium where Trump is currently speaking for 3 minutes. Nothing happens.
16) The cops inside the building could have simply opened fire straight up through the metal roof, if only to give Whacktard something else to think about besides lining up his shot. Nothing happens.
17) Whacktard goes full shitshow, firing rounds at a Trump-sized target (6'3", 215#) at stupid-close range, and gets off at least 4 rounds, and perhaps as many as 8 or 9. He hits three people in the crowd beyond Trump, and puts one round in the 0-point zone on a B-21 target, Trump's right ear, missing his skull - which would have been a kill-shot - by less than an inch.
Only NOW do the police counter-snipers open fire, and ventilate Whacktard.
18) Fat slobs on the "protection" detail take cover below the stage, and eventually, make a half-assed cover mound around Trump. Despite their best efforts, he's still alive, and they now take a glacially long time to get him up, and shuffle his ass to The Beast limo.
19) Fat asses on the team struggle to get the doors closed and the vehicle out of the area, and are notably corpulent, somnolent, and ignorant of dealing with exactly this scenario, even though it's their primary reason for existence in the first place.
20) It rapidly emerges that all parties blame each other, no one was responsible for the multiple criminally stupid failures at this event, and the Whacktard dead on the roof might as well have been an illegal alien from Mars for all they can uncover about him, his contacts, his co-conspirators, or his motivations.
21) The same FBI that lied about Hunter Biden's laptop, lied about the faked Trump dossier, let Shrillary off the hook, let Biden off the hook, raided Mir-A-Lago, and lied about documents they did not, in fact, find there, is placed in charge of investigating the "loud noises" at the event. Supervised by DHS head Mayorkas, and DoJ head Garland, the latter in contempt of Congress as we speak, and the former in contempt of the Constitution and the borders of the United States.
There is quite simply no brush wide enough to get by with calling all this "incompetence". It's not miles away from incompetence. It's oceans and continents beyond mere incompetence. So what does that leave...?
Quit fucking around, kids. Come to Jesus, and admit what's obvious even to Stevie Wonder, from space:
The Powers That Be Set Donald Trump Up For Assassination, and did everything they could short of handing out maps, rifles, and backstage passes to every pissed-off Left-Wing fucktard and whackadoodle in three states to make it happen. Then they cut the only link that could reveal their work, and are now actively stonewalling any sort of actual investigation.
Media races around to say shooter was a Republican, but I was an Independent at one time and registered at Republican to vote in a primary election. This also ignores Rush Limbaugh's Operation Chaos back in 2008 where he urges his listeners to register or switch their registration to Democrat to screw with their primary and keep Hillary Clinton in the race. Clinton actually leaned into that one - I had family that received mailers from Clinton's campaign asking for their vote. I don't think she knew why Rush did it but she thought it would help. Basically, I doubt it's the sinister clue the Left wishes it to be.
Sadly, people STILL do not grok it.
I don't know what to do... I don't think anything can be done. I think half the country is hopelessly too far gone. For whatever reason... maybe they're not bright enough, mal-educated through public school, tiktok brained, or just straight up inundated with propaganda... Whatever the reason, you could march them into boxcars and they'll compliment the guards by thanking them for their service.
The parts that are left, if you can get them to have an intelligent conversation on the topic, have admitted to me they're too scared to contemplate the topic. My wife in particular... They're scared by the thought, and the secondary complications. They never get to tertiary or quaternary effects, they hit that first if-then conclusion and lock up:
If the government didn't protect Trump, then they must be trying to kill him? That means, ZOMG.... Full stop.
Pick your topic of the last 8 years, it's all the same.
I get it. I've had this conversation in support of my wife, it IS painful to think about what that means... but it doesn't make it any less real? Still, they demure, ignore, and stick their head in the sand rather than admit we've reached the clean-up phase of a communist take over at the federal level. They see it happening, admit that yeah, thats sure what it looks like they're doing... But nut up and do something? Nah, I'm not even going to post about it on facebook.
The Romans were right, Goebel's expounded on it... People love their comfort. They will put up with A LOT of BS, so long as certain comforts aren't disrupted. Bread and circuses. Today we have SNAP and Cellphones. Orwell nailed it.
There is talk this morning and on scene witness video of other shooters/shots coming from the unprotected water tower and/ or the Gymnasium located 500 yards away from the Lecturn.
Mike Yon has some interesting points about the one in a million NY Times photographer's photo of the bullet in flight that was caught on film after passing through Trumps ear. Yon suggests that the photographer would need to have set the shutter speed at an extremely high level in order to get that pic. This supposedly would not be done for a stationary subject. It suggests the NYT photog was expecting to photograph something moving that fast.
The shooter had no criminal record, was only 20. They claimed they positively identified him by DNA in a couple of hours. How very curious. About the only way I can imagine they pulled that off would be if they pulled the car registration out of the glovebox of the shooter's auto, called the listed home address asked the registered owner who was driving that car today and asked for a DNA sample from a relative. Still seems very unlikely it could be done in that timeframe. It also seems unlikely they would go to the trouble of a DNA identification unless that DId Not have his vehicle, which is not the case.
Great stuff Aesop. Please keep updating this list as more impossible coincidences come to light.
Spot on...about sums it up...altho I'd add that some in the crowd witnessed multiple shooters, one being at the direct line of sight water tower who was [allegedly] also killed. "Reports" indicate this 20 yo Wet Noodle with (apparently) no family or friends to interview drove up in his Hyundai Sonata or some such (typical) vehicle yet a van was towed away as "the Perps".
Getting more obvious this was an Op...because The Dem's...have...nothing...so hell, just kill the opposition -- which is sorta kinda like Vlad Z is nearly doing (suspended election, political opposition jailed, etc) while the Lindsay Graham's of Congress [intentionally] send more of We The People's money to prop up this short-man complex hoodie-wearing A/h instead of ventilating him and giving the country back to it's citizens.
BTW, read earlier the aforementioned Sen. Weasel Graham (if it looks like a weasel, talks like a weasel, and acts like a weasel...well, there you have it) was involved in Georgia election interference/influence to exclude PDJT ballots. 'Shot at dawn' would be The Founders treatment for these rapacious/seditious scumbags who think: a) they are better than anyone else simply by position (which is actually a reduction), and b) are untouchable. What they are...are cowards and weaklings elevated beyond the Junior High locker they got stuffed into as a kid during gym class because they annoyed everyone around them yet now are enacting their emotional revenge.
This was an Operation...and as you say...there will be more attempts. Candidate Trump (who basically won Nov. 5th on July 13th) likely has hired private security who actually take their jobs seriously...and run a mile without falling over...or holster their weapon.
Small comfort but if this is the best that TPTB can do, their scheming will be their downfall. The fact that TPTB don't want to get their hands dirty should tell us something.
Couple more to add to your list:
* Since the perp had been noticed before the principal rose to dais why did the SS even permit him to go? Should have called an audible that the site was hot.
* Where was air support? Even high end drones for this kind of mission are not that expensive with a govt budget. Yet there was none.
Unfortunately you are almost certainly correct. And what's even sadder.... they'll get away with it.
70 to 80% of the general population got 1 to 4 "cripple, kill, retard your ass" injections 3 years ago. 90 plus percent of Feds got them. I think it was planned along with shit tons of sudden onset incompetency. Also the Fed minion retards are afraid of legal cancel culture. Awaiting your professional medical opinion.
Another site noted that CNN was live broadcasting from the notably small Butler, PA rally, when the RNC was two days away. CNN hasn't covered Trump live since forever.
That writer also noted that had Trump been murdered before he was named the Presidential candidate, and had named his Vice President, that the RNC would be able to name a slate free of Trumps' influence.
Uniparty, anyone?
I remember when Reagan was shot. What a difference in reaction. They were on him like stink on do do. Tim McCarthy took one for the team. No bullet proof vest just turned to fave Hinkley and waited for it.
You assume Fucktard (lets call him Patsy) was the primary shooter. He likely wasn't. His shots were all, every one, relatively un-aimed into the crowd. The first shot wasn't. Just bad luck on the primary shooters part that Trump turned his head at that exact moment. Listen tot he shots...the first one, then the rapid(ish) fire from the AR right after that.....Pop POP.. pop pop pop pop. The patsy shot randomly AFTER the first shot. Adn his skill shows in the follow up shots, really.
The people investigating are still sure that Epstein Killed Himself also. We can trust them. Truly.
The thing that irks me the most is that they know their story is weak, and they simply don't care 'cause they know you and I can't do anything about it.
Also, I would ask why no drone or helicopter oversight of the scene. They do it at Biden's events...they did it at my local Independence Day parade for chrissake.........But not at Trump's rally that day.. and did ya notice that the Media, who usually only sorta after the fact reports on Trump's rallies, were covering it live? ?
Yeah, my initial conclusion was widespread DEI-inspired incompetence. But there's simply too much "coincidence" here to believe that any longer.
Yup, the more we hear, the more it stinks.
Sad to say they likely will try again. Pray that they will not. Pray that he who watched over DJT continues to do so.
We have this ONE LAST CHANCE to work this out peaceably; but work it out, we will.
PT. Charge your batteries. Dope your pieces. Train your friends.
Unleash hell if necessary.
Boat Guy
Im no security expert but even I would have put someone on top of anything within 600 yds that could get eyes on that stage and i would have had a couple drones floating around checking just for the hell of it. Seems the SS is a buncha loosers
<a href="https://youtu.be/AYhq0M3Bqy4?si=8TibUG35TkZoMPkE”>Trump stock shorted day before assassination attempt</a>
The theory of 2 shooters, one a pro, the other a patsy, is interesting.
The patsy shooting a .223 @ 150 yds: with a 55gr bullet, impact velocity at Trumps ear would be around 2600fps.
The pro shooting from say, 500 meters with a .308 175 gr HPBT: impact velocity at Trumps ear would be around 1700 fps.
IIRC, when impact velocity exceeds about 2400fps, wounds tend to show "explosive" effects.
Your thoughts, Aesop?
Anyone taking a shot with anything less than .30 cal. is an idiot.
While a headshot inside 300Y is child's play for an experienced shooter, anyone not taking a center-of-mass chest shot is a moron.
While I'm far above average with a rifle, I'm not anywhere in the top 1/2% who're National Match-quality marksmen.
The only possible reason for using an AR platform that I can see is take-down ease.
In which case he should have been using 77gr. slugs.
But that still would've left an AR-10 as the choice, not an AR-15.
There was no "pro" shooting at Trump.
If there had been, Trump would have been quite simply dead.
Secondly, you don't mix-and-match, because the forensics afterwards wouldn't match the Patsy's rifle, which would have screamed "conspiracy".
Go watch The Package and Shooter again.
Same bullets in both weapons is a necessity.
Something even screenwriters can figure out is received wisdom from the mountain.
That's why the "two shooters" bilge is straight fairytale hogwash, no chaser.
This was One Lone Fucktard.
Wound up and assisted, beyond reasonable doubt, but one fucktard it was.
Otherwise Trump would have been full of holes.
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